Bilde av Gutteberg, Tore Jarl
Bilde av Gutteberg, Tore Jarl
emeriti Institutt for medisinsk biologi +4791316423 Tromsø

Tore Jarl Gutteberg

  • Dan Hameiri-Bowen, Louis-Marie Yindom, Evgeniya Sovershaeva, Tsitsi Bandason, Justin Mayini, Andrea M Rehman m.fl.:
    “The effect of 48-weeks azithromycin therapy on levels of soluble biomarkers associated with HIV-associated chronic lung disease”
    International Immunopharmacology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anita Y.M. Howe, Chaturaka Rodrigo, Evan B. Cunningham, Mark W. Douglas, Julia Dietz, Jason Grebely m.fl.:
    Characteristics of hepatitis C virus resistance in an international cohort after a decade of direct-acting antivirals
    JHEP Reports 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Dan Hameiri-Bowen, Evgeniya Sovershaeva, Trond Flaegstad, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Lucky Gift Ngwira, Victoria Simms m.fl.:
    Soluble biomarkers associated with chronic lung disease in older children and adolescents with perinatal HIV infection
    AIDS (London) 2021 DOI
  • Rashida A. Ferrand, Grace McHugh, Andrea M. Rehman, Hilda A. Mujuru, Victoria Simms, Edith D. Majonga m.fl.:
    Effect of Once-Weekly Azithromycin vs Placebo in Children With HIV-Associated Chronic Lung Disease: The BREATHE Randomized Clinical Trial
    JAMA Network Open 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hege Kileng, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Rasmus Goll, Eyvind Jakob Paulssen :
    Screening for hepatitis C in a general adult population in a low-prevalence area: the Tromsø study
    BMC Infectious Diseases 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trym Thune Flygel, Evgeniya Sovershaeva, Shantelle Classen-Weitz, Erik Hjerde, Kilaza S. Mwaikono, Jon Øyvind Odland m.fl.:
    Composition of Gut Microbiota of Children and Adolescents With Perinatal Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Taking Antiretroviral Therapy in Zimbabwe
    Journal of Infectious Diseases 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Evgeniya Sovershaeva, Katharina Kranzer, Grace McHugh, Tsitsi Bandason, Edith D. Majonga, Omar S. Usmani m.fl.:
    History of tuberculosis is associated with lower exhaled nitric oxide levels in HIV-infected children
    AIDS (London) 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Moses Kelly Kumwenda, Elizabeth Lucy Corbett, Augustine Talumba Choko, Jeremiah Chikovore, Kruger Kaswaswa, Mphatso Mwapasa m.fl.:
    Post-test adverse psychological effects and coping mechanisms amongst HIV self-tested individuals living in couples in urban Blantyre, Malawi
  • Midori Kjellin, Hege Kileng, Dario Akaberi, Navaneethan Palanisamy, Ann-Sofi Duberg, Astrid Danielsson m.fl.:
    Effect of the baseline Y93H resistance-associated substitution in HCV genotype 3 for direct-acting antiviral treatment: real-life experience from a multicenter study in Sweden and Norway
    Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Moses Kelly Kumwenda, Elizabeth Lucy Corbett, Jeremiah Chikovore, Mackwellings Phiri, Daniel Mwale, Augustine Talumba Choko m.fl.:
    Discordance, Disclosure and Normative Gender Roles: Barriers to Couple Testing Within a Community-Level HIV Self-Testing Intervention in Urban Blantyre, Malawi
    Aids and Behavior 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hege Kileng, Midori Kjellin, Dario Akaberi, Assar Bergfors, Ann-Sofi Duberg, Lars Wesslen m.fl.:
    Personalized treatment of hepatitis C genotype 1a in Norway and Sweden 2014-2016: a study of treatment outcome in patients with or without resistance-based DAA-therapy
    Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Carmen Gonzalez-Martinez, Katharina Kranzer, Grace McHugh, Elizabeth L. Corbett, Hilda A. Mujuru, Mark P Nicol m.fl.:
    Azithromycin versus placebo for the treatment of HIV-associated chronic lung disease in children and adolescents (BREATHE trial): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
    Trials 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hege Kileng, Lars Bernfort, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Odd Sverre Moen, Magnhild Gangsøy Kristiansen, Eyvind Jakob Paulssen m.fl.:
    Future complications of chronic hepatitis C in a low-risk area: Projections from the hepatitis c study in Northern Norway
    BMC Infectious Diseases 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Silje Fismen, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Elin Synnøve Mortensen, Finn Egil Skjeldestad :
    Primary cervical cancer screening with an HPV mRNA test: a prospective cohort study
    BMJ Open 11. august 2016 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Silje Fismen, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Elin Synnøve Mortensen, Finn Egil Skjeldestad :
