Bilde av Killengreen, Siw
Bilde av Killengreen, Siw
Professor Institutt for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk +4777660449 Her finner du meg

Siw Killengreen

  • Ove Gunnar Drageset, Kari-Anne Sæther, Yngve Antonsen, Annfrid Rosøy Steele, Siw Turid Killengreen, Astrid Unhjem :
    Using Research and Development to establish coherence in teacher education  
    Routledge 2024 OMTALE / SAMMENDRAG / DOI
  • Siw Turid Killengreen, Astrid Unhjem :
    «Veiledninga fra praksislærer sluttet liksom ikke den dagen vi var ferdige i praksis» En studie av trepartssamarbeid rundt lærerstudenters FoU-oppgave
    Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Eeva M Soininen, Magnus Magnusson, Jane Uhd Jepsen, Nina Elisabeth Eide, Nigel Gilles Yoccoz, Anders Angerbjörn m.fl.:
    Macroecological patterns of rodent population dynamics shaped by bioclimatic gradients
    Ecography 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Andrea Kjekshus Reite, Siw Turid Killengreen, Inger Else Mardal :
    Bør vi snakke om porno i barneskolen En studie om undervisning tilknyttet seksualitet og pornografi på mellomtrinnet
    Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Siw Turid Killengreen, Helene Lundberg, Ingrid Jensvoll, Jan Höper :
    Naturfag utenfor klasserommet fra et Nordnorsk perspektiv
    Nordic Studies in Science Education (NorDiNa) 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jennifer Stien, Audun Stien, Torkild Tveraa, Lars Rød-Eriksen, Nina Elisabeth Eide, Siw Turid Killengreen :
    Estimating abundance in unmarked populations of Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)
    Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lars Rød-Eriksen, Siw Turid Killengreen, Dorothee Ehrich, Rolf Anker Ims, Ivar Herfindal, Arild Landa m.fl.:
    Predator co-occurrence in alpine and Arctic tundra in relation to fluctuating prey
    Journal of Animal Ecology 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jennifer Alejandrina Carbonell Ellgutter, Dorothee Ehrich, Siw Turid Killengreen, Rolf Anker Ims, Ester Rut Unnsteinsdóttir :
    Dietary variation in Icelandic arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) over a period of 30 years assessed through stable isotopes
    Oecologia 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Elina Maria Sundstrøm, Siw Turid Killengreen, Stig Misund, Hans-Georg Køller :
    Realisering av utdanning for bærekraftig utvikling (UBU) - slik erfart av et utvalg naturfagslærere i videregående skole
    Nordic Studies in Science Education (NorDiNa) 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Torill Mørk, Rolf Anker Ims, Siw Turid Killengreen :
    Rodent population cycle as a determinant of gastrointestinal nematode abundance in a low-arctic population of the red fox
    International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Andrea Balboni, Morten Tryland, Torill Mørk, Siw Turid Killengreen, Eva Fuglei, Mara Battilani :
    Unique genetic features of canine adenovirus type 1 (CAdV-1) infecting red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in northern Norway and arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus) in Svalbard
    Veterinary research communications 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Dorothee Ehrich, Niels M. Schmidt, Gilles Gauthier, Ray Alisauskas, Anders Angerbjörn, Karin Clark m.fl.:
    Documenting lemming population change in the Arctic: Can we detect trends?
    Ambio 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Morten Tryland, Andrea Balboni, Siw Turid Killengreen, Torill Mørk, Ole Nielsen, Nigel Gilles Yoccoz m.fl.:
    A screening for canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus and carnivore protoparvoviruses in Arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus) and red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from Arctic and sub-Arctic regions of Norway
    Polar Research 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • John Markus Bjørndalen, Otto Anshus, Tore Brox-Larsen, Hoai Phuong Ha, Rolf Anker Ims, Jane Uhd Jepsen m.fl.:
    Building a Sensor System for a Large Scale Arctic Observatory
    IOS Press 2018 DOI
  • Eeva M Soininen, John-André Henden, Virve Ravolainen, Nigel Gilles Yoccoz, Kari Anne Bråthen, Siw Turid Killengreen m.fl.:
    Transferability of biotic interactions: temporal consistency of arctic plant-rodent relationships is poor
    Ecology and Evolution 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Håvard Thom, John Markus Bjørndalen, Eivind Flittie Kleiven, Eeva M Soininen, Siw Turid Killengreen, Dorothee Ehrich m.fl.:
    Using machine learning to provide automatic image annotation for wildlife camera traps in the Arctic
    2017 ARKIV
  • Rolf Anker Ims, Siw Turid Killengreen, Dorothee Ehrich, Øystein Flagstad, Sandra Hamel, John-André Henden m.fl.:
    Ecosystem drivers of an Arctic fox population at the western fringe of the Eurasian Arctic
    Polar Research 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Dominique Berteaux, Anne-Mathilde Thierry, Ray Alisauskas, Anders Angerbjörn, Eric Buchel, Liliya Doronina m.fl.:
    Harmonizing circumpolar monitoring of Arctic fox: benefits, opportunities, challenges and recommendations
