Bilde av Haugen, Peik
Foto: Christian Halvorsen
Bilde av Haugen, Peik
Instituttleder, Professor, Molekylære biosystemer og bioinformatikk, Norstruct Institutt for kjemi +4777645288 95122932 Tromsø Her finner du meg

Peik Haugen


Professor, Molekylære biosystemer og bioinformatikk, Norstruct

  • Typhaine Le Doujet, Peik Haugen :
    The Microbiota of the Outer Gut Mucus Layer of the Migrating Northeast Arctic Cod (Gadus morhua) as Determined by Shotgun DNA Sequencing
    Microorganisms 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Cecilie S. Bækkedal, Peik Haugen :
    Bipartite Genomes in Enterobacterales: Independent Origins of Chromids, Elevated Openness and Donors of Horizontally Transferred Genes
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kjersti Lian, Betty Martine Normann Furulund, Anders Aune Tveita, Peik Haugen, Steinar Daae Johansen :
    Mobile group I introns at nuclear rDNA position L2066 harbor sense and antisense homing endonuclease genes intervened by spliceosomal introns
    Mobile DNA 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Betty Martine Normann Furulund, Bård Ove Karlsen, Igor Babiak, Peik Haugen, Steinar Daae Johansen :
    Structural Organization of S516 Group I Introns in Myxomycetes
    Genes 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Cecilie S. Bækkedal, Peik Haugen :
    The Pseudoalteromonas multipartite genome: distribution and expression of pangene categories, and a hypothesis for the origin and evolution of the chromid
    G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Cecilie S. Bækkedal, Tim Kahlke, Peik Haugen :
    Vibrionaceae core, shell and cloud genes are non-randomly distributed on Chr 1: An hypothesis that links the genomic location of genes with their intracellular placement
    BMC Genomics 06. oktober 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Typhaine Le Doujet, Concetta De Santi, Terje Klemetsen, Erik Hjerde, Nils Peder Willassen, Peik Haugen :
    Closely-related Photobacterium strains comprise the majority of bacteria in the gut of migrating Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
    Microbiome 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jenny Johansson Söderberg, Miriam Grgic, Erik Hjerde, Peik Haugen :
    Aliivibrio wodanis as a production host: development of genetic tools for expression of cold-active enzymes
    Microbial Cell Factories 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kåre Olav Holm, Cecilie Bækkedal, Jenny Johansson Söderberg, Peik Haugen :
    Complete Genome Sequences of Seven Vibrio anguillarum Strains as Derived from PacBio Sequencing
    Genome Biology and Evolution (GBE) 01. april 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sunniva Katharina Thode, Ewelina Rojek, Mikolaj Kozlowski, Rafi Ahmad, Peik Haugen :
    Distribution of siderophore gene systems on a Vibrionaceae phylogeny: Database searches, phylogenetic analyses and evolutionary perspectives
  • Sunniva Katharina Thode, Cecilie Bækkedal, Jenny Johansson Söderberg, Erik Hjerde, Hilde Hansen, Peik Haugen :
    Construction of a fur null mutant and RNA-sequencing provide deeper global understanding of the Aliivibrio salmonicida Fur regulon
    PeerJ 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sunniva Katharina Thode, Tim Kahlke, Espen Mikal Robertsen, Hilde Hansen, Peik Haugen :
    The immediate global responses of Aliivibrio salmonicida to iron limitations
    BMC Microbiology 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Peik Haugen, Cecilie Bækkedal :
    The Spot 42 RNA: A regulatory small RNA with roles in the central metabolism
    RNA Biology 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Amit Anand Purohit, Jostein a Johansen, Hilde Hansen, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros, Alexander Kashulin, Christian Karlsen m.fl.:
    Presence of acyl-homoserine lactones in 57 members of the Vibrionaceae family
    Journal of Applied Microbiology 2013 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hilary A. McManus, Louise A. Lewis, Karolina Fučíková, Peik Haugen :
    Invasion of protein coding genes by green algal ribosomal group I introns
    Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 2012 DOI
  • Geir Åsmund Hansen, Rafi Ahmad, erik Hjerde, Christopher Graham Fenton, Nils Peder Willassen, Peik Haugen :
    Expression profiling reveals Spot 42 small RNA as a key regulator in the central metabolism of Aliivibrio salmonicida
    BMC Genomics 2012 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rafi Ahmad, Geir Åsmund Hansen, Hilde Hansen, Erik Hjerde, hege lynum Pedersen, steinar Paulsen m.fl.:
    Prediction, microarray and northern blot analyses identify new intergenic small RNAs in aliivibrio salmonicida
    Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology 28. desember 2012 DOI
  • Tim Kahlke, Alexander Goesmann, Erik Hjerde, Nils Peder Willassen, Peik Haugen :
    Unique core genomes of the bacterial family vibrionaceae: insights into niche adaptation and speciation
    BMC Genomics 2012 ARKIV / DOI
  • hege lynum Pedersen, Rafi Ahmad, EK Riise, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros, Stefan Hauglid, S Espelid m.fl.:
    Experimental and computational characterization of the ferric uptake regulator from Aliivibrio salmonicida (Vibrio salmonicida)
    Journal of Microbiology 2010 DOI
  • hege lynum Pedersen, erik Hjerde, steinar Paulsen, Hilde Hansen, Lotte Olsen, Sunniva Katharina Thode m.fl.:
    Global responses of Aliivibrio salmonicida to hydrogen peroxide as revealed by microarray analysis
    Marine Genomics 2010 DOI
  • Rafi Ahmad, erik Hjerde, Geir Åsmund Hansen, Peik Haugen, Nils Peder Willassen :
    Prediction and Experimental Testing of Ferric Uptake Regulator Regulons in Vibrios
    Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology 2009 DOI
  • Christian Karlsen, Steinar Martin Paulsen, Hege Smith Tunsjø, Simone Krinner, Henning Sørum, Peik Haugen m.fl.:
    Motility and flagellin gene expression in the fish pathogen Vibrio salmonicida: Effects of salinity and temperature
    Microbial Pathogenesis 2008
  • Rafi Ahmad, erik Hjerde, Geir Åsmund Hansen, Peik Haugen, Nils Peder Willassen :
    Prediction and Experimental Testing of Ferric Uptake Regulator Regulons in Vibrios
    Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology 2008 DOI
  • Maria Wilhelmsen Hoff, Agnethe Hansen Bæverud, Njål Rauø, Terje Vasskog, Peik Haugen :
    Bioconversion of industrial side streams from the marine sector
  • Agnethe Hansen Bæverud, Terje Vasskog, Carlos Dinamarca, Sandeep Gyawali, Peik Haugen :
    High-Resolution LC-MS-based Untargeted Lipidomics of a Lipid-rich Bacterial Meal : Assessment of Macronutrient Quality in Product Development
  • Maria Wilhelmsen Hoff, Lindsey Martinsen, Sietske Shalini Grijseels, Terje Vasskog, Jacobus Johannes Eksteen, Peik Haugen :
    Lipid storing Arctic marine bacteria - a story in progress
  • Gøril Laugsand, Terje Vasskog, Peik Haugen, Maria Wilhelmsen Hoff, Njål Rauø :
    Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry to identify lipids in marine bacterial biomass
  • Peik Haugen, Jenny Johansson Söderberg, Miriam Grgic :
    Fusion moieties and microbial hosts for protein production
  • Maria Wilhelmsen Hoff, Lindsey Martinsen, Sietske Shalini Grijseels, Terje Vasskog, Jacobus Johannes Eksteen, Peik Haugen :
    Lipid storing Arctic marine bacteria and the quest to a sustainable bioeconomy
  • Peik Haugen :
    Kan vi lage nyttige produkter av restråstoff ved bruk av bakterier?
  • Peik Haugen, Jenny Johansson Söderberg, Miriam Grgic :
    Fusion moieties and microbial hosts for protein production
  • Ragnhild Dragøy, Jan-Arne Arnesen, Kjersti Lian, Peik Haugen, Oddny J. Johnsen :
    Kan lage store verdier av fiskeslo ( 6/1-2021)
  • Kjersti Lian, Jan-Arne Arnesen, Peik Haugen :
    Kan lage store verdier av fiskeslo
    06. januar 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Peik Haugen :
    A microbiome approach to conversion of underutilized marine side-streams into industry-relevant small molecules and cold-active enzymes
  • Peik Haugen :
    A microbiome approach to conversion of underutilized marine side-streams into industry-relevant small molecules and cold-active enzymes
  • Concetta De Santi, Ragnhild Whitaker, Elin Moe, Fredrik Almqvist, Nils Peder Willassen, Peik Haugen :
    MicroMBT: Microbial communities and moving bed technology as tools for conversion of marine biomass
  • Jenny Johansson Söderberg, Miriam Grgic, Peik Haugen :
    Development of a novel expression host for challenging enzymes
  • Marcin Miroslaw Pierechod, Concetta De Santi, Ragnhild Whitaker, Elin Moe, Henrik Antti, Fredrik Almqvist m.fl.:
    MicroMBT: Microbial communities and moving bed technology as tools for conversion of Marine Biomass
  • Peik Haugen :
    MicroMBT - Discovery and training of microbial biocatalysts for biomass conversion using moving bed technology (MBT)
  • Jenny Johansson Söderberg, Peik Haugen, Miriam Grgic :
    Development of a novel expression host for challenging enzymes
  • Jenny Johansson Söderberg, Peik Haugen, Miriam Grgic :
    Development of a novel expression host for challenging enzymes
  • Peik Haugen :
  • Concetta De Santi, Ragnhild Dragøy Whitaker, Elin Moe, Fredrik Almqvist, Nils Peder Willassen, Peik Haugen :
    MicroMBT: Microbial communities and moving bed technology as tools for conversion of marine biomass
  • Miriam Grgic, Jenny Johansson Söderberg, Peik Haugen :
    A novel expression system specialized for psychrophilic enzymes
  • Peik Haugen :
    Development of a new bacterial host for efficient expression of cold-adapted enzymes
  • Jenny Johansson Söderberg, Peik Haugen :
    A novel expression system specialized for psychrophilic enzymes
  • Peik Haugen :
    Projects and activities at the Molecular Biosystems Research Group
  • Miriam Khider, Peik Haugen, Hilde Hansen, Nils Peder Willassen :
    Cloning and Characteriza0on of PUFA operon form Shewanella, with focus on EPA and DHA production in Aliivibrio wodanis
  • Miriam Khider, Peik Haugen, Hilde Hansen, Nils Peder Willassen :
    Development of an expression host for cold-adapted enzymes
  • HA McManus, LA Lewis, K Fucikova, Peik Haugen :
    Journal of Phycology 2011

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