Katja Kokko,
Päivi Fadjukoff,
Emmi Reinilä,
Johanna Ahola,
Marja-Liisa Kinnunen,
Jane Kroger
Developmental Perspectives on Transitions at Age 60: Individuals Navigating Across the Lifespan (TRAILS) – latest data collection in a longitudinal JYLS study
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 2024
Mari Huhtala,
Päivi Fadjukoff,
Jane Kroger
Managers as Moral Leaders: Moral Identity Processes in the Context of Work
Journal of Business Ethics 2020
Jane Kroger
The Epigenesis of Identity - What Does It Mean?
Identity. An International Journal of Theory and Research 2018
Brit Oppedal,
Eugene Guribye,
Jane Kroger
Vocational identity development among unaccompanied refugee minors
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 2017
Päivi Fadjukoff,
Jane Kroger
Identity Development in Adulthood: Introduction
Identity. An International Journal of Theory and Research 2016
Kine Jespersen,
Jane Kroger,
Monica Martinussen
Identity Status and Ego Development: A Meta-Analysis
Identity. An International Journal of Theory and Research 2013
Kjersti Lillevoll,
Jane Kroger,
Monica Martinussen
Identity Status and Anxiety: A Meta-Analysis
Identity. An International Journal of Theory and Research 12. august 2013
Monica Martinussen,
Jane Kroger
Meta-Analytic Studies of Identity Status and Personality: Introduction and Overview
Identity. An International Journal of Theory and Research 12. august 2013
Kine Jespersen,
Jane Kroger,
Monica Martinussen
Identity Status and Moral Reasoning: A Meta-Analysis
Identity. An International Journal of Theory and Research 12. august 2013
Kjersti Lillevoll,
Jane Kroger,
Monica Martinussen
Identity Status and Locus of Control: A Meta-Analysis
Identity. An International Journal of Theory and Research 12. august 2013
Marianne Sandbu Ryeng,
Jane Kroger,
Monica Martinussen
Identity Status and Self-Esteem: A Meta-Analysis
Identity. An International Journal of Theory and Research 12. august 2013
Marianne Sandbu Ryeng,
Jane Kroger,
Monica Martinussen
Identity Status and Authoritarianism: A Meta-Analysis
Identity. An International Journal of Theory and Research 12. august 2013
Jane Kroger,
James E. Marcia
The Identity Statuses: Origins, meanings and Interpretations
Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011
Jane Kroger,
Kate C McLean
Identity Narratives during the Adult Years: Development and learning
Oxford University Press 2011
Jan H Rosenvinge,
Jane Kroger
Identitetsutvikling i ungdomstiden
Gyldendal Akademisk 2011
Jane Kroger
Adolescent Identity Development: Implications for teaching and counselling
Victoria University Press 2010
Jane Kroger
Identity in adolescence
Hodder Education 2010
Jane Kroger,
Monica Martinussen,
James E. Marcia
Identity status change during adolescence and young adulthood: A meta-analysis
Journal of Adolescence 2010
Annie Årseth,
Jane Kroger,
Monica Martinussen
Factors Associated with Relationship and Partner Ideals among Norwegian Students
Psychological Reports 2009
AK Arseth,
Annie Årseth,
Jane Kroger,
Monica Martinussen,
G Bakken
Intimacy status, attachment, separation-individuation patterns, and identity status in female university students
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 2009
Amjed Al-Owidha,
Kathy Green,
Jane Kroger
On the question of an identity status category order: Rasch model step and scale statistics used to identify category order
International Journal of Behavioral Development 2009
Annie Årseth,
Jane Kroger,
Monica Martinussen,
James Marcia
Meta-Analytic Studies of Identity Status and the Relational Issues of Attachment and Intimacy
Identity. An International Journal of Theory and Research 2009
Jane Elizabeth Kroger,
Vivienne Adair
Symbolic meanings of valued personal objects in identity transitions of late adulthood
Identity. An International Journal of Theory and Research 2008
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
Why is identity achievement so elusive?
Identity. An International Journal of Theory and Research 2007
Francoise Alsaker,
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
Self-concept, self-esteem, and identity
Psychology Press 2006
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
Identitetsutvecklingen i de tidiga vuxenåren
Natur och kultur 2006
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
Critique of a post-modern critique
Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research 2005
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
Identity statuses
Sage Publications 2005
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
Sage Publications 2005
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
Identity formation: Being at home in one's self
Psykologisk tidsskrift 2004
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
Erikson on Adulthood
Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research 2004
Kjersti Lillevoll,
Monica Martinussen,
Jane Kroger
Identity status and anxiety: A meta-analysis
Jane Elizabeth Kroger,
Monica Martinussen
Developmental studies of the identity statuses: A meta-analysis
Jørgen Høgsæth,
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
A longitudinal study of the relationship between identity status, identity style, and stress during late adolescence
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
Discussion on becoming a professional
Ole Halse Knappe,
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
Predictors of psychosocial intimacy during emerging adulthood
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
The Makings of Identity
Jane Elizabeth Kroger,
Jean Phinney
Identity in the Third Age
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
The Status of Identity: Developmental Perspectives (Presidential Address)
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
Identity and relational contexts: A discussion
Jane Elizabeth Kroger,
Monica Martinussen,
Annie Årseth
A meta-analytic study of identity status change
Annie Årseth,
Jane Elizabeth Kroger,
Monica Martinussen
Relationships and identity status: Meta-analytic studies
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
Narrative identity in adolescence and emerging adulthood: A discussion
Ahmed Al-Owidha,
Kathy Green,
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
Use of Rasch threshold and scale statistics in identification of category order
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
Why is identity achievement so elusive?
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
Identity, autonomy, and self-regulation: A discussion
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
Identity in Adulthood
Jane Elizabeth Kroger
Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Identity Research