Audun Theodorsen

Førsteamanuensis / Modellering av komplekse systemer

  • Samuel Kociscak, Andreas Kvammen, Ingrid Brigitte Mann, Nicole Meyer-Vernet, David Pisa, Jan Souček m.fl.:
    Impact ionization double peaks analyzed in high temporal resolution on Solar Orbiter
    Annales Geophysicae 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sajidah Akhter Bint Ahmed, Odd Erik Garcia, Audun Theodorsen :
    Reconstruction of intermittent time series as a superposition of pulses
    Physical Review E (PRE) 31. mai 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Samuel Kociscak, Andreas Kvammen, Ingrid Mann, Sigrunn Holbek Sørbye, Audun Theodorsen, Arnaud Zaslavsky :
    Modeling Solar Orbiter dust detection rates in the inner heliosphere as a Poisson process
    Astronomy and Astrophysics (A & A) 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Juan Manuel Losada, Audun Theodorsen, Odd Erik Garcia :
    Stochastic modeling of blob-like plasma filaments in the scrape-off layer: Theoretical foundation
    Physics of Plasmas 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Magdalena A. Korzeniowska, Audun Theodorsen, Martin Wibe Rypdal, Odd Erik Garcia :
    Apparent universality of 1/f spectra as an artifact of finite-size effects
    Physical Review Research (PRResearch) 29. juni 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sajidah Ahmed, Odd Erik Garcia, Adam Q Kuang, Brian LaBombard, James L Terry, Audun Theodorsen :
    Strongly intermittent far scrape-off layer fluctuations in Alcator C-Mod plasmas close to the empirical discharge density limit
    Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Gregor Decristoforo, Audun Theodorsen, John Omotani, Tom Nicholas, Odd Erik Garcia :
    Numerical turbulence simulations of intermittent fluctuations in the scrape-off layer of magnetized plasmas
    Physics of Plasmas 2021 DOI
  • Gregor Decristoforo, Audun Theodorsen, Odd Erik Garcia :
    Intermittent fluctuations due to Lorentzian pulses in turbulent thermal convection
    Physics of Fluids 03. august 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ralph Kube, Audun Theodorsen, Odd Erik Garcia, D Brunner, B Labombard, James L. Terry :
    Comparison between mirror Langmuir probe and gas-puff imaging measurements of intermittent fluctuations in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layer
    Journal of Plasma Physics 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ralph Kube, Odd Erik Garcia, Audun Theodorsen, Adam Kuang, Brian LaBombard, Jim L. Terry m.fl.:
    Statistical properties of the plasma fluctuations and turbulent cross-field fluxes in the outboard mid-plane scrape-off layer of Alcator C-Mod
    Nuclear Materials and Energy 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • AQ Kuang, Brian LaBombard, D Brunner, Odd Erik Garcia, Ralph Kube, Audun Theodorsen :
    Plasma fluctuations in the scrape-off layer and at the divertor target in Alcator C-Mod and their relationship to divertor collisionality and density shoulder formation
    Nuclear Materials and Energy 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Odd Erik Garcia, Audun Theodorsen :
    Skewed Lorentzian pulses and exponential frequency power spectra
    Physics of Plasmas 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Odd Erik Garcia, Audun Theodorsen :
    Intermittent fluctuations due to uncorrelated Lorentzian pulses
    Physics of Plasmas 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Odd Erik Garcia, Ralph Kube, Audun Theodorsen, B Labombard, J.L Terry :
    Intermittent fluctuations in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layer for ohmic and high confinement mode plasmas
    Physics of Plasmas 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ralph Kube, Odd Erik Garcia, Audun Theodorsen, Daniel Brunner, Adam Kuang, Brian LaBombard m.fl.:
    Intermittent electron density and temperature fluctuations and associated fluxes in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layer
    Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Audun Theodorsen, Odd Erik Garcia :
    Probability distribution functions for intermittent scrape-off layer plasma fluctuations
    Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Audun Theodorsen, Odd Erik Garcia :
    Level crossings and excess times due to a superposition of uncorrelated exponential pulses
    Physical Review E (PRE) 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Audun Theodorsen, Odd Erik Garcia, Ralph Kube, Brian LaBombard, James L. Terry :
    Universality of Poisson-driven plasma fluctuations in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layer
    Physics of Plasmas 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Audun Theodorsen, Odd Erik Garcia, Martin Wibe Rypdal :
    Statistical properties of a filtered Poisson process with additive random noise: distributions, correlations and moment estimation
    Physica Scripta 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Odd Erik Garcia, Audun Theodorsen :
    Power law spectra and intermittent fluctuations due to uncorrelated Lorentzian pulses
    Physics of Plasmas 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Odd Erik Garcia, Audun Theodorsen :
    Auto-correlation function and frequency spectrum due to a super-position of uncorrelated exponential pulses
    Physics of Plasmas 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Audun Theodorsen, Odd Erik Garcia, Ralph Kube, Brian LaBombard, Jim L. Terry :
    Relationship between frequency power spectra and intermittent, large-amplitude bursts in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layer
    Nuclear Fusion 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Odd Erik Garcia, Ralph Arthur Kube, Audun Theodorsen, J. G. Bak, SH Hong, H.S. Kim m.fl.:
    SOL width and intermittent fluctuations in KSTAR
    Nuclear Materials and Energy 27. desember 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Samuel Kociscak, Arnaud Zaslavsky, Nicole Meyer-Vernet, Ingrid Brigitte Mann, Jakub Vaverka, Audun Theodorsen m.fl.:
    Double-peaked dust impact electricalsignatures partially explained
  • Samuel Kociscak, Ingrid Mann, Andreas Kvammen, Audun Theodorsen :
    Dust Populations in the Inner Solar System Observed Continually with Solar Orbiter
  • Samuel Kociscak, Arnaud Zaslavsky, Ingrid Brigitte Mann, Jakub Vaverka, Audun Theodorsen :
    Complex signatures of dust impacts recorded with Solar Orbiter
  • Samuel Kociscak, Sigrunn Holbek Sørbye, Andreas Kvammen, Ingrid Brigitte Mann, Arnaud Zaslavsky, Audun Theodorsen :
    Bayesian inference of β-meteoroid parameters with Solar Orbiter
  • Samuel Kociscak, Sigrunn Holbek Sørbye, Andreas Kvammen, Audun Theodorsen, Ingrid Mann, Arnaud Zaslavsky :
    Bayesian Approch to β-meteoroids Detected on Solar Orbiter
  • Samuel Kociscak, Andreas Kvammen, Audun Theodorsen, Ingrid Mann :
    Cosmic Dust Populations: Modelling Inside 1AU
  • Samuel Kociscak, Sigrunn Holbek Sørbye, Andreas Kvammen, Ingrid Mann, Arnaud Zaslavsky, Audun Theodorsen :
    Bayesian Approch to β-meteoroids Detected on Solar Orbiter - How Fast is the Cosmic Dust?
  • Audun Theodorsen :
    ITER: The quest for fusion
  • Audun Theodorsen, Martin wibe Rypdal :
    Climate Response to Volcanic Forcing
  • Audun Theodorsen, Odd Erik Garcia, Martin wibe Rypdal :
    Power-law scaling of uncorrelated plasma bursts
    2019 ARKIV
  • Odd Erik Garcia, Audun Theodorsen :
    Atomkraftverk kan være fremtiden mener Tromsø-forskere: – Risikofritt
    30. juli 2019 FULLTEKST
  • Audun Theodorsen :
    Fusjonsenergi I & II
  • Audun Theodorsen :
    Fusjon: framtidas energikilde
  • Audun Theodorsen, Odd Erik Garcia, Ralph Kube, Dan Brunner, Brian LaBombard, James L. Terry :
    Intermittent fluctuations in Alcator C-Mod: Comparison of diagnostics
  • Ralph Kube, Odd Erik Garcia, Audun Theodorsen, Adam Kuang, Dan Brunner, Brian LaBombard m.fl.:
    Statistical properties of fluctuation driven flows in the outboard mid-plane SOL of Alcator C-Mod
    2018 ARKIV
  • Audun Theodorsen, Vibeke Os :
    Fusjonsenergi: – Det blir som å putte sola i en boks
    23. november 2018
  • Vibeke Os, Audun Theodorsen :
    –Det blir som å putte sola i en boks
    05. november 2018 FULLTEKST
  • Odd Erik Garcia, Ralph Kube, Audun Theodorsen :
    Intermittent fluctuations in the scrape-off layer of tokamak plasmas
  • Odd Erik Garcia, Ralph Kube, Audun Theodorsen :
    Intermittent plasma fluctuations in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layer in L- and H-modes
  • Odd Erik Garcia, Ralph Kube, Audun Theodorsen :
    Experimental measurements and stochastic modelling of intermittent fluctuations in the SOL of magnetically confined plasma
  • Audun Theodorsen, Odd Erik Garcia, Ralph Kube, Brian LaBombard, Jim L. Terry :
    Application of RL-deconvolution for identifying amplitudes and arrival times in Alcator C-Mod far SOL plasma fluctuations
  • Ralph Kube, Audun Theodorsen, Odd Erik Garcia, Daniel Brunner, Adam Kuang, Brian LaBombard m.fl.:
    Stochastic modeling of scrape-off layer fluctuations
    2017 ARKIV
  • Audun Theodorsen, Odd Erik Garcia :
    Using statistics to describe turbulence in fusion plasmas
  • Audun Theodorsen, Odd Erik Garcia :
    Stochastic modeling of SOL fluctuation threshold crossings and excess time distributions
  • Audun Theodorsen, Odd Erik Garcia, Ralph Kube, Dan Brunner, Brian LaBombard, James L. Terry :
    Stochastic modeling of SOL fluctuation probability distributions
  • Ralph Kube, Odd Erik Garcia, Audun Theodorsen, Dan Brunner, Brian LaBombard, Jim L. Terry m.fl.:
    Blob shapes in the scrape-off layer: Comparison of measurements to simulations
    2017 ARKIV
  • Ralph Kube, Odd Erik Garcia, Audun Theodorsen, Dan Brunner, Adam Kuang, Brian LaBombard m.fl.:
    Universality of intermittent fluctuations in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layer
    2017 ARKIV

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →


    • Plasmafysikk, spesielt innenfor fusjonsenergi.
    • Turbulens, transport og fluktuasjoner i komplekse, kaotiske og selv-organiserte systemer.
    • Stokastisk modellering og tidsserieanalyse.



    • FYS-2001 Statistisk fysikk og termodynamikk
    • FYS-3035 Stochastic modelling and non-linear dynamics


    • FYS-2009 Introduksjon til plasmafysikk (2018, 2020-2022)
    • FYS-1002 Elektromagnetisme (2019)
    • FYS-2009 Introduksjon til plasmafysikk (øvelser) (2019)

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