Shayan Dadman,
Bernt Arild Bremdal,
Børre Bang,
Rune Dalmo
Toward Interactive Music Generation: A Position Paper
Tanita Fossli Brustad,
Aleksander Pedersen,
Børre Bang
Targeted Sanding and Its Impact on Heavy Hauler Pull Force and Surface Friction
Journal of cold regions engineering 2021
Tanita Fossli Brustad,
Aleksander Pedersen,
Børre Bang
A field study of sensors for winter road assessment
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP) 2020
Tatiana Kravetc,
Børre Bang,
Rune Dalmo
Regression analysis using a blending type spline construction
Springer Publishing Company 2017
Jostein Bratlie,
Rune Dalmo,
Børre Bang
Wavelet compression of spline coefficients
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2015
Rune Dalmo,
Jostein Bratlie,
Børre Bang
Performance of a Wavelet Shrinking method
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2015
Arne Lakså,
Børre Bang
Surface constructions on irregular grids
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2015
Aleksander Pedersen,
Børre Bang
Blending Type Spline Constructions: A Brief Overview
AIP Publishing (American Institute of Physics) 2015
Rune Dalmo,
Jostein Bratlie,
Børre Bang,
Arne Lakså
Smooth Spline Blending Surface approximation over a triangulated Irregular Network
International Journal of Applied Mathematics (IJAM) 2014
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Peter Balint Zanaty,
Børre Bang,
Arne Lakså
Smooth partition of unity with Hermite interpolation: applications to image processing
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering 2012
Børre Bang,
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Arne Lakså,
Peter Balint Zanaty
Blending Functions for Hermite Interpolation by Beta-Function B-Splines on Triangulations
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Børre Bang,
Arne Lakså,
Jostein Bratlie
Solving Closest-Point Multidimensional Computational Geometric Problems on Graphics Proccesing Units [abstract]
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Jostein Bratlie,
Børre Egil Johan Bang,
Arne Lakså,
Joakim Gundersen
Wavelet-Based Lossless One-and Two-Dimensional Representation of Multidimensional Geometric Data
Arnt Roald Kristoffersen,
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Arne Lakså,
Børre Egil Johan Bang
Comparison between Polynomial, Euler Beta-Function and Expo-Rational B-Spline Bases
AIP Conference Proceedings 2011
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Peter Balint Zanaty,
Arne Lakså,
Børre Egil Johan Bang
First Instances of Generalized Expo‐Rational Finite Elements on Triangulations
AIP Conference Proceedings 2011
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Børre Egil Johan Bang,
Arne Lakså,
Peter Balint Zanaty
Multivariate Hermite interpolation on scattered point sets using tensor-product expo-rational B-splines
AIP Conference Proceedings 2011
Lubomir Dechevski,
Arne Lakså,
Joakim Gundersen,
Børre Bang,
Arnt Roald Kristoffersen,
Peter Balint Zanaty
Vertex-based "marching" algorithms for finding multidimensional geometric intersections
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering 2010
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Børre Egil Johan Bang,
Joakim Gundersen,
Arne Lakså,
Arnt Roald Kristoffersen
Solving non-linear systems of equations on graphics processing units
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2010
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Joakim Gundersen,
Børre Egil Johan Bang
Computing n-variate orthogonal discrete wavelet transforms on graphics processing units
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2010
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Arne Lakså,
Børre Egil Johan Bang,
Joakim Gundersen,
Arnt Roald Kristoffersen,
Peter Balint Zanaty
Vertex-based "marching" algorithms for finding multidimensional geometric intersections
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering 2010
Arne Lakså,
Børre Bang,
Lubomir T. Dechevski
Geometric modelling with Beta-function B-splines. I: Parametric curves
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2010
Arne Lakså,
Børre Bang,
Lubomir T. Dechevski
Geometric modelling with Beta-function B-splines. II: Tensor-product parametric surfaces
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2010
Jan-Arne Pettersen,
Anders Segerstedt,
Børre Bang
Three-dimensional performance surfaces-a tool for analysing and estimation of production system performances
International Journal of Production Research 2010
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Xian Feng Bu,
Børre Bang,
Arne Lakså
Variational calculus and multigrid dynamical programming on expo-rational tensor-product surfaces
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2009
