Dimitrios Ktenas,
Jesper Kresten Nielsen,
Erik Henriksen,
Ivar Meisingset,
Oliver Schenk
The effects of uplift and erosion on the petroleum systems in the southwestern Barents Sea: Insights from seismic data and 2D petroleum systems modelling
Marine and Petroleum Geology 2023
Erik Henriksen,
L. Kvamme,
Tom Arne Rydningen
Hammerfest Basin Composite Tectono-Sedimentary Element
Geological Society of London Memoirs 2021
Erik Henriksen,
Dimitrios Ktenas,
Jesper Kresten Nielsen
Finnmark Platform Composite Tectono-Sedimentary Element, Barents Sea
Geological Society of London Memoirs 13. oktober 2021
Sergey Drachev,
Harald Brekke,
Erik Henriksen,
Thomas Moore
Introduction to the volume, and definition and use of the term ‘tectono-sedimentary element’
Geological Society of London Memoirs 20. september 2021
Dimitrios Ktenas,
Ivar Meisingset,
Erik Henriksen,
Jesper Kresten Nielsen
Estimation of net apparent erosion in the SW Barents Sea by
applying velocity inversion analysis
Dimitrios Ktenas,
Erik Henriksen,
Ivar Meisingset,
Jesper Kresten Nielsen,
Karin Andreassen
Quantification of the magnitude of net erosion in the southwest Barents Sea using sonic velocities and compaction trends in shales and sandstones
Marine and Petroleum Geology 19. september 2017
Erik Henriksen,
Alf Eivind Ryseth,
Geir Birger Larssen,
Turid Heide,
Kristin Rønning,
Ketil Sollid
Tectonostratigraphy of the greater Barents Sea: implications for petroleum systems
Geological Society of London Memoirs 05. august 2011
Antonina Stoupakova,
Erik Henriksen,
Yuri K. Burlin,
Geir Birger Larssen,
John K Milne,
Tamara A Kiryukhina
The geological evolution and hydrocarbon potential of the Barents and Kara shelves
Geological Society of London Memoirs 05. august 2011
Erik Henriksen,
Hans Morten Bjørnseth,
Tor Kristian Hals,
Turid Heide,
Tamara Kiryukhina,
Oddbjørn Sivert Kløvjan
Uplift and erosion of the greater Barents Sea: impact on prospectivity and petroleum systems
Geological Society of London Memoirs 05. august 2011
Tore Ola Vorren,
G. Richardsen,
S.-M Knutsen,
Erik Henriksen
Cenozoic erosion and sedimentation in the western Baretns Sea
Marine and Petroleum Geology 1991
Geir Richardsen,
Erik Henriksen,
Tore Ola Vorren
Evolution of the Cenozoic sedimentary wedge during rifting and seafloor spreading west of the Stappen High, western Barents Sea
Erik Henriksen,
Sofie Gradmann,
Laurent Gernigon,
Terje Solbakk,
David Roberts
Geological Excursion to the Varanger Area, Eastern Finnmark, Norway
NGF Geological Guides 2023
Erik Henriksen,
Dimitrios Ktenas,
Jesper Kresten Nielsen
Sedimentary succession of the Barents Sea Region
Finnmark Platform Composite Tectonosedimentary Element
Williamson, M.-C., Saumur, B.M., Savoie, A.M., and Bingham-Koslowski, N., 2023. The 9th International
Conference on Arctic Margins (ICAM 9) Abstract Volume; Geological Survey of Canada,
Open File 8941, 1 .zip file. https://doi.org/10.4095/331345
Erik Henriksen,
Sergey Drachev,
Harald Brekke,
Thomas Moore
Sedimentary Succession of the Arctic Region and their Hydrocarbon Prospectivity: Introduction to GSL M57 Volume
Erik Henriksen,
Dimitrios Ktenas,
Jesper Kresten Nielsen
Sedimentrary succession of the Barents Sea Reagion - Finnmark Platform Composite Tectono-sedimentary Element
Aud Solveig Nilsen,
Linda Marie Stakkeland,
Erik Henriksen,
Øystein Klemetsen
Student Barents Rescue. An international student exercise
Erik Henriksen,
Said Amiribesheli,
Katherine G Fitzpatrick
Hammerfest Basin: Petroleum Geology
GeoExpro 2018
Tore Ola Vorren,
Karin Andreassen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Haflidi Haflidason,
Erik Henriksen,
M. Ivanov
Cenozoic sandy systems in the Barents Sea region
Bjarne Rafaelsen,
A. Stoupakova,
Jesper Kresten Nielsen,
Leif Bjørnar Henriksen,
Andrey Pokul,
Geir Elvebakk
Stratigraphy and facies of the Palaeozoic succession in the Barents Sea, Svalbard, Novaya Zemlya and Timan-Pechora region