John Chukwuma Oyem,
Roy Heijkoop,
Eelke Mirthe Simone Snoeren
The temporal copulatory patterns of female rat sexual behavior
Patty Thalia Huijgens,
Roy Heijkoop,
Louk Vanderschuren,
Heidi Lesscher,
Eelke Mirthe Simone Snoeren
CaMKIIa+ neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis modulate pace of natural reward seeking depending on internal state
Roy Heijkoop,
Jaume Ferrer Lalanza,
Montserrat Solanas,
Adam Álvarez-Monell,
Alex Subias-Gusils,
Rosa Escorihuela
Changes in reward-induced neural activity upon Cafeteria Diet consumption
Physiology and Behavior 2024
Patty Huijgens,
Roy Heijkoop,
Eelke Snoeren
Sexual Incentive Motivation
Patty Huijgens,
Roy Heijkoop,
Eelke Snoeren
Silencing and stimulating the medial amygdala impairs ejaculation but not sexual incentive motivation in male rats
Behavioural Brain Research 2021
Ole Christian Sylte,
Jesper Solheim Johansen,
Indrek Heinla,
Danielle Houwing,
Jocelien D.A. Olivier,
Roy Heijkoop
Effects of perinatal fluoxetine exposure on novelty-induced social and non-social investigation behaviors in a seminatural environment
Psychopharmacology 23. september 2021
Indrek Heinla,
Roy Heijkoop,
Danielle Houwing,
Jocelien Olivier,
Eelke Snoeren
Third-party prosocial behavior in adult female rats is impaired after perinatal fluoxetine exposure
Jan Hegstad,
Patty Huijgens,
Danielle Houwing,
Jocelien Olivier,
Roy Heijkoop,
Eelke Snoeren
Female rat sexual behavior is unaffected by perinatal fluoxetine exposure
Psychoneuroendocrinology 22. juli 2020
Danielle Houwing,
Roy Heijkoop,
Jocelien Olivier,
Eelke Snoeren
Perinatal fluoxetine exposure changes social and stress-coping behavior in adult rats housed in a seminatural environment
Roy Heijkoop,
Patty Thalia Huijgens,
Eelke Snoeren
Assessment of sexual behavior in rats: the potentials and pitfalls.
Behavioural Brain Research 2017
Rutger Frankhuisen,
Margot Van Herwaarden,
Roy Heijkoop,
Astrid Baron,
Reinoud Vermeijden,
André Smout
Functional dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome in patients with achalasia and its association with non-cardiac chest pain and a decreased health-related quality of life.
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2009
Rutger Frankhuisen,
Roy Heijkoop,
Margot Van Herwaarden,
Durk De Vries,
André Smout,
Astrid Baron
Validation of a disease-specific quality-of-life questionnaire in a large sample of Dutch achalasia patients.
Diseases of the esophagus 2008
Rutger Frankhuisen,
Margot Van Herwaarden,
Roy Heijkoop,
André Smout,
Astrid Baron,
Reinoud Vermeijden
Persisting symptoms and decreased health-related quality-of-life in a cross-sectional study of treated achalasia patients.
Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2007
Roy Heijkoop,
Kasper Kjelsberg,
John Olav Braathen Folstad,
P Andersen,
T Bendiksen,
Patty Thalia Huijgens
Male rat sexual behavior and the role of the ventral pallidum
Patty Thalia Huijgens,
Roy Heijkoop,
Eelke Mirthe Simone Snoeren
Neuronal activity in the medial amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis during male rat sexual behavior
John Chukwuma Oyem,
Roy Heijkoop,
Eelke Mirthe Simone Snoeren
Temporal copulatory patterns of female sexual behavior
John Oyem,
Roy Heijkoop,
Eelke Snoeren
The role of the lateral habenula in male rat sexual behaviour
Jaume F Lalanza,
Roy Heijkoop,
James Edgar McCutcheon,
Eelke Snoeren
Behavioral and neural alterations of the reward system by exposure to junk food in rats
Patty Huijgens,
Roy Heijkoop,
LJMJ Vanderschuren,
Heidi Lesscher,
Eelke Snoeren
The role of the BNST and surrounding areas in the regulation of natural reward consummation
Roy Heijkoop
Conflict – What is the role of the safety representative?
Roy Heijkoop,
Geed Assadi,
Jaume F Lalanza,
Alex Subias-Gusils,
Adam Álvarez-Monell,
Rosa M. Escorihuela
Do different patterns of junk food exposure cause short-term and longterm neural adaptations in the reward system?
Patty Huijgens,
Roy Heijkoop,
LJMJ Vanderschuren,
Heidi Lesscher,
Eelke Snoeren
Involvement of the BNST and its projection to the VTA in motivation for a natural food reward
Patty Huijgens,
Roy Heijkoop,
Louk Vanderschuren,
Heidi Lesscher,
Eelke Snoeren
Effect of stimulating and silencing the BNST and BNST-VTA projection on sucrose self-administration in rats
Indrek Heinla,
Roy Heijkoop,
Danielle Houwing,
Eelke Snoeren
Perinatal SSRI exposure affects prosocial behavior in adult rats
Jan Hegstad,
Roy Heijkoop,
Danielle Houwing,
Jocelien Olivier,
Eelke Snoeren
Perinatal SSRI exposure does not affect female sexual behavior
Roy Heijkoop,
Danielle Houwing,
Jocelien Olivier,
Eelke Snoeren
Perinatal SSRI exposure and male rat sexual behavior
Indrek Heinla,
Roy Heijkoop,
Danielle Houwing,
Jocelien Olivier,
Eelke Snoeren
Perinatal SSRI exposure affects prosocial behaviour in adult rats
Eelke Snoeren,
Jan Hegstad,
Danielle Houwing,
Jocelien Olivier,
Roy Heijkoop
Perinatal SSRI exposure and rat sexual behavior
Eelke Snoeren,
Jan Hegstad,
Danielle Houwing,
Jocelien Olivier,
Roy Heijkoop
Perinatal SSRI exposure and rat sexual behavior
Indrek Heinla,
Roy Heijkoop,
Danielle Houwing,
Eelke Snoeren
Perinatal SSRI exposure affects (pro)social behaviour in adult rats
Danielle Houwing,
Roy Heijkoop,
Jocelien Olivier,
Eelke Snoeren
Perinatal SSRI exposure affects behavior during adulthood in rats
Patty Thalia Huijgens,
Roy Heijkoop,
Eelke Snoeren
Glutamatergic medial amygdala neurons are involved in ejaculation but not sexual motivation in male rats
Patty Thalia Huijgens,
Roy Heijkoop,
Eelke Snoeren
The role of glutamatergic medial amygdala neurons in male rat sexual behavior.
Patty Thalia Huijgens,
Roy Heijkoop,
Eelke Snoeren
Involvement of glutamatergic medial amygdala neurons in ejaculation in male rats
Roy Heijkoop,
Danielle Houwing,
Jocelien Olivier,
Eelke Snoeren
The effects of perinatal SSRI exposure on behavior during adulthood
Eelke Snoeren,
Roy Heijkoop
Shining a light on brain function