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Førsteamanuensis Institutt for klinisk medisin undefined

Børge Idar Mathiassen

  • Marianne Berg Halvorsen, Einar Røshol Heiervang, Børge Idar Mathiassen, Sabine Kaiser, Aud Sissel Berge Helverschou :
    Assessment of anxiety and behavior disorders among autistic children and youths with intellectual and developmental disabilities
    Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 2025 DOI
  • Børge Idar Mathiassen, Yngvild Arnesen :
    User satisfaction with child and adolescent mental health services: the association between user satisfaction and clinical outcomes
    BMC Psychiatry 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sabine Kaiser, Børge Mathiassen, Bjørn Helge Handegård, Yngvild Arnesen, Marianne Berg Halvorsen :
    Examining the psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the Social Aptitudes Scale in two clinical samples
    BMC Psychology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Yngvild Arnesen, Kjersti Lillevoll, Børge Mathiassen :
    User satisfaction in child and adolescent mental health service: Comparison of background, clinical and service predictors for adolescent and parent satisfaction
    Health Expectations 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marianne Halvorsen, Michael G. Aman, Børge Mathiassen, Per Håkan Brøndbo, Oddmar Ole Steinsvik, Monica Martinussen :
    Psychometric Properties of the Norwegian Aberrant Behavior Checklist and Diagnostic Relationships in a Neuro-pediatric Sample
    Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marianne Halvorsen, Børge Mathiassen, Tarjei Amundsen, Jonas Ellingsen, Per Håkan Brøndbo, Jørgen Sundby m.fl.:
    Confirmatory factor analysis of the behavior rating inventory of executive function in a neuro-pediatric sample and its application to mental disorders
    Child Neuropsychology: A Journal of Normal and Abnormal Development in Childhood and Adolescence 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Simon-Peter Neumer, Børge Mathiassen, Ragnhild Bjørknes :
    Zippys venner (2. utg.)
    Ungsinn. Tidsskrift for virksomme tiltak for barn og unge 2018 FULLTEKST
  • Marianne Halvorsen, Børge Mathiassen, Even Myrbakk, Per Håkan Brøndbo, Ane Sætrum, Oddmar Steinsvik m.fl.:
    Neurodevelopmental correlates of behavioural and emotional problems in a neuropaediatric sample
    Research in Developmental Disabilities 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lorena Fernández de la Cruz, Pablo Vidal-Ribas, Nada Zahreddine, Børge Mathiassen, Per Håkan Brøndbo, Emily Simonoff m.fl.:
    Should Clinicians Split or Lump Psychiatric Symptoms? The Structure of Psychopathology in Two Large Pediatric Clinical Samples from England and Norway
    Child Psychiatry and Human Development 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marianne Halvorsen, Børge Idar Mathiassen, Jørgen Sundby, Even Myrbakk, Per Håkan Brøndbo, Oddmar Ole Steinsvik m.fl.:
    Psykisk helse hos barn og unge med lavt evnenivå
    Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet) 2014 FULLTEKST
  • Per Håkan Brøndbo, Børge Idar Mathiassen, Monica Martinussen, Bjørn Helge Handegård, Siv Kvernmo :
    Agreement on diagnoses of mental health problems between an online clinical assignment and a routine clinical assignment
    Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2013 DOI
  • Børge Idar Mathiassen, Per Håkan Brøndbo, Knut Waterloo, Monica Martinussen, Mads Eriksen, Ketil Hanssen-Bauer m.fl.:
    IQ as a moderator of outcome in severity of children's mental health status after treatment in outpatient clinics
    Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH) 2012 ARKIV / DOI
  • Børge Idar Mathiassen, Per Håkan Brøndbo, Knut Waterloo, Monica Martinussen, Mads Eriksen, Ketil Hanssen-Bauer m.fl.:
    IQ as a predictor of clinician-rated mental health problems in children and adolescents
    British Journal of Clinical Psychology 2012 DOI
  • Per Håkan Brøndbo, Børge Idar Mathiassen, Monica Martinussen, Einar Heiervang, Mads Eriksen, Siv Kvernmo :
    Agreement on web-based diagnoses and severity of mental health problems in Norwegian child and adolescent mental health services
    Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health 2012 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Per Håkan Brøndbo, Børge Idar Mathiassen, Monica Martinussen, Einar Heiervang, Mads Eriksen, Therese Fjeldmo Moe m.fl.:
    The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire as a screening instrument for Norwegian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, application of UK scoring algorithms
    Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH) 2011 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marianne Berg Halvorsen, Einar Røshol Heiervang, Børge Mathiassen, Sabine Kaiser, Sissel Berge Helverschou :
    Assessment of anxiety and behavioral disorders among children with autism spectrum disorder and other neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Børge Mathiassen, Yngvild Arnesen, Agnes Bohne :
    Vurderingssamtaler – en gyllen mulighet for tillit og håp
    Dagens medisin 2022 ARKIV
  • Marianne Halvorsen, Oddmar Steinsvik, Børge Mathiassen, Hilde Lund, Monica Martinussen :
    Angst utbredt hos barn og unge med kognitive vansker
    Aftenposten Viten 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Marianne Halvorsen, Børge Mathiassen, Even Myrbakk, Per Håkan Brøndbo, Hilde Lund, Oddmar Steinsvik m.fl.:
    Multisenterstudie i barnehabiliteringer i nord: Psykiske tilleggsvansker og egnethet av måleinstrumenter
  • Yngvild Arnesen, Børge Mathiassen :
    Bosted avgjør om barn får behandling
    Dagens medisin 2017
  • Børge Mathiassen, Even Myrbakk, Per Håkan Brøndbo, Oddmar Ole Steinsvik, Monica Martinussen, Siv Kvernmo m.fl.:
    Psykisk helse og mestring i barnehabilitering – hva vet vi?
  • Børge Mathiassen :
    ADHD – Nye retningslinjer – utredning og diagnostikk
  • Børge Mathiassen :
    Psykisk helse hos barn med kognitive utfordringer– hva vet vi?
  • Børge Mathiassen :
    Systematisk kartlegging av behandlingsresultat og brukerfornøydhet i psykisk helsevern for barn og unge
  • Børge Mathiassen, Monica Martinussen, Knut Waterloo :
    IQ as a Predictor and Moderator of Children’s Mental Health status
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2015
  • Børge Mathiassen :
    Tilknytningsforstyrrelser - historikk, kunnskapsgrunnlag, utredning og behandling
  • Marianne Halvorsen, Even Myrbakk, Børge Mathiassen, Ole Oddmar Steinsvik, Monica Martinussen, Siv Kvernmo :
    The Aberrant Behavior Checklist: Psychometric Properties in a neuropaediatric sample
  • Marianne Halvorsen, Børge Idar Mathiassen, Even Myrbakk, Per Håkan Brøndbo, Jørgen Sundby, Oddmar Ole Steinsvik m.fl.:
    Psychometric properties of The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire among school-aged children with developmental disorders and intellectual disabilities
    JARID: Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities 2014
  • Marianne Halvorsen, Børge Idar Mathiassen, Even Myrbakk, Per Håkan Brøndbo, Jørgen Sundby, Oddmar Ole Steinsvik m.fl.:
    Psychometric properties of The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire among school-aged children with developmental disorders and intellectual disabilities
  • Børge Idar Mathiassen, Per Håkan Brøndbo, Knut Waterloo, Monica Martinussen, Mads Eriksen, Ketil Hanssen-Bauer m.fl.:
    IQ as a moderator of outcome in severity of children's mental health status after treatment in outpatient clinics
  • Børge Mathiassen, P H Brøndbo, M Eriksen, Ketil Hanssen-Bauer, Monica Martinussen, Knut Waterloo m.fl.:
    IQ som prediktor for funksjonssvikt og psykisk helsetilstand hos barn og ungdom henvist til BUP

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