Larissa Dorothea Kruse,
Christopher Florian Holte,
Barlomiej Zapotoczny,
Eike Christopher Struck,
Jasmin Schürstedt,
Wolfgang Hubner
Hydrogen peroxide damage to rat liver sinusoidal endothelial cells is prevented by n-acetyl-cysteine but not GSH
Hepatology communications. 2025
Eike Christopher Struck,
Tatiana Belova,
Ping-Han Hsieh,
Jacob Olof Odeberg,
Marieke Kuijjer,
Philip James Dusart
Global Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Distinct Phases of the Endothelial Response to TNF
Sofia Maria Öling,
Eike Christopher Struck,
Marthe Norreen-Thorsen,
Martin Zwahlen,
K von Felitzen,
Jacob Olof Odeberg
A human stomach cell type transcriptome atlas
Hong Mao,
Larissa Dorothea Kruse,
Ruomei Li,
Ana Oteiza,
Eike Christopher Struck,
Jasmin Schürstedt
Impact of oxidized low-density lipoprotein on rat liver sinusoidal endothelial cell morphology and function.
Marthe Norreen-Thorsen,
Eike Christopher Struck,
Sofia Maria Öling,
Martin Zwahlen,
Kalle Von Feilitzen,
Jacob Odeberg
A human adipose tissue cell-type transcriptome atlas