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Børre Bang,
Arne Lakså
Generalized expo-rational B-splines
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2009
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Ewald Gunther Quak,
Børre Bang,
Arne Lakså,
Arnt R. Kristoffersen
Expo-rational spline multiwavelets
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Ewald Gunther Quak,
Børre Bang,
Arne Lakså,
Arnt R. Kristoffersen
Expo-rational spline multiwavelets: a first overview of definitions, properties, generalizations and applications
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics 2007
Tatiana Kravetc,
Børre Bang,
Rune Dalmo
Representation and application of spline-based finite elements
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2020
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Arne Lakså,
Børre Bang,
Péter Zanaty
First instances of generalized expo-rational finite elements on triangulations
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Jostein Bratlie,
Børre Bang,
Joakim Gundersen
First instances of a lossless one- and two-dimensional representations of multidimensional geometric data, with applications to GPU-programming
Arnt R. Kristoffersen,
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Arne Lakså,
Børre Bang
Comparison between polynominal and expo-rational B-spline bases
Arnt R. Kristoffersen,
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Arne Lakså,
Børre Bang
First instances of generalized expo-rational B-splines : Euler Beta-function B-splines
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Jostein Bratlie,
Børre Bang,
Arne Lakså,
Joakim Gundersen
Wavelet-based lossless one- and two-dimensional representation of multidimensional geometric data
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Arne Lakså,
Børre Bang,
Arnt R. Kristoffersen
First instances of generalized expo-rational B-splines on triangulations
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Børre Bang,
Arne Lakså,
Arnt R. Kristoffersen
Multivariate hermite interpolation in scattered point sets using tensor-product expo-rational B-splines
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Arne Lakså,
Børre Bang
Estimating the error of approximation of expo-rational B-splines by Romberg numerical quadratures : [abstract]
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Joakim Gundersen,
Børre Bang
Computing n-variate orthogonal discrete wavelet transforms on graphics processing units (GPUs)
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Børre Bang,
Joakim Gundersen,
Arne Lakså,
Arnt R. Kristoffersen
Solving non-linear systems of equations on graphics processing units (GPUs)
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Børre Bang,
Arne Lakså
Generalized expo-rational B-splines
Børre Bang,
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Joakim Gundersen,
Arnt R. Kristoffersen,
Arne Lakså
Computing multivariate intersections on the GPU : [abstract]
Universitetet i Oslo 2008
Børre Bang,
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Arnt R. Kristoffersen,
Arne Lakså
Generalized expo-rational B-splines for curves, surfaces, volume deformations and n-dimensional geometric modelling : [abstract]
Universitetet i Oslo 2008
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Arne Lakså,
Børre Bang
Evaluation of expo-rational B-splines by numerical quadratures, II: Gaussian quadratures
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Arne Lakså,
Børre Bang
Evaluation of expo-rational B-splines by numerical quadratures, I: Romberg integration
Børre Bang
Integration of Computer Aided Design and Computational Fluid Dynamics: Modeling, Simulation and Implementation
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Arne Lakså,
Børre Bang,
Arnt R. Kristoffersen
Approximation error of expo-rational B-spline interpolation, I: Lagrange, Hermite and Birkhoff interpolation
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Arne Lakså,
Børre Bang
Approximation error of expo-rational B-spline interpolation, II: Euler-McLaurin interpolation and sampling theory
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Ewald Gunther Quak,
Børre Bang,
Arne Lakså,
Arnt R. Kristoffersen
Expo-rational spline multiwavelets : a first overview of definitions, properties, generalizations and applications
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Arne Lakså,
Børre Bang
Generalized expo-rational B-splines : [abstract]
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Børre Bang,
Xian Feng Bu,
Arne Lakså
Variational calculus and multigrid dynamical programming on expo-rational surfaces and volume deformations: theory and applications : [abstract]
Lubomir T. Dechevski,
Arne Lakså,
Børre Bang
Introduction to generalized expo-rational B-splines