Bilde av Sarion, Roxana
Bilde av Sarion, Roxana
Institutt for språk og kultur Stig Bøndbo Tromsø

Roxana Sarion

Førsteamanuensis i spansk litteraturvitenskap


Førsteamanuensis i spansk litteraturvitenskap

  • Roxana Sarion :
    El Padre Nuestro en cumanagoto y chaima: variación tipológica y aspectos léxico- semánticos en los textos misioneros del oriente de Venezuela (ss. XVII-XVIII)
    Anthropos: Internationale Zeitschrift für Völker- und Sprachenkunde 2024
  • Roxana Mihaela Sarion :
    Matías Ruiz Blanco (1643-1708) y la tradición misionera en Píritu: Transferencias culturales y lingüísticas
    Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana 2020
  • Roxana Sarion :
    Teología de la traducción. Estrategias de adaptación lingüística en los catecismos de la provincia de Cumaná en Venezuela (siglo XVII)
    Fondo Editorial (FE) de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) 2019 FULLTEKST
  • Roxana Sarion :
    Matías Ruiz Blanco’s Reconceptualisation of Carib Practices and Traditions in his Conversion de Piritv de indios cvmanagotos, palenqves, y otros (1690)
    Academia Verlag 2019 DOI
  • Roxana Sarion :
    'No fornicar': el discurso de culpa, penitencia y perdón en el Confessonario en lengua cumanagota (1723) de Diego de Tapia
  • Roxana Sarion :
    Interesting Frames of Legibility in Conversion de Piritu (1690): A Remodeling of Paratexts in the Digital Setting
    Brill Academic Publishers 2018 FULLTEKST / DATA / DOI
  • Roxana Mihaela Sarion :
    Review: Zimmermann, Klaus/Kellermeier-Rehbein, Birte (eds.)“Colonialism and missionary linguistics”, Berlin: de Gruyter 2015, 266 pp.
    Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana 2016
  • Roxana Sarion :
    On the Edges of the Spanish Empire: Early Modern Appraisals on the Carib Knowledge Systems
  • Roxana Sarion :
    La politica del buen amor y del buen trato. Conversion practices and methodological principles of the Franciscan missions in Venezuela (17-18th century)
  • Roxana Sarion :
    “Malos libros”: Censura, expurgación y lectura en la primera era de la imprenta. Los índices de libros prohibidos y su impacto en el patrimonio textual
  • Roxana Sarion :
    Una mirada etnolingüística sobre las traducciones del Padrenuestro al cumanagoto
  • Roxana Sarion :
    The encounter with the unknown: Early representations of South America
  • Roxana Mihaela Sarion :
    Mitt land, ødelagt for alltid. Book omtale om Det ble natt i Caracas av Karina Sainz Borgo
    Portal for norsk og latinamerikansk litteratur og bokillustrasjon. 2019 FULLTEKST
  • Roxana Sarion :
    Translating Wor(l)ds-Reconceptualisation of Carib Practices and Traditions
  • Roxana Sarion :
    A mi tierra siempre rota. Venezuela
    2019 FULLTEKST
  • Roxana Mihaela Sarion :
    Intersecting Frames of Legibility in Conversión de Píritu (1690):a Remodeling of the Paratexts in the Digital Setting
  • Roxana Mihaela Sarion :
    Dinamicas culturales y discursos subversivos en un texto colonial Conversión de Píritu (1690)
  • Roxana Mihaela Sarion :
    The Conversion of Piritu: cultural practices and indigenous discourses in the missionary relations of colonial Venezuela
  • Roxana Mihaela Sarion :
    Transcultural practices and subversive discourses in missionary colonial literature in Venezuela
  • Roxana Mihaela Sarion :
    Persistence of the Indigenous myths and religions during the Christianisation of Latin America
    2016 DATA
  • Roxana Mihaela Sarion :
    Kan katolsk misjonering skape forståelse i nord?
    06. mai 2016 DATA
  • Roxana Mihaela Sarion :
    Rediscovering the Americas in The Digital Era
  • Roxana Mihaela Sarion :
    Confesionarios coloniales de Venezuela (siglo 17)
    2016 DATA
  • Roxana Mihaela Sarion :
    Conversión de Píritu de indios cumanagotos, palenques y otros (1690): transcultural practices and subversive discourses in missionary colonial literature in Venezuela
  • Roxana Sarion, Stig Brøndbo :
    Kan katolsk misjonering skape forståelse i nord?
    06. mai 2016 DATA
  • Roxana Mihaela Sarion :
    Translator proditor. The affirmation of the authorial voice in Matías Ruiz Blanco
    History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences 06. mai 2015 DATA / ARKIV
  • Roxana Mihaela Sarion :
    Lexicographic style and methodological approach in two vocabularies from the 17th century in Venezuela
  • Roxana Mihaela Sarion :
    Challenges and defiance in the translation of Doctrina Cristiana in Venezuela

