Sushmit Dhar,
Masoud Naseri,
Hassan Abbas Khawaja,
Eirik Mikal Samuelsen,
Kåre Edvardsen,
Javad Barabady
Sea-spray measurement tools and technique employed in marine icing field expeditions: A critical literature review and assessment using CFD simulations
Cold Regions Science and Technology 2024
Ali Nouri Qarahassanlou,
Amir Hossein Garmabaki,
Ahmad Kasraei,
Javad Barabady
Climate Change Impacts on Mining Value Chain: A Systematic Literature Review
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering 2024
Ali Nouri Qarahassanlou,
Amir Hossein Garmabaki,
Ahmad Kasraei,
Javad Barabady
Deciphering climate change impacts on resource extraction supply chain: a systematic review
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 2024
Behrooz Ashrafi,
Gibeom Kim,
Masoud Naseri,
Javad Barabady,
Sushmit Dhar,
Gyunyoung Heo
An agent-based modelling framework for performance assessment of search and rescue operations in the Barents Sea
Safety in Extreme Environments 2024
Aqsa Rahim,
Fuqing Yuan,
Javad Barabady
A survey related to current technologies in Arctic region for autonomous driving
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 2024
Ali Hazrati,
Ali Nouri Qarahasanlou,
Javad Barabady,
Ali Asghar Khodayari
Throughput capacity importance measure (a case study)
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 2023
Abbas Barabadi,
Javad Barabady,
Ali Nouri
Uncertainties in Managing Atmospheric Icing on Power Lines
Research Publishing Services 2023
Rezgar Zaki,
Abbas Barabadi,
Javad Barabady,
Ali Nouri Qarahasanlou
Observed and unobserved heterogeneity in failure data analysis
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part O, Journal of risk and reliability 2021
A. Shojaei Barjouei,,
Abbas Barabadi,
Javad Barabady
A maintenance scheduling optimization for wind farms
Research Publishing Services 2020
Abolfazl Shojaeibarjouei,
Ove Tobias Gudmestad,
Javad Barabady
Road Transportation Challenges in the Arctic
WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences 2020
Azeem Hussain,
Ove Tobias Gudmestad,
Javad Barabady
Trends in seismic data acquisition in areas with surface ice
Proceedings - International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions 2019
Mohammad Ali Nabizadeh,
Seyed Mohammad Esmaeil Jalali,
Abbas Soltani,
Amir Khademian,
Javad Barabady
Reliability and Maintainability Analysis of Material Handling Machinery in Golegohar Mine No. 1
IEEE Xplore Digital Library 2019
Yonas Zewdu Ayele,
Javad Barabady
Risk-based offshore facility design (RB-OFD) under arctic operational conditions
Proceedings - International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions 2017
Tord Nese,
Raymond Dalsand,
Ove Tobias Gudmestad,
Knut Espen Solberg,
Javad Barabady,
Abbas Barabadi
Identification of hazards during search and rescue operations in cold climate
Proceedings - International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions 2017
Javad Barabady,
Xueli Gao,
Tore Markeset
Criticality Analysis from Maintainability Point of View
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2017
Masoud Naseri,
Javad Barabady
An Expert-Based Model for Reliability Analysis of Arctic Oil and Gas Processing Facilities
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2016
Yonas Zewdu Ayele,
Abbas Barabadi,
Javad Barabady
Dynamic spare parts transportation model for Arctic production facility
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 2016
Nassaj Alireza,
Javad Barabady
Fault tree analysis of oil and gas distillation tower and application of Bayesian Networks
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2016
Yonas Zewdu Ayele,
Abbas Barabadi,
Javad Barabady
Performance-Based Risk management Systems (PBRMS) in the Arctic Drilling Waste Handling Operation
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2016
Masoud Naseri,
Javad Barabady
On RAM performance of production facilities operating under the Barents Sea harsh environmental conditions
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 2016
Yonas Zewdu Ayele,
Abbas Barabadi,
Javad Barabady
A methodology for identification of a suitable drilling waste handling system in the Arctic region
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2016
Yonas Zewdu Ayele,
Javad Barabady,
Enrique López Droguett
Dynamic Bayesian network based risk assessment for Arctic offshore drilling waste handling practices
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2016
Masoud Naseri,
Javad Barabady
An expert-based approach to production performance analysis of oil and gas facilities considering time-independent Arctic operating conditions
