Typhaine Le Doujet,
Peik Haugen
The Microbiota of the Outer Gut Mucus Layer of the Migrating Northeast Arctic Cod (Gadus morhua) as Determined by Shotgun DNA Sequencing
Cecilie S. Bækkedal,
Peik Haugen
Bipartite Genomes in Enterobacterales: Independent Origins of Chromids, Elevated Openness and Donors of Horizontally Transferred Genes
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023
Kjersti Lian,
Betty Martine Normann Furulund,
Anders Aune Tveita,
Peik Haugen,
Steinar Daae Johansen
Mobile group I introns at nuclear rDNA position L2066 harbor sense and antisense homing endonuclease genes intervened by spliceosomal introns
Betty Martine Normann Furulund,
Bård Ove Karlsen,
Igor Babiak,
Peik Haugen,
Steinar Daae Johansen
Structural Organization of S516 Group I Introns in Myxomycetes
Cecilie S. Bækkedal,
Peik Haugen
The Pseudoalteromonas multipartite genome: distribution and expression of pangene categories, and a hypothesis for the origin and evolution of the chromid
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 2021
Cecilie S. Bækkedal,
Tim Kahlke,
Peik Haugen
Vibrionaceae core, shell and cloud genes are non-randomly distributed on Chr 1: An hypothesis that links the genomic location of genes with their intracellular placement
BMC Genomics 06. oktober 2020
Typhaine Le Doujet,
Concetta De Santi,
Terje Klemetsen,
Erik Hjerde,
Nils Peder Willassen,
Peik Haugen
Closely-related Photobacterium strains comprise the majority of bacteria in the gut of migrating Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
Jenny Johansson Söderberg,
Miriam Grgic,
Erik Hjerde,
Peik Haugen
Aliivibrio wodanis as a production host: development of genetic tools for expression of cold-active enzymes
Microbial Cell Factories 2019
Kåre Olav Holm,
Cecilie Bækkedal,
Jenny Johansson Söderberg,
Peik Haugen
Complete Genome Sequences of Seven Vibrio anguillarum Strains as Derived from PacBio Sequencing
Genome Biology and Evolution (GBE) 01. april 2018
Sunniva Katharina Thode,
Ewelina Rojek,
Mikolaj Kozlowski,
Rafi Ahmad,
Peik Haugen
Distribution of siderophore gene systems on a Vibrionaceae phylogeny: Database searches, phylogenetic analyses and evolutionary perspectives
Sunniva Katharina Thode,
Cecilie Bækkedal,
Jenny Johansson Söderberg,
Erik Hjerde,
Hilde Hansen,
Peik Haugen
Construction of a fur null mutant and RNA-sequencing provide deeper global understanding of the Aliivibrio salmonicida Fur regulon
Sunniva Katharina Thode,
Tim Kahlke,
Espen Mikal Robertsen,
Hilde Hansen,
Peik Haugen
The immediate global responses of Aliivibrio salmonicida to iron limitations
Peik Haugen,
Cecilie Bækkedal
The Spot 42 RNA: A regulatory small RNA with roles in the central metabolism
Amit Anand Purohit,
Jostein a Johansen,
Hilde Hansen,
Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros,
Alexander Kashulin,
Christian Karlsen
Presence of acyl-homoserine lactones in 57 members of the Vibrionaceae family
Journal of Applied Microbiology 2013
Hilary A. McManus,
Louise A. Lewis,
Karolina Fučíková,
Peik Haugen
Invasion of protein coding genes by green algal ribosomal group I introns
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 2012
Geir Åsmund Hansen,
Rafi Ahmad,
erik Hjerde,
Christopher Graham Fenton,
Nils Peder Willassen,
Peik Haugen
Expression profiling reveals Spot 42 small RNA as a key regulator in the central metabolism of Aliivibrio salmonicida
Rafi Ahmad,
Geir Åsmund Hansen,
Hilde Hansen,
Erik Hjerde,
hege lynum Pedersen,
steinar Paulsen
Prediction, microarray and northern blot analyses identify new intergenic small RNAs in aliivibrio salmonicida
Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology 28. desember 2012
Tim Kahlke,
Alexander Goesmann,
Erik Hjerde,
Nils Peder Willassen,
Peik Haugen
Unique core genomes of the bacterial family vibrionaceae: insights into niche adaptation and speciation
hege lynum Pedersen,
Rafi Ahmad,
EK Riise,
Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros,
Stefan Hauglid,
S Espelid
Experimental and computational characterization of the ferric uptake regulator from Aliivibrio salmonicida (Vibrio salmonicida)
Journal of Microbiology 2010
hege lynum Pedersen,
erik Hjerde,
steinar Paulsen,
Hilde Hansen,
Lotte Olsen,
Sunniva Katharina Thode
Global responses of Aliivibrio salmonicida to hydrogen peroxide as revealed by microarray analysis