    Polar Research 08. september 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bodil Elmhagen, Dominique Berteaux, Robert. M. Burgess, Dorothee Ehrich, Daniel Gallant, Heikki Henttonen m.fl.:
    Homage to Hersteinsson and Macdonald: climate warming and resource subsidies cause red fox range expansion and Arctic fox decline
    Polar Research 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Eva Fuglei, Dorothee Ehrich, Siw Turid Killengreen, Anna Y. Rodnikova, Aleksandr A. Sokolov, Åshild Ønvik Pedersen :
    Snowmobile impact on diurnal behaviour in the Arctic fox
    Polar Research 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Vendela K. Lagerholm, Karin Norén, Dorothee Ehrich, Rolf Anker Ims, Siw Turid Killengreen, Natalia I. Abramson m.fl.:
    Run to the hills: gene flow among mountain areas leads to low genetic differentiation in the Norwegian lemming
    Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2017 DOI
  • Dorothee Ehrich, Marita Anti Strømeng, Siw Turid Killengreen :
    Interference in the tundra predator guild studied using local ecological knowledge
    Oecologia 2015 DOI
  • Dorothee Ehrich, Rolf Anker Ims, Nigel Gilles Yoccoz, Nicolas Lecomte, Siw Turid Killengreen, Eva Fuglei m.fl.:
    What can stable isotope analysis of top predator tissues contribute to monitoring of tundra ecosystems?
    Ecosystems 2015 DOI
  • Eeva M Soininen, Ingrid Jensvoll, Siw Turid Killengreen, Rolf Anker Ims :
    Under the snow: a new camera trap opens the white box of subnivean ecology
    Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jan Höper, Siw Turid Killengreen, Andy Børge Sortland :
    Birget – Oppdrag sjølberging: An action research project on the use of Sami traditional knowledge as motivation for learning about biological diversity in science education
  • Astrid Unhjem, Siw Turid Killengreen :
    Hvordan opplevde studentene trepartssamarbeid rundt FoU-oppgaven i tredje studieår?
  • Siw Turid Killengreen, Gunnar Kristiansen :
    Hvordan bygge bro mellom Universitet og praksisskolene i lærerutdanningen? CHAT som et analyseverktøy i klasserommet
  • Ingrid Jensvoll, Siw Turid Killengreen, Rolf Anker Ims :
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Siw Turid Killengreen :
    Hvordan påvirkes biologisk mangfold i nordområdene av klimaendringene
  • Jan Höper, Siw Turid Killengreen, Andy B. Sortland :
    "Birgejupmi" - Sjølberging og artskunnskap
    2022 FULLTEKST
  • Lars Rød-Eriksen, Siw Turid Killengreen, Dorothee Ehrich, Rolf Anker Ims, Ivar Herfindal, Arild Landa m.fl.:
    Fjellrevens samspill med andre rovdyr i høyfjellet
  • Lars Rød-Eriksen, Siw Turid Killengreen, Dorothee Ehrich, Rolf Anker Ims, Ivar Herfindal, Arild Landa m.fl.:
    Predator guild interactions in alpine and arctic tundra in relation to fluctuating prey
  • Bengt Haugseth, Siw Turid Killengreen :
    Samisk synlighet, respekt og stolthet på ILP, UiT
  • Dorothee Ehrich, Niels M. Schmidt, Gilles Gauthier, Ray Alisauskas, Anders Angerbjörn, Karin Clark m.fl.:
    Correction to: Documenting lemming population change in the Arctic: Can we detect trends?
    Ambio 2020 DOI
  • Lars Rød-Eriksen, Henrik Jensen, Nina Elisabeth Eide, Ivar Herfindal, Arild Landa, Siw Turid Killengreen m.fl.:
    Drivers of change in meso-carnivore distributions in a northern ecosystem
  • Dorothee Ehrich, Rolf Anker Ims, Siw Turid Killengreen :
    Ecosystem drivers and adaptive management of the critically endangered arctic fox in northeastern Norway
  • Nina Elisabeth Eide, Bodil Elmhagen, Karin Norén, Siw Turid Killengreen, Johan F. Wallén, Kristine R. Ulvund m.fl.:
    Handlingsplan for fjellrev (Vulpes lagopus) Norge – Sverige 2017–2021
  • Håvard Thom, John Markus Bjørndalen, Eivind Flittie Kleiven, Eeva M Soininen, Siw Turid Killengreen, Dorothee Ehrich m.fl.:
    Using machine learning to provide automatic image annotation for wildlife camera traps in the Arctic
  • John Markus Bjørndalen, Otto Anshus, Tore Brox-Larsen, Hoai Phuong Ha, Rolf Anker Ims, Jane Uhd Jepsen m.fl.:
    Building a Sensor System for a Large Scale Arctic Observatory
  • Siw Turid Killengreen :
    Hvordan påvirkes terrestriske økosystemer av klimaendringene
  • Siw Turid Killengreen, Rolf Anker Ims :
    Hva har vi lært av "Fjellrev i Finnmark"
  • Siw Turid Killengreen, Vibeke Røiri :
    Fjellrev tar vidda tilbake
    03. juni 2015
  • Rolf Anker Ims, Siw Turid Killengreen, Dorothee Ehrich, Ingrid Jensvoll, Nigel Gilles Yoccoz, John-André Henden m.fl.:
    Fjellrev i Finnmark: Årsrapport 2014
  • Siw Turid Killengreen, Dorothee Ehrich, Knut Sverre Horn :
    Dramatisk snømangel kan true dyrelivet
    23. mars 2015
  • Siw Turid Killengreen, Vibeke Røiri :
    Rødreven skytes for å gi plass til fjellreven
    30. mai 2015
  • Siw Turid Killengreen, Rolf Anker Ims :
    Fjellrev i Finnmark
  • Siw Turid Killengreen, Rolf Anker Ims :
    Status ”Fjellrevprosjektet i Finnmark”
  • Eeva M Soininen, Ingrid Jensvoll, Rolf Anker Ims, Siw Turid Killengreen :
    Small mammal camera traps enable studies of activity patterns under snow
  • Siw Turid Killengreen, Eeva M Soininen, Horn Knut Sverre :
    Gransker lemen med amerikansk politiutstyr
    17. september 2014
  • Fuglehaug Kjell, Siw Turid Killengreen, Petter Braaten :
    Ut i naturen magasin: Tukling med naturen
    01. april 2014

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