Nasrin Kianpoor,
Bjarte Hoff,
Trond Østrem,
Mojtaba Yousefi
Home Energy Management System for a Residential Building in Arctic Climate of Norway Using Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring and Deep Learning
IEEE transactions on industry applications 2024
Umer Sohail,
Trond Østrem,
Bjarte Hoff
An Adaptive Modulation Technique for Power Quality Improvement in Standalone Single-Phase Current Source Inverters
Hussein Mahdi Yaseen Al-Sallami,
Reiji Hattori,
Bjarte Hoff,
Trond Østrem
Under Seawater Capacitive Power Transfer for Maritime Charging Applications
Nasrin Kianpoor,
Bjarte Hoff,
Trond Østrem
Deep Adaptive Ensemble Filter for Non-Intrusive Residential Load Monitoring
Nasrin Kianpoor,
Bjarte Hoff,
Trond Østrem
Home Load Disaggregation using Deep Learning and Bayesian Optimization: A Case Study in Arctic Climate in Northern Norway
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2023
Umer Sohail,
Trond Østrem,
Bjarte Hoff
A Novel Technique to Mitigate the Overlap-Time Effect in Current Source Inverters
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2023
Hussein Mahdi Yaseen Al-Sallami,
Bjarte Hoff,
Trond Østrem
A Review of Power Converters for Ships Electrification
IEEE transactions on power electronics 2022
Hussein Mahdi Yaseen Al-Sallami,
Bjarte Hoff,
Pål Gunnar Ellingsen,
Trond Østrem
Conformal Transformation Analysis of Capacitive Wireless Charging
Hussein Al-Sallami,
Bjarte Hoff,
Trond Østrem
Maximum Available Power of Undersea Capacitive Coupling in a Wireless Power Transfer System
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2021
Hussein Al-Sallami,
Bjarte Hoff,
Trond Østrem
Optimal Solutions for Underwater Capacitive Power Transfer
Nasrin Kianpoor,
Bjarte Hoff,
Trond Østrem
Load modeling from smart meter data using neural network methods
IEEE conference proceedings 2021
Hussein Al-Sallami,
Bjarte Hoff,
Trond Østrem
Maximum Available Efficiency of Undersea Capacitive Coupling in a Wireless Power Transfer System
IEEE conference proceedings 2021
Hussein Al-Sallami,
Bjarte Hoff,
Trond Østrem
Evaluation of Capacitive Power Transfer for Small Vessels Charging Applications
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics 2020
Christian Bjerknes Nilsen,
Bjarte Hoff,
Trond Østrem
Framework for Modeling and Simulation of Household Appliances
Bjarte Hoff,
Pawan Sharma,
Trond Østrem
Thyristor based short circuit current injection in isolated grids
IEEE conference proceedings 2016
Bjarte Hoff,
Waldemar Sulkowski,
Trond Østrem
VSI Load Online State-space Estimator with FPGA Based Modulator-sampler
Trond Østrem,
Waldemar Sulkowski,
Abnery Jesus Ortiz Riquelme,
Sergey Klyapovskiy
Radial microgrid operation based on a BtB converter
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) 2011
Trond Østrem,
Waldemar Sulkowski,
Abnery Jesus Ortiz Riquelme
Indirect negative sequence voltage control for STATCOM supporting wind farms directly connected to the grid
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) 2011
Bjarte Hoff,
Waldemar Sulkowski,
Trond Østrem
Online STATCOM Load Estimation using Inverter Synchronized Sampler and Recursive Least-Squares
Trond Østrem,
Waldemar Sulkowski,
Lars Einar Norum,
Wang Yadong
Phase-Locked Loop with Adaptive Signal Cancellation for Three-phase Network Side Voltage Source Inverter
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2007
Trond Østrem,
Waldemar Sulkowski,
Lars E. Norum,
Chenxi Wang
Grid connected photovoltaic (PV) inverter with robust phase-locked loop (PLL)
Umer Sohail,
Trond Østrem,
Bjarte Hoff
Performance Evaluation of Single-Phase Current Source Inverter for Standalone Applications
Christian Bjerknes Nilsen,
Bjarte Hoff,
Trond Østrem
Framework for Modeling and Simulation of Household Appliances
Bjarte Hoff,
Trond Østrem
Når blir skipsfarten grønn?
Fremover 25. april 2018
Trond Østrem,
Torjus Folsland Bolkesjø,
Chunming Rong,
Robert Wolff,
Kjell Sand,
Geir Mathisen
Norwegian Smart Grid Research Strategy
Trond Østrem
Østrem har blitt doktor på strøm
21. juni 2008
Trond Østrem
Reliable Electric Power Conversion for Connecting Renewables to the Distribution Network
Henning Holmberg,
Trond Østrem,
Waldemar Sulkowski
FPGA PLL for high power factor and low harmonics content active rectifier