Christian Tantardini,
Roberto Di Remigio,
Magnar Bjørgve,
Stig Rune Jensen,
Luca Frediani
Full Breit Hamiltonian in the Multiwavelets Framework
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2024
Magnar Bjørgve,
Christian Tantardini,
Stig Rune Jensen,
Gabriel Adolfo Gerez Sazo,
Peter Wind,
Roberto Di Remigio Eikås
VAMPyR—A high-level Python library for mathematical operations in a multiwavelet representation
Journal of Chemical Physics 2024
Gabriel Adolfo Gerez Sazo,
Roberto Di Remigio Eikås,
Stig Rune Jensen,
Magnar Bjørgve,
Luca Frediani
Cavity-Free Continuum Solvation: Implementation and Parametrization in a Multiwavelet Framework
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2023
Daniel G. A. Smith,
Annabelle T. Lolinco,
Zachary L. Glick,
Jiyoung Lee,
Asem Alenaizan,
Taylor A. Barnes
Quantum chemistry common driver and databases (QCDB) and quantum chemistry engine (QCengine): Automation and interoperability among computational chemistry programs
Journal of Chemical Physics 2021
Jógvan Magnus Haugaard Olsen,
Simen Sommerfelt Reine,
Olav Vahtras,
Erik Kjellgren,
Peter Reinholdt,
Karen O.H Dundas
Dalton Project: A Python platform for molecular- and electronic-structure simulations of complex systems
Charles J. C. Scott,
Roberto Di Remigio,
T. Daniel Crawford,
Alex J. W. Thom
Theory and implementation of a novel stochastic approach to coupled cluster
Journal of Chemical Physics 2020
Daniel G A Smith,
Lori A. Burns,
Andrew C Simmonett,
Robert M Parrish,
Matthew C. Schieber,
Raimondas Galvelis
PSI4 1.4: Open-source software for high throughput quantum chemistry
Journal of Chemical Physics 2020
Trond Saue,
Radovan Bast,
Andre Severo Pereira Gomes,
Hans-Jørgen Aa. Jensen,
Luuk Visscher,
Ignacio Agustín Aucar
The DIRAC code for relativistic molecular calculations
Journal of Chemical Physics 26. mai 2020
Charles J. C. Scott,
Roberto Di Remigio,
T. Daniel Crawford,
Alex J. W. Thom
Diagrammatic Coupled Cluster Monte Carlo
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2019
Roberto Di Remigio,
Arnfinn Hykkerud Steindal,
Krzysztof Mozgawa,
Ville Weijo,
Hui Cao,
Luca Frediani
PCMSolver: An open‐source library for solvation modeling
Roberto Di Remigio,
Tommaso Giovannini,
Matteo Ambrosetti,
Chiara Cappelli,
Luca Frediani
Fully polarizable QM/fluctuating charge approach to two-photon absorption of aqueous solutions
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2019
James S. Spencer,
Nick S. Blunt,
Seonghoon Choi,
Jiri Etrych,
Maria-Andreea Filip,
W. M. C. Foulkes
The HANDE-QMC Project: Open-Source Stochastic Quantum Chemistry from the Ground State Up
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2019
T. Daniel Crawford,
Ashutosh Kumar,
Alexander P. Bazanté,
Roberto Di Remigio
Reduced-scaling coupled cluster response theory: Challenges and opportunities
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Computational Molecular Science 2019
Daniel Crawford,
Roberto Di Remigio
Tensor representations and symmetry in many-electron wave functions
Annual Reports in Computational Chemistry 2019
Roberto Di Remigio,
Michal Repisky,
Stanislav Komorovsky,
Peter Hrobárik,
Luca Frediani,
Kenneth Ruud
Four-component relativistic density functional theory with the polarisable continuum model: application to EPR parameters and paramagnetic NMR shifts
Robert M Parrish,
Lori A Burns,
Daniel G A Smith,
Andrew C Simmonett,
A Eugene DePrince,
Edward G Hohenstein
Psi4 1.1: An Open-Source Electronic Structure Program Emphasizing Automation, Advanced Libraries, and Interoperability
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2017
Nils Schieschke,
Roberto Di Remigio,
Luca Frediani,
Johannes Heuser,
Sebastian Höfener
Combining frozen-density embedding with the conductor-like screening model using Lagrangian techniques for response properties
Journal of Computational Chemistry 2017
Roberto Di Remigio,
Maarten Beerepoot,
Yann Cornaton,
Magnus Ringholm,
Arnfinn Hykkerud Steindal,
Kenneth Ruud
Open-ended formulation of self-consistent field response theory with the polarizable continuum model for solvation
Roberto Di Remigio,
Krzysztof Mozgawa,
Hui Cao,
Ville Weijo,
Luca Frediani
A polarizable continuum model for molecules at spherical diffuse interfaces
Journal of Chemical Physics 2016
Roberto Di Remigio,
Radovan Bast,
Luca Frediani,
Trond Saue
Four-Component Relativistic Calculations in Solution with the Polarizable Continuum Model of Solvation: Theory, Implementation and Application to the Group 16 Dihydrides H2X (X= O, S, Se, Te, Po)
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2015
Monica Bugeanu,
Roberto Di Remigio,
Krzysztof Mozgawa,
Simen Sommerfelt Reine,
Helmut Harbrecht,
Luca Frediani
Wavelet formulation of the polarizable continuum model. II. Use of piecewise bilinear boundary elements
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP 2015