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Institutt for geovitenskap +4777625276 Tromsø

Rowan Peter Romeyn

  • Rowan Peter Romeyn, Alfred Hanssen :
    Microphone recording of flexural waves for estimation of lake ice thickness
    Cold Regions Science and Technology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rowan Peter Romeyn, Alfred Hanssen, Andreas Köhler :
    Long-term analysis of cryoseismic events and associated ground thermal stress in Adventdalen, Svalbard
    The Cryosphere 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rowan Romeyn, Alfred Hanssen, Bent Ole Ruud, Helene Meling Stemland, Tor Arne Johansen :
    Passive seismic recording of cryoseisms in Adventdalen, Svalbard
    The Cryosphere 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rowan Romeyn, Alfred Hanssen, Bent Ole Ruud, Tor Arne Johansen :
    Sea ice thickness from air-coupled flexural waves
    The Cryosphere 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rowan Romeyn, Alfred Hanssen, Andreas Köhler :
    Long term analysis of cryoseismic events and associated ground thermal stress in Adventdalen, Svalbard
    The Cryosphere Discussions 25. oktober 2021 DATA
  • Tonje Kristin Jensen, Margrethe Esaiassen, Sjúrður Joensen, Rowan Peter Romeyn, Karsten Heia, Torbjørn Inge Tobiassen m.fl.:
    Evaluering av fangstskader ved bruk av hyperspektral avbildning
  • Rowan Romeyn, Alfred Hanssen, Andreas Köhler, Bent Ole Ruud, Helene Meling Stemland, Tor Arne Johansen :
    Frost quakes – the sound of a dynamic cryosphere and a convenient source for passive surface wave imaging of permafrost
    EGU General Assembly 2021 DOI
  • Rowan Romeyn :
    Skating on thin ice and other seismic investigations
  • Rowan Romeyn, Alfred Hanssen, Tor Arne Johansen :
    Extracting dispersion curves from undersampled data by means of dynamic time warping interpolation
  • Rowan Romeyn, Helene Meling Stemland, Alfred Hanssen, Tor Arne Johansen, Bent Ole Ruud :
    Seismic surface wave investigations of frozen ground in Adventdalen, Svalbard
  • Stefan Bünz, Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta, Andreia Plaza-Faverola, Kate Alyse Waghorn, Malin Waage, Rowan Romeyn :
    Gas Hydrate Dynamics at Ultra-Slow Spreading Ridges in the Fram Strait, Offshore Western Svalbard
  • Rowan Romeyn, Alfred Hanssen, Tor Arne Johansen :
    Mitigation of spatial aliasing in undersampled geophone arrays by dynamic time warping
  • Rowan Romeyn, Alfred Hanssen, Tor Arne Johansen :
    Fixing poorly sampled geophone array data by dynamic time warping
  • Kate Alyse Waghorn, Stefan Bünz, Andreia Plaza-Faverola, Joel E. Johnson, Rowan Romeyn :
    Influence of tectonic regime on sustaining long-lived gas hydrate systems; an example from Svyatogor Ridge, Fram Strait
  • Kate Alyse Waghorn, Stefan Bünz, Andreia Plaza-Faverola, Rowan Romeyn :
    Shallow Methane Hydrate Accumulations on the Svyatogor Ridge, Fram Strait; Influence of Tectonic Regime on Sustaining Long-Lived Gas Hydrate Systems

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →