Karl-Erik Bø,
Kjell Hermann Halvorsen,
Yen-Ngoc Anna Le,
Elin Christina Lehnbom
Barriers and facilitators of pharmacists’ integration in a multidisciplinary home care team: a qualitative interview study based on the normalization process theory
BMC Health Services Research 2024
Eirin Guldsten Robinson,
Hanna Gyllensten,
Anne Gerd Granås,
Kjell Hermann Halvorsen,
Beate Hennie Garcia
Health-related quality of life among older adults following acute hospitalization: longitudinal analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Quality of Life Research 2024
Kristian Svendsen,
Mohsen Gamal Saad Askar,
Danial Umer,
Kjell Hermann Halvorsen
Short-term learning effect of ChatGPT on pharmacy students' learning
Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy (ERCSP) 2024
Beate Hennie Garcia,
Katharina Kaino Omma,
Lars Småbrekke,
Jeanette Schultz Johansen,
Frode Skjold,
Kjell Hermann Halvorsen
Investigating the impact of a pharmacist intervention on inappropriate prescribing practices at hospital admission and discharge in older patients: a secondary outcome analysis from a randomized controlled trial
Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety 2024
Karl-Erik Bø,
Kjell Hermann Halvorsen,
Elin Christina Lehnbom
Intervention description of pharmacist-facilitated medication reviews in Nordic primary care settings: a scoping review
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2024
Eirin Guldsten Robinson,
Hanna Gyllensten,
Jeanette Schultz Johansen,
Kjerstin Havnes,
Anne Gerd Granås,
Trine Strand Bergmo
A Trial-Based Cost-Utility Analysis of a Medication Optimization Intervention Versus Standard Care in Older Adults
Kenji Fujita,
Kjell Hermann Halvorsen,
Noriko Sato,
Janja Jazbar,
Pilar Modamio,
Isabel Waltering
Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe definition of quality indicators for pharmaceutical care: a systematic literature review and international consensus development
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2023
Hilde Monica Risvoll,
Torsten Risør,
Kjell Hermann Halvorsen,
Marit Waaseth,
Trine Stub,
Trude Giverhaug
General practitioners’ role in safeguarding patients with dementia in their use of dietary supplements. A qualitative study
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 08. november 2023
Ann Helen Jakobsen,
Lars Småbrekke,
Timothy F. Chen,
Kjell H. Halvorsen
Exploring stakeholders' perspectives on the quality of services provided through community pharmacies
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2023
Karl-Erik Bø,
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Torsten Risør,
Elin Lehnbom
‘Illuminating determinants of implementation of non-dispensing pharmacist services in home care: a qualitative interview study’
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2023
Jeanette Schultz Johansen,
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Kristian Svendsen,
Kjerstin Havnes,
Eirin Guldsten Robinson,
Hilde Ljones Wetting
Interdisciplinary collaboration across secondary and primary care to improve medication safety in the elderly (The IMMENSE study) – a randomized controlled trial
BMC Health Services Research 2022
Mari Johannessen Walquist,
Kristian Svendsen,
Beate Hennie Garcia,
Trine Strand Bergmo,
Anne Elise Eggen,
Kjell H. Halvorsen
Self-reported medication information needs among medication users in a general population aged 40 years and above – the Tromsø study
Kjerstin Havnes,
Kristian Svendsen,
Jeanette Schultz Johansen,
Anne Gerd Granås,
Beate Hennie Garcia,
Kjell H. Halvorsen
Is anticholinergic and sedative drug burden associated with postdischarge institutionalization in community-dwelling older patients acutely admitted to hospital? A Norwegian registry-based study
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2022
Kjell H. Halvorsen
Pharmacist Involvement in Optimizing Medication Use in Nursing Homes
Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2022
Elisabeth Pedersen,
Raul Primicerio,
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Anne Elise Eggen,
Beate Hennie Garcia,
Henrik Schirmer
Medication adherence among persons with coronary heart disease and associations with blood pressure and low-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2022
Shukry Zawahir,
Sarath Lekamwasam,
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Grenville Rose,
Parisa Aslani
Self-medication Behavior with antibiotics: a national cross-sectional survey in Sri Lanka
Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy 2021
Elisabeth Pedersen,
Kieu Nhi Lise Truong,
Beate Hennie Garcia,
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Kristian Svendsen,
Anne Elise Eggen
Self-reported medication use among coronary heart disease patients showed high validity compared with dispensing data.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2021
Elisabeth Pedersen,
Beate Hennie Garcia,
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Anne Elise Eggen,
Henrik Schirmer,
Marit Waaseth
Adherence to prescription guidelines and achievement of treatment goals among persons with coronary heart disease in Tromsø 7
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2021
Kjerstin Havnes,
Elin Lehnbom,
Scott R. Walter,
Beate Garcia,
Kjell H. Halvorsen
Time distribution for pharmacists conducting a randomized controlled trial — An observational time and motion study.
Jeanette Schultz Johansen,
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Kjerstin Havnes,
Hilde Ljones Wetting,
Kristian Svendsen,
Beate Hennie Garcia
Intervention fidelity and process outcomes of the IMMENSE study, a pharmacist-led interdisciplinary intervention to improve medication safety in older hospitalized patients
Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics 2021
Hilde Risvoll,
Frauke Musial,
Marit Waaseth,
Trude Giverhaug,
Kjell H. Halvorsen
Home care service employees' contribution to patient safety in clients with dementia who use dietary supplements: a Norwegian survey
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2021
Marit Waaseth,
Siri Forsdahl,
Kjell H. Halvorsen
Influensavaksine, en spørreundersøkelse blant apotekkunder
Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift (NFT) 2021
Jeanette Schultz Johansen,
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Kristian Svendsen,
Kjerstin Havnes,
Beate Hennie Garcia
The impact of hospitalisation to geriatric wards on the use of medications and potentially inappropriate medications - A health register study
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Sinan Kucukcelik,
Beate Hennie Garcia,
Kristian Svendsen
Assessing Potentially Inappropriate Medications in
Nursing Home Residents by NORGEP-NH Criteria
Marit Waaseth,
Abdifatah Bashi Adan,
Ingrid Landfald Røen,
Karoline Eriksen,
Tijana Stanojevic,
Kjell H. Halvorsen
Knowledge of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance among Norwegian pharmacy customers – a cross-sectional study
Anne Gerd Granås,
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Julie Wendelboe,
Cecilie Johannessen Landmark
Interdisciplinary medication review to improve pharmacotherapy
for patients with intellectual disabilities
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 15. november 2019
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Torunn Stadeløkken,
Beate Hennie Garcia
A Stepwise Pharmacist-Led Medication Review Service in Interdisciplinary Teams in Rural Nursing Homes
Hilde Risvoll,
Frauke Musial,
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Trude Giverhaug,
Marit Waaseth
Pharmacy employees'
involvement in safeguarding persons with dementia who use dietary supplements: Results from a survey of Norwegian pharmacies.
BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies 2019
Wiphawee Bunmeepom,
Janne erikke Mjelle,
Kjell Hermann Halvorsen,
marthe gaarder,
Abdullahi Bishar Omar,
Marit Waaseth
Norwegian Pharmacists´ Perceptions of the Phenomenon Professional Discretion
Wiphawee Bunmeepom,
Janne erikke Mjelle,
Kjell Hermann Halvorsen,
marthe gaarder,
Abdullahi Bishar Omar,
Marit Waaseth
Norske farmasøyters erfaring med, og syn på, farmasøytisk skjønn
Eirin Guldsten Robinson,
Siri Pham,
Hanna Gyllensten,
Anne Gerd Granås,
Kjerstin Havnes,
Trine Strand Bergmo
Health-Related Quality of Life Among Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults
Tript Kaur,
Jeanette Schultz Johansen,
Marit Waaseth,
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Beate Hennie Garcia
Komorbiditet blant eldre, sykehusinnlagte pasienter vurdert ved ulike tilnærminger – IMMENSE-studien
Eirin Guldsten Robinson,
Hanna Gyllensten,
Anne Gerd Granås,
Kjerstin Havnes,
Trine Strand Bergmo,
Kjell H. Halvorsen
Healthcare Utilization and Costs Among Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults
Tript Kaur,
Jeanette Schultz Johansen,
Marit Waaseth,
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Beate Hennie Garcia
Comorbidity among elderly hospitalized patients assessed by different approaches – the IMMENSE study
Elisabeth Pedersen,
Beate Hennie Garcia,
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Anne Elise Eggen,
Henrik Schirmer,
Marit Waaseth
Correction to: Adherence to prescription guidelines and achievement of treatment goals among persons with coronary heart disease in Tromsø 7 (BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, (2021), 21, 1, (44), 10.1186/s12872-021-01866-1)
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2021
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Sabine Ruths,
Anne Gerd Granås,
Kirsten Kilvik Viktil
The impact of pharmacists on drug-related problems in nursing homes
Kjell H. Halvorsen
Pharmacy research above the Arctic Circle
Kjerstin Havnes,
frode Skjold,
Kristian Svendsen,
Beate Hennie Garcia,
Anne Gerd Granås,
Jeanette Schultz Johansen
Drug use and Drug Burden Index in community-dwelling older adult acutely admitted to hospital
Kjerstin Havnes,
Elin Lehnbom,
Scott Walter,
Beate Hennie Garcia,
Kjell H. Halvorsen
Thorough work or hours to waste, time for care or always haste? Observing clinical pharmacists in the IMMENSE-study
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Torunn Stadeløkken,
Beate Garcia
A stepwise pharmacist-led medication review service in interdisciplinary teams in rural nursing homes
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Kenji Fujita,
Noriko Sato,
Timothy F. Chen
Quality indicators in community pharmacies (Workshop)
Hilde Risvoll,
Marit Waaseth,
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Trude Giverhaug,
Frauke Musial
Use of dietary supplements by persons with dementia
Hilde Risvoll,
Marit Waaseth,
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Trude Giverhaug,
Frauke Musial
Use of dietary supplements by persons with dementia
European Journal of Neurology 27. juni 2019
Ann Helen Jakobsen,
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Lars Småbrekke
Forslag til kvalitetsindikatorer for primærapotek
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Christine Gulla,
Reidun Lisbet Skeide Kjome
Legemiddelbruk i sykehjem
Fagbokforlaget 2019
Kjerstin Havnes,
Stine-Mari Haustreis,
Hilde Ljones Wetting,
Jeanette Schultz Johansen,
Beate Hennie Garcia,
Scott Walter
Workflow of clinical pharmacists leading research at geriatric wards
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Anne Gerd Granås
The use of z-hypnotics in the nursing home patients: a five year longitudinal study.
Elisabeth Pedersen,
Beate Hennie Garcia,
Anne Elise Eggen,
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Henrik Schirmer,
Marit Waaseth
Adherence to prescription guidelines and achievement of treatment goals among persons with coronary heart disease - a cross-sectional study
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Claire Goodman,
Wilco Achterberg,
Adam Gordon,
Marit Kirkevold,
Tove Rosstad
Experiences from how interdisciplinary network
initiatives enhance care home research
Marit Waaseth,
Terje Nilsen,
Reidun Lisbet Skeide Kjome,
Kjell H. Halvorsen
Apotekkunder med diabetes: Egenmåling av blodglukose og behov for farmasøytisk rådgivning
Diabetesforum 2018