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 2016
Masoud Naseri,
Yuan Fuqing,
Javad Barabady
Performance-based Aggregation of Expert Opinions for Reliability Prediction of Arctic Offshore Facilities
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2016
Masoud Naseri,
Javad Barabady
System Reliability Analysis by Use of Gaussian Fuzzy Fault Tree: Application in Arctic Oil and Gas Facilities
Oil and Gas Facilities 2015
Fatemeh Shouli Pour,
Masoud Naseri,
Javad Barabady
Drill cutting and waste injection assurance in the Barents sea
Proceedings - International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions 2015
Tore Markeset,
Anette Cecilie Sæland,
Ove Tobias Gudmestad,
Javad Barabady
Petroleum Production facilities in Arctic operational environments
Yonas Zewdu Ayele,
Abbas Barabadi,
Javad Barabady
Effectiveness Assessment for Waste Management Decision-support in the Arctic Drilling
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2015
Abbas Barabadi,
Ove Tobias Gudmestad,
Javad Barabady
RAMS data collection under Arctic conditions
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 2015
Masoud Naseri,
Javad Barabady
Performance of Oil Skimmers in the Arctic Offshore Oil Spills
Taylor & Francis 2015
Yonas Zewdu Ayele,
Javad Barabady,
Enrique López Droguett
Risk assessment of Arctic drilling waste management operations based on Bayesian Networks
Masoud Naseri,
Abbas Barabadi,
Javad Barabady,
Grigorii Voskoboynikov
Application of Biofilter Plantation for Oil Spill Cleanup in the Arctic Coastal Waters
Gizat Derebe Amare,
Yonas Zewdu Ayele,
Javad Barabady
Losses From Failure: RAMS Analysis in Extreme Cold Operating Conditions
Proceedings - International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions 2015
Abbas Barabadi,
Javad Barabady,
Tore Markeset
Application of reliability models with covariates in spare part prediction and optimization - A case study
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 2014
Yonas Zewdu Ayele,
Abbas Barabadi,
Javad Barabady
A risk-based approach to manage the Occupational Hazards in the Arctic drilling waste handling practices
Simon Andre Furuly,
Javad Barabady,
Abbas Barabadi
Availability analysis of the main conveyor in the Svea Coal Mine in Norway
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 2014
Masoud Naseri,
Abbas Barabadi,
Javad Barabady
Bioremediation Treatment of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Arctic Soils: Influencing Parameters
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2014
Simon Andre Furuly,
Abbas Barabadi,
Javad Barabady
Reliability Analysis of MiningEquipment considering Operational Environments: A Case Study
International Journal of Performability Engineering 2013
Gupta Suprakash,
Jayanta P Bhattacharya,
Javad Barabady,
Uday Kumar
Cost-effective importance measure: A new approach for resource prioritization in a production plant
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 2013
Yonas Zewdu Ayele,
Abbas Barabadi,
Javad Barabady
Drilling Waste Handling and Management in the High North
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2013
Muhammad Shakeel Virk,
Yngve Birkelund,
Jinmei Lu,
Hassan Abbas Khawaja,
Javad Barabady
Exploring Knowledge Gaps on Atmospheric ice Accretion
22. mars 2024
Behrooz Ashrafi,
Gibeom Kim,
Sushmit Dhar,
Sejin Baek,
Masoud Naseri,
Javad Barabady
Agent-based modelling and analysis of search and rescue (SAR) operations in the Barents Sea
A.H.S Garmabaki,
Javad Barabady,
Thaduri Adithya
Climate Change Impact Assessment on Railway Maintenance
Research Publishing Services 2022
Behrooz Ashrafi,
Masoud Naseri,
Javad Barabady
Resilience of a transportation network: Importance of vulnerable nodes
Javad Barabady
Cold Climate Technology: Performance analysis.
Sushmit Dhar,
Kåre Edvardsen,
Hassan Khawaja,
Javad Barabady
MarSpray LiDAR (MSL) for the comprehensive measurement of Sea Spray for Improving the Prediction of Marine Icing in Cold Conditions
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021
Masoud Naseri,
Javad Barabady
Application of Accelerated Failure Time Models in Reliability Analysis Considering Dynamic Environmental Conditions
Yonas Zewdu Ayele,
Javad Barabady,
Enrique López Droguett
Risk Assessment of Arctic drilling waste management operations using Bayesian Networks
Yonas Zewdu Ayele,
Javad Barabady,
Enrique López Droguett
Dynamic Bayesian Network based risk assessment for drilling waste handling operation in the Arctic
Masoud Naseri,
Javad Barabady
Application of Fuzzy Set Theory and Expert Judgement in Reliability Analysis of the Arctic Oil and Gas Facilities