Bilde av Johansen, Elise
Bilde av Johansen, Elise
Det juridiske fakultet +4777645952 Tromsø

Elise Johansen



Fast medlem av K.G. Jebsen senter for Havrett

Gjesteforsker ved Fridtjof Nansens Institutt (FNI)

  • Elise Johansen :
    The legal interactions between the climate change and law of the sea regimes
    Routledge 2022
  • Elise Johansen :
    Klimaloven (lov om klimamål) – og veien dit
    Universitetsforlaget 2021
  • Elise Johansen, Irene Vanja Dahl, Alexander Lott, Philipp Peter Nickels, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen :
    A Marine-Biology-Centric Definition of Ocean Connectivity and the Law of the Sea
    Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Elise Johansen :
    The Role of the Oceans in Regulating the Earth's Climate: Legal Perspectives
    Cambridge University Press 2020
  • Elise Johansen :
    Ocean fertilization
    Cambridge University Press 2020
  • Elise Johansen, Tore Henriksen :
    Climate change and the Arctic: adapting to threats and opportunities in Arctic marine waters.
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2020
  • Ingvild Ulrikke Jakobsen, Elise Johansen, Philipp Peter Nickels :
    The Law of the Sea as Part of the Climate Change Regime Complex
    Cambridge University Press 2020 DOI
  • Elise Johansen :
    The Role of the Law of the Sea in Climate Change Litigation
    The Yearbook of Polar Law 03. april 2020 DOI
  • Elise Johansen :
    Norges nye klimalov
    Fagbokforlaget 2018
  • Elise Johansen :
    Norway's Integrated Ocean Management: A Need for Stronger Protection of the Environment?
    Ocean Yearbook 2018 DOI
  • Elise Johansen :
    Climate Change and the Arctic: Legal Regulations in Changing Times
    Brill|Nijhoff 2018 DOI
  • Nele Matz-Lück, Øystein Jensen, Elise Johansen :
    The Law of the Sea: Normative Context and Interactions with other Legal Regimes
    Routledge 2022
  • Ingvild Ulrikke Jakobsen, Elise Johansen, Signe Veierud Busch :
    The Law of the Sea and Climate Change: Solutions and Constraints
    Cambridge University Press 2021
  • Elise Johansen, Signe Veierud Busch, Ingvild Ulrikke Jakobsen :
    The Law of the Sea and Climate Change: Solutions and Constraints
    Cambridge University Press 2020
  • Elise Johansen, Ingvild Ulrikke Jakobsen :
    Hvor er fokuset i norsk klimapolitikk? 01. juli 2022
  • Elise Johansen, Margherita Paola Poto, Iva Parlov, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen, Alexander Lott, Jan Jakub Solski m.fl.:
    Ocean Connectivity and Law
  • Elise Johansen :
    The EU Taxonomy
  • Elise Johansen :
    Hvorfor hav og miljø er de mest spennende fagområdene for fremtidens jurister
    Injuria : tidsskrift for juridiske studenter i Bergen 2021
  • Elise Johansen :
    Slik vil global oppvarming påvirke Nord-Norge
    09. august 2021
  • Elise Johansen :
    Ber Norge se til EU i klimapolitikken
    11. august 2021
  • Elise Johansen :
    Bærekraft i styrerommet
  • Elise Johansen :
    Henrik Ringbom, Brita Bohman and Saara Ilvessalo, Combatting Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea: Legal Aspects of Sea-Based Engineering Measures
    Ocean Yearbook 2021
  • Elise Johansen :
    Klimalovens betydning og gjennomslagskraft
  • Elise Johansen :
    Wikborg Rein har en hånd på rattet i verdensomspennende hav-ekspedisjon
    06. september 2021
  • Elise Johansen :
    Application of the EU Taxonomy to finance offshore wind farms
  • Elise Johansen :
    Marine spatial conflicts: increased pressures on Norway's maritime areas
  • Elise Johansen :
    What is required to accelerate the development of Hydrogen?
  • Elise Johansen :
    State of affairs: green shipping
  • Elise Johansen :
    Offshore wind update
  • Elise Johansen :
    The EU is putting shiping on a path to decarbonisation
  • Margherita Paola Poto, Elise Johansen :
    Modelling Ocean Connectivity
    Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2021 DOI
  • Margherita Paola Poto, Elise Johansen :
    Presentation of the project on Ocean Connectivity
  • Elise Johansen :
    Arealkonflikter til havs: – Vi mangler rettslige rammer for helhetlig planlegging
    Fiskeribladet 2020
  • Elise Johansen :
    Innlegg og strid mellom havvind og fiskeri: Må unngå «bukken passer havresekken» til havs
    Dagens næringsliv 2020
  • Elise Johansen :
    Det grønne skiftet stiller krav til omstilling til næringslivet
  • Elise Johansen, Signe Veierud Busch :
    Havnasjonen Norge: En pådriver eller en sinke for den moderne havretten?
    Nordlys 2020
  • Elise Johansen :
    A new ocean narrative and the race for sustainability
  • Elise Johansen :
    Det grønne skiftet
  • Elise Johansen :
    The London Dumping Regime - taking a lead in developing a legal framework for ocean fertilization activities
  • Elise Johansen :
    The High North Report
  • Margherita Paola Poto, Elise Johansen :
    Ocean Connectivity - Webinar
  • Signe Veierud Busch, Elise Johansen :
    Havnasjonen Norge: En pådriver eller en sinke for den moderne havretten?
    Nordlys 2020
  • Elise Johansen :
    Norges klimalov - bare en papirtiger?
  • Elise Johansen :
    The Law of the Sea and Climate Change litigation - riding the wave or dragging the anchor?
  • Elise Johansen :
    Comments on the Presentation on Mutual Supportiveness between the Climate Change and Law of the Sea Regimes
  • Elise Johansen :
    Regional Cooperation for the Protection of the Marine Environment - The Arctic Model
  • Elise Johansen :
    The Law of the Sea and Climate Change Litigation - Arctic Cases
  • Elise Johansen :
    Snøkrabben - en ressurs eller et problem?
    Fiskerikandidaten 2018
  • Elise Johansen :
    Climate change concerns in judicial decision regarding management of ocean space.
  • Elise Johansen :
    Juridiske utfordringer for mulig fremtidig næringsvirksomhet på Svalbard
    18. juni 2018

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