Merethe Selnes Hansen,
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British Journal of Cancer 2020
Merethe Selnes Hansen,
Idlir Licaj,
Tonje Braaten,
Arnulf Langhammer,
Loic Le Marchand,
Inger Torhild Gram
Smoking related lung cancer mortality by education and sex in Norway
Kristin Benjaminsen Borch,
Elisabete Weiderpass,
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Merethe Selnes Hansen,
Idlir Licaj
Risk of lung cancer and physical activity by smoking status and body mass index, the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study
European Journal of Epidemiology (EJE) 2018
Merethe Selnes Hansen,
Idlir Licaj,
Tonje Braaten,
Arnulf Langhammer,
Loic Le Marchand,
Inger Torhild Gram
Sex Differences in Risk of Smoking-Associated Lung Cancer: Results from a Cohort of 600,000 Norwegians
American Journal of Epidemiology 26. oktober 