Geir Harald Mathiassen
Curator of Cryptogamic herbarium (TROM)
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Publikasjoner utenom Cristin
Mathiassen G & Granmo A, 2011: Amphisphaerella erikssonii (Ascomycota), a rare fungus with a new northern limit in Norway. Agarica 30: In press.
Mathiassen G, Granmo A & Rämä T, 2011: Hypoxylon macrosporum P. Karst. (Xylariaceae) new to Finland – and a new northern limit. Karstenia 2011: In press.
Bjerke JW, Mathiassen G, Granmo A & Tibell L, 2011: Phaeocalicium compressulum new to North Norway and with a new northern distribution limit. Graphis Scripta 2011. In press.
Mathiassen G & Granmo A, 2011: Ophiognomonia rosae (Ascomycota) new to Norway. Agarica 30: 77-80.
Mathiassen G, Granmo A, Eyjólfsdóttir GG & Stensrud Ø, 2011: Hypoxylon macrosporum Karst., a new species for Iceland. Acta Botanica Islandica 15: 3-9.
Mathiassen G, Granmo A, Bottolfsen T & Marstad P, 2007: Tricholoma sulphurescens Bres. in Norway. Agarica 27: 13-17.
Mathiassen GH & Økland RH, 2007: Relative importance of host tree species and environmental gradients for epiphytic species composition, exemplified by pyrenomycetes s. lat. (Ascomycota) on Salix in central north Scandinavia. Ecography 30:251-263.
Granmo A & Mathiassen G, 2001: Albatrellus syringae and A. peckianus (Alba-trellaceae): taxonomic remarks and world distribution. Karstenia 41: 49-54. Helsinki.
Granmo A & Mathiassen G, 2001: Albatrellus syringae (Albatrellaceae) in Fenno-scandia and the Baltic region: ecology and distribution. Karstenia 41: 37-48. Helsinki.
Mathiassen G, 2001: Glyphium grisonense Math. Norwegian Fungus of the Month – January 2001 (Mytilinidiaceae, Dothidiales, Incertae sedis, Ascomycota). http://www.uio.no/conferences/imc7/
Barr ME & Mathiassen G, 1998: Proposed redisposition of Schizostoma vicinum and a newly recognized taxon. Mycotaxon 69: 159-165.
Mathiassen G & Granmo A, 1995: The 11th Nordic Mycological Congress in Skibotn, North Norway 1992: Univ. Trondheim. Vitensk.Mus. Rapp. Bot. Ser. 1995-6: 1-77.
Mathiassen G, 1993: Corticolous and lignicolous Pyrenomycetes s. lat. (Ascomycetes) on Salix along a mid-Scandinavian transect. Sommerfeltia 20: 1-180.
Mathiassen G, 1989: Some corticolous and lignicolous Pyrenomycetes s. lat. (Ascomycetes) on Salix in Troms, N Norway. Sommerfeltia 9: 1-100.
Popular publications
Mathiassen G, Granmo A & Rämä T, 2011. Livets ark 23: Fagervokssopp Hygrophorus calophyllus. https://uit.no/Content/223632/livets_ark23_fagervokssopp.pdf
Rämä T & Mathiassen G, 2010. Livets ark 11: Marin sekksporesopp Amylocarpus encephaloides. https://uit.no/Content/207316/livets_ark_soppsporer.pdf
Mathiassen G, Granmo A, Ramberg E, Werner H & Marstad P, 2009: Clavaria rosea – a rare, red-listed fungus with new northern limit in Norway. Polarflokken 33 (1): 3-9.
Mathiassen G, Granmo A, Bottolfsen T & Marstad P, 2009: New northern limit in Norway for Tricholoma sulphurescens. Polarflokken 33 (1): 23-26.
Mathiassen G, Granmo A & Marstad P, 2005: Inocybe erubescens - a rare, red-listed fungus with a new northern limit in Norway. Polarflokken 29 (1-2): 27-31.
Mathiassen G, Granmo A & Marstad P, 2005: Autumnal finds of mushrooms in Troms county, North Norway, 2003, with comments on interesting, rare and red-listed species. Polarflokken 29 (1-2): 3-26.
Mathiassen G & Granmo A, 2002: History and current status of Daldinia concentrica in Norway. Polarflokken 26 (2): 133-143.
Mathiassen G, 2001: A record of Daldinia in Nordreisa (Troms) – the species which until recently was called Daldinia concentrica (Bolton : Fr.) Ces. & De Not. Polarflokken 25 (1): 103-106.
Mathiassen G, 2000: Alfred Granmo – dr. scient. in mycology at the University of Tromsø, and his work concerning saprobic and semi-parasitic fungi on Nordic deciduous trees. Polarflokken 24 (2): 179-187.
Granmo A & Mathiassen G, 2000: The genus Xylaria in North Norway. Polarflokken 24 (2): 147-154.
Mathiassen G, Granmo A & Abelsen O, 2000: Identification of mushrooms per telephone – a dubious undertaking. Pleurotus dryinus s.l. in Norway. Polarflokken 24 (1): 41-48.
Mathiassen G, Granmo A & Skifte O, 1999: Thirty years with Albatrellus syringae (Parmasto) Pouzar in North Norway, and its present Norwegian distribution. Polarflokken 23 (2): 157-164.
Granmo A, Mathiassen G & Schumacher T, 1998: Biologisk mangfold i soppriket. Ottar 222 (4): 17-24.
Mathiassen G, Granmo A & Engelskjøn T, 1998: Curator emeritus Ola Skifte – 75 years old. Agarica 15: VII.
Granmo A, Mathiassen G & Mørkved B, 1993: Ola Skifte. Polarflokken (17) 2: 177-178.
Mathiassen G, 1990: Sopp fra Svanvik, Sør-Varanger, 1990. Polarflokken 14 (2): 195-203.
Mathiassen G, 1987a: Brunsporinger. Ottar 167 (4): 30-33.
Mathiassen G, 1987: Svartsporinger. Ottar 167 (4): 25-29.
Mathiassen G, 1984: Kjuketur 8. mai med Gaute Mohn Jenssen. Polarflokken 8 (3): 169-17.
Mathiassen G, 1983: Sopptur til Straumsbukta, Kvaløya, Tromsø kommune. Blyttia 41 (2): 85-86.
Mathiassen G,1982a: Soppekskursjon til Dividalen. Blyttia 40 (2): 134-135.
Mathiassen G, 1982: Vrangpipe Merismodes anomalus (Pers. ex Fr.) Sing. en interessant vedboende sopp. Polarflokken 6 (2): 115-122.
Mathiassen G, 1992: Corticolous and lignicolous Pyrenomycetes s. lat. (Ascomycetes) on Salix along a mid-Scandinavian transect. Dr. Scient. avhandling, Universitetet i Tromsø. Unpublished.
Mathiassen G, 1985: Pyrenomyceter (Ascomyceter) på Salix i Troms. Hovedfag-soppgave (Cand. real.), Universitetet i Tromsø. Unpublished.
Mathiassen G, 2002: Review and evaluation of the article ”Molecular phylogeny of Leptosphaeria and Phaeosphaeria”, in relation to the project on the Lophiostomataceae sensu lato. Scientific review in molecular genetics, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, 21 pages. Unpublished.
Mathiassen G,1996: De naturhistoriske samlingene ved Tromsø Museum sett i sammenheng med Universitetsmuseenes naturhistoriske dokumentasjonsprosjekt (UNADOK). Rapport, Tromsø Museum, Universitetet i Tromsø. 40 pages. Unpublished.
Pyrenomycetes (Ascomycetes)
Taxonomy, ecology and distribution in northern regions