Hilde Erdal,
Lone Holst,
Kristine Heitmann,
Ingrid Volløyhaug,
Erik Andreas Torkildsen,
Stine Andreasen
Guidelines for Treatment of Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Implementation in Clinical Practice in Norway: A Descriptive Study
International Journal of Clinical Practice 2024
David Erik Forsse,
Mark Lewis B Barbero Barbero,
Henrica Maria Johanna Werner,
Kathrine Woie,
Nina Jebens Nordskar,
Elisabeth Berge Nilsen
Longitudinal effects of adjuvant chemotherapy and lymph node staging on patient-reported outcomes in endometrial cancer survivors: a prospective cohort study
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 13. august 2021
Benjamin Stage Storm,
Stine Andreasen,
Anders Hovland,
Erik Waage Nielsen
Gas Embolism During Hysteroscopic Surgery?: Three Cases and a Literature Review
Anesthesia & analgesia case reports 2017
Stine Andreasen,
Bjørn Backe,
Stian Lydersen,
Kjell Kåre Øvrebø,
Pål Øian
The consistency of experts' evaluation of obstetric claims for compensation
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 26. august 2014
Stine Andreasen,
Bjørn Backe,
Pål Øian
Claims for compensation after alleged birth asphyxia: a nationwide study covering 15 years
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2014
Marit Mathisen,
Rudi Valde Olsen,
Stine Andreasen,
Erik Waage Nielsen
Is it possible to detect malposition of the vertex at an early stage in
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Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare 2014
Stine Andreasen,
Bjørn Backe,
Rolf Gunnar Jørstad,
Pål Øian
A nationwide descriptive study of obstetric claims for compensation in Norway
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2012
Stine Andreasen,
Erik Waage Nielsen,
Pål Øian
Fødselsmetode ved seteleie
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2010
Benjamin Stage Storm,
Stine Andreasen,
Anders Hovland,
Erik Waage Nielsen
Underestimation of gas embolism during hysteroscopy surgery? How to recognise symptoms and reduce fatalities. Presentation of three cases.
Benjamin Stage Storm,
Stine Andreasen,
Anders Hovland,
Erik Waage Nielsen
Underestimation of gas embolism during hysteroscopy surgery? How to recognise symptoms and reduce fatalities. Presentation of three cases.
European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2017