Rafi Ahmad,
erik Hjerde,
Geir Åsmund Hansen,
Peik Haugen,
Nils Peder Willassen
Prediction and Experimental Testing of Ferric Uptake Regulator Regulons in Vibrios
Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology 2009
Christian Karlsen,
Steinar Martin Paulsen,
Hege Smith Tunsjø,
Simone Krinner,
Henning Sørum,
Peik Haugen
Motility and flagellin gene expression in the fish pathogen Vibrio salmonicida: Effects of salinity and temperature
Microbial Pathogenesis 2008
Rafi Ahmad,
erik Hjerde,
Geir Åsmund Hansen,
Peik Haugen,
Nils Peder Willassen
Prediction and Experimental Testing of Ferric Uptake Regulator Regulons in Vibrios
Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology 2008
Maria Wilhelmsen Hoff,
Agnethe Hansen Bæverud,
Njål Rauø,
Terje Vasskog,
Peik Haugen
Bioconversion of industrial side streams from the marine sector
Agnethe Hansen Bæverud,
Terje Vasskog,
Carlos Dinamarca,
Sandeep Gyawali,
Peik Haugen
High-Resolution LC-MS-based Untargeted Lipidomics of a Lipid-rich Bacterial Meal : Assessment of Macronutrient Quality in Product Development
Maria Wilhelmsen Hoff,
Lindsey Martinsen,
Sietske Shalini Grijseels,
Terje Vasskog,
Jacobus Johannes Eksteen,
Peik Haugen
Lipid storing Arctic marine bacteria - a story in progress
Gøril Laugsand,
Terje Vasskog,
Peik Haugen,
Maria Wilhelmsen Hoff,
Njål Rauø
Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry to identify lipids in marine bacterial biomass
Peik Haugen,
Jenny Johansson Söderberg,
Miriam Grgic
Fusion moieties and microbial hosts for protein production
Maria Wilhelmsen Hoff,
Lindsey Martinsen,
Sietske Shalini Grijseels,
Terje Vasskog,
Jacobus Johannes Eksteen,
Peik Haugen
Lipid storing Arctic marine bacteria and the quest to a sustainable bioeconomy
Peik Haugen
Kan vi lage nyttige produkter av restråstoff ved bruk av bakterier?
Peik Haugen,
Jenny Johansson Söderberg,
Miriam Grgic
Fusion moieties and microbial hosts for protein production
Ragnhild Dragøy,
Jan-Arne Arnesen,
Kjersti Lian,
Peik Haugen,
Oddny J. Johnsen
Kan lage store verdier av fiskeslo (www.nofima.no 6/1-2021)
Kjersti Lian,
Jan-Arne Arnesen,
Peik Haugen
Kan lage store verdier av fiskeslo
Peik Haugen
A microbiome approach to conversion of underutilized marine side-streams into industry-relevant small molecules and cold-active enzymes
Peik Haugen
A microbiome approach to conversion of underutilized marine side-streams into industry-relevant small molecules and cold-active enzymes
Concetta De Santi,
Ragnhild Whitaker,
Elin Moe,
Fredrik Almqvist,
Nils Peder Willassen,
Peik Haugen
MicroMBT: Microbial communities and moving bed technology as tools for conversion of marine biomass
Jenny Johansson Söderberg,
Miriam Grgic,
Peik Haugen
Development of a novel expression host for challenging enzymes
Marcin Miroslaw Pierechod,
Concetta De Santi,
Ragnhild Whitaker,
Elin Moe,
Henrik Antti,
Fredrik Almqvist
MicroMBT: Microbial communities and moving bed technology as tools for conversion of Marine Biomass
Peik Haugen
MicroMBT - Discovery and training of microbial biocatalysts for biomass conversion using moving bed technology (MBT)
Jenny Johansson Söderberg,
Peik Haugen,
Miriam Grgic
Development of a novel expression host for challenging enzymes
Jenny Johansson Söderberg,
Peik Haugen,
Miriam Grgic
Development of a novel expression host for challenging enzymes
Peik Haugen
Concetta De Santi,
Ragnhild Dragøy Whitaker,
Elin Moe,
Fredrik Almqvist,
Nils Peder Willassen,
Peik Haugen
MicroMBT: Microbial communities and moving bed technology as tools for conversion of marine biomass
Miriam Grgic,
Jenny Johansson Söderberg,
Peik Haugen
A novel expression system specialized for psychrophilic enzymes
Peik Haugen
Development of a new bacterial host for efficient expression of cold-adapted enzymes
Jenny Johansson Söderberg,
Peik Haugen
A novel expression system specialized for psychrophilic enzymes
Peik Haugen
Projects and activities at the Molecular Biosystems Research Group
Miriam Khider,
Peik Haugen,
Hilde Hansen,
Nils Peder Willassen
Cloning and Characteriza0on of PUFA operon form Shewanella, with focus on EPA and DHA production in Aliivibrio wodanis
Miriam Khider,
Peik Haugen,
Hilde Hansen,
Nils Peder Willassen
Development of an expression host for cold-adapted enzymes
HA McManus,
LA Lewis,
K Fucikova,
Peik Haugen
Journal of Phycology 2011