    HPV mRNA is more specific than HPV DNA in triage of women with minor cervical lesions
    PLOS ONE 18. november 2014 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Moses Kumwenda, Alister Munthali, Mackwellings Phiri, Daniel Mwale, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Eleanor MacPherson m.fl.:
    Factors shaping initial decision-making to self-test amongst cohabiting couples in urban Blantyre, Malawi
    Aids and Behavior 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Silje Fismen, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Elin Synnøve Mortensen, Finn Egil Skjeldestad :
    HPV mRNA testing in triage of women with ASC-US cytology may reduce the time for CIN2+ diagnosis compared with repeat cytology
    Current pharmaceutical design 2013 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ruomei Li, Biswa Nath Sharma, Stig Linder, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Hans H. Hirsch, Christine H Rinaldo :
    Characteristics of polyomavirus BK (BKPyV) infection in primary human urothelial cells
    Virology 2013 DOI
  • Le Viet, Thi Ngoc Lan Nguyen, Phung Xuan Ty, Bjørn Bjørkvoll, Hedda B Hoel, Tore Jarl Gutteberg m.fl.:
    Prevalence of hepatitis B & hepatitis C virus infections in potential blood donors in rural Vietnam
    Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR) 2012 FULLTEKST / ARKIV
  • Jon Florholmen, Magnhild Gangsøy Kristiansen, Sonja Eriksson Steigen, Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Eyvind Jakob Paulssen, Jan-Magnus Kvamme m.fl.:
    A rapid chemokine response of macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1 alpha, MIP-1 beta and the regulated on activation, normal T expressed and secreted chemokine is associated with a sustained virological response in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C
    Clinical Microbiology and Infection (CMI) 2011 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Marc Arbyn, Silje Fismen, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Elin Synnøve Mortensen :
    HPV E6/E7 mRNA Testing Is More Specific than Cytology in Post-Colposcopy Follow-Up of Women with Negative Cervical Biopsy
  • Biswa Nath Sharma, Ruomei Li, Eva Bernhoff, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Christine H Rinaldo :
    Fluoroquinolones inhibit human polyomavirus BK (BKV) replication in primary human kidney cells
    Antiviral Research 2011 DOI
  • Magnhild Gangsøy Kristiansen, Maja-Lisa Løchen, tore jarl Gutteberg, Liisa Mortensen, Bjørn Odvar Eriksen, Jon Florholmen :
    Total and cause-specific mortality rates in a prospective study of community-acquired hepatitis C virus infection in northern Norway
    Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2011 DOI
  • Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Marc Arbyn, Silje Fismen, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Elin Mortensen :
    Triage of Women with Low-Grade Cervical Lesions - HPV mRNA Testing versus Repeat Cytology
  • Bjørn Bjørkvoll, Viet Le, Ha Sam Ol, Thi Ngoc Lan Nguyen, Sin Sothy, Hedda B Hoel m.fl.:
    Screening test accuracy among potential blood donors of HBsAG, anti-HBc and anti-HCV to detect Hepatitis B and C virus infection in rural Cambodia and Vietnam
    Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2010 FULLTEKST
  • Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Silje Fismen, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Elin Mortensen :
    HPV mRNA test in women with minor cervical lesions: Experience of the University Hospital of North Norway
    Journal of Virological Methods 2010 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Silje Fismen, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Elin Mortensen :
    Triage of Women with Minor Cervical Lesions: Data Suggesting a "Test and Treat" Approach for HPV E6/E7 mRNA Testing
  • Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Tore Jarl Gutteberg :
    Frykter helsepersonell influensasmitter pasienter
    04. januar 2013 FULLTEKST
  • Christine H Rinaldo, Biswa Nath Sharma, Marschall Manfred, Stian Henriksen, Tore Jarl Gutteberg :
    Effects of Artesunate on Polyomavirus BK Replication in Primary Human Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells
  • Tore Jarl Gutteberg :
    UNN venter på influensautbrudd - Nå kommer smittebølgen
    03. januar 2013
  • Tore Jarl Gutteberg :
    SARS-slektning rammer Tromsø
    03. januar 2013
  • Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Ørjan Olsvik :
    Nye virus truer verdens folk?
    09. august 2013
  • Tore Jarl Gutteberg :
    Globalt samarbeid kan fjerne hepatitt C
    13. august 2013
  • Biswa Nath Sharma, Manfred Marschall, Stian Henriksen, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Christine H Rinaldo :
    Antiviral effects of artesunate on polyomavirus BK replication in primary human renal tubular epithelial cells
    Journal of Neurovirology 2013
  • Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Johan Gustav Bellika :
    The Snow infectious disease forecast service
  • Stein Olav Skrøvseth, Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw, Torje Starbo Henriksen, Lars Ilebrekke, Per Atle Bakkevoll, Gunnar Skov Simonsen m.fl.:
    The Snow communicable disease outbreak detection approach
  • Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Silje Fismen, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Elin Mortensen, Finn Egil Skjeldestad :
    HPV mRNA testing is more specific than HPV DNA testing in triage of women with minor cervial lesions
    2013 OMTALE / ARKIV
  • Mbachi Ruth Msomphora, Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Finn Egil Skjeldestad :
    Triage of women with ASC-US/LSIL cytology: The added value of implementation of an HPV-test
    2013 OMTALE / ARKIV
  • Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Silje Fismen, Elin Synnøve Mortensen, Tore Jarl Gutteberg :
    HPV-test i forebygging av livmorhalskreft
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 21. februar 2012 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Silje Fismen, Elin Synnøve Mortensen, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Finn Egil Skjeldestad :
    Post-colposcopy follow-up of women with negative cervical biopsy - a prospecitve study
  • Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Silje Fismen, Elin Synnøve Mortensen, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Finn Egil Skjeldestad :
    HPV mRNA and cytology cotesting in primary cervical caner screening by age
  • Christine H Rinaldo, Ruomei Li, Biswa Nath Sharma, Stig Linder, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Hans H. Hirsch :
    Polyomavirus BK (BKV) Replication in Human Urothelial Cells Role in Polyomavirus-Associated Nephropathy and Hemorrhagic Cystitis
    American Journal of Transplantation 2012
  • Biswa Nath Sharma, Manfred Marschall, Stian Henriksen, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Christine Hanssen Rinaldo :
    Antiviral Effects of Artesunate on Polyomavirus BK Replication in Primary Human Kidney Cells
  • Christine Hanssen Rinaldo, Ruomei Li, Biswa Nath Sharma, Stig Linder, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Hans H. Hirsch :
    Polyomavirus BK (BKV) replication in human urothelial cells - role in polyomavirus associated hemorrhagic cystitis and nephropathy
  • Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Silje Fismen, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Elin Synnøve Mortensen :
    HPV-testing og livmorhalskreft
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 18. februar 2011 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Silje Fismen, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Elin Synnøve Mortensen :
    Redegjør for HPV-resultater
    Dagens medisin 25. januar 2011 FULLTEKST / ARKIV
  • Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Silje Fismen, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Elin Synnøve Mortensen, Finn Egil Skjeldestad :
    HPV mRNA testing - longterm follow-up
  • Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Silje Fismen, Tore Jarl Gutteberg, Elin Synnøve Mortensen, Finn Egil Skjeldestad :
    HPV mRNA test in primry screening of women 20-34 years
    2011 ARKIV
  • Kathrine Lie, Christine M. Jonassen, Christina Vogt, Olav Karsten Vintermyr, Tor-Arne Hanssen, tore jarl Gutteberg :
    Fjerne HPV-takst i sekundærscreening?
    Dagens medisin 2010
  • Bjørn Bjørkvoll, Le Viet, Ha Sam Ol, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan, Anne Husebekk, Hedda B Hoel m.fl.:
    Screening test accuracy among potential blood donors of HBSAg, Anti-HBC and Anti-HCV to detect hepatitis B and C virus infection in rural Cambodia and Vietnam
    Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2010

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →


    Antiviral forskning:polyomavirus,HIV,HCV,HSV,CMV med vekt nå på HCV terapi og mekanismer på polyomavirus


    Educational Council for Foreign Medical Graduates (151-989-1) 19.03.1971(Dublin/USA) RCSI, Dublin 1971
    Autorisert i UK/Irland & Norge 1973
    Barnelege 1978
    Medisnsk (klinisk) mikrobiolog 1990
    Dr. med.(Ph D) 1991

    Barnelege: Tromsø, Hamilton (Ontario), Gøteborg, Rikshospitalet (Oslo),overlegeerfaring Tromsø og Oslo
    Klinisk mikrobiolog Tromsø med opphold  UCSD,Ca (1977-8), overlege fra 1990
    Amanuensis i barnesykdommer 1 år (1978-9), første amanuensis /professor II fra 1995(?)

    Fullstendig CV