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →

    Publikasjoner utenom Cristin

    A mi tierra, siempre rota. Venezuela. Bokomtale: «La hija de la española» de Karina Sainz Borgo, Lumen, 2019”. In: Yonder - Portal de literatura e ilustración editorial noruega y latinoamericana (2019)

    "The missionary linguistic works in the Province of New Andalusia. A comparative study of three artes from the 17th century" in Linguistics in Amsterdam (LiA) Vol. 7, nr 2, #4 (2014)




    My research interests focus on the literary and cultural history of the Early Modern age, the missionary texts and trans-cultural practices in Latin America. My main lines of research include the spread of Christianity during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries with particular attention to the Franciscan evangelization strategies in northeastern Venezuela, which was a central element in my PhD dissertation, Conversion de Píritu de Mathias Ruiz Blanco: una obra misionera en el contexto fronterizo de Venezuela (ss. XVII-XVIII), accepted for publication by the internationally renowned Iberoamericana Vervuert press.

    During my doctoral studies, I have been particularly interested in the reception of missionary works and comparative studies of texts in indigenous languages: translation of culture(s) and cultural contexts, as well as (historical) linguistics. As a result, I have published a dozen of academic articles and reviews in well-established editorials and academic journals, such as Brill, Iberoamericana Vervuert, Indiana and Anthropos.

    I have been an associated member of the research group The Seminario de Estudios sobre el Renacimiento at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Translating Christianities at the University of Stirling, as well as a guest researcher and visiting lecturer at the Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos (Seville), the University of Amsterdam and University of Zaragoza.






    SPA-1110  Innføring i spansk og latinamerikansk historie 

    SPA-2981 Fordypningsoppgave i spansk litteratur/kultur (lektorutdanningen trinn 8 - 13)

    SPA-2250 Nettbasert fordypning i spansk grammatikk og litteratur. 

    SPA-2111 Sentrale verk i spanskspråklig litteratur  

    SPA-3113 Kulturforflytninger i spanskspråklig litteratur

    SPA-2113 Moderne spansk sakprosa. Lesing, forståelse og skriving




    I was trained and obtained my research degrees at several European universities: I hold a PhD in Humanities and Social Sciences (specialization Spanish Language and Culture) from UiT- The Arctic University of Norway; a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Literary Theory from the University of Zaragoza (Spain); as well as an M.A. in Ibero-Romance Studies from the University of Bucharest. Recently I was granted on competitive basis the renown Postdoctoral Fellowship Juan de la Cierva at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.

    Both in my teaching and research I address the analysis of early modern Hispanic literature in relation to the intellectual history of Europe and contemporary political and religious thought. This cross-disciplinary approach focuses on the analysis of the literary texts from the perspective of cultural studies and traces their expressions of colonialism, ideological propaganda, social control, as well as forms of contestation and dissent. These aspects are particularly relevant when they intersect with notions of translation theory and analysis of Christian poetics which, until recently, have been paid little attention to by historians of European criticism.