Bastiaan (Bas) Klerk
Bastiaan is an LL.M. graduate from the University of Oslo (UiO) and the Arctic University of Norway (UiT) in public international law and international law of the sea respectively, currently pursuing a PhD at the Norwegian Center for the Law of the Sea (NCLOS). His academic interests lie mostly in the realm of marine environmental protection, climate change law, biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction, and regime interactions studies. His PhD project is titled Area-Based Management Tools in Changing Oceans: A Study on Dynamism, in which he addresses the challenge of protecting dynamic marine ecosystems, proposing a novel, integrated, and highly dynamic approach to their protection, which, he argues, is more apt to address the challenges that the dynamic nature of marine ecosystems present.
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Publikasjoner utenom Cristin
B.E. Klerk, 'Protecting the marine environment from the impacts of climate change: A regime interaction study' (2022) Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law
B.E. Klerk, ‘Recognizing Recognition: An Indispensable Element in a Global Regime for High Seas Marine Protected Areas’ (2022) Blog of the Norwegian Center for the Law of the Sea, available at <NCLOS blog>
B.E. Klerk, ‘Climate Change Obligations under the Law of the Sea: Interpreting UNCLOS in light of the Paris Agreement’ (2022) Master Thesis, University of Oslo, available at <>
B.E. Klerk, ‘Lessons to be learned from OSPAR’s network of marine protected areas in areas beyond national jurisdiction, in light of the BBNJ negotiations’ (2020) Blog of the Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea, available at <NCLOS Blog>
B.E. Klerk, ‘Creating Synergies Between Global and Regional MPA Regimes in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction’ (2020) Master Thesis, Arctic University of Oslo, available at <>
Law of the Sea, International Environmental Law, Climate Change Law, Biodiversity Protection, Regime Interaction
JUR-3050 General Law of the Sea (seminars)
JUR-3623 Protection of Marine Environment with focus on Marine Living Resources Law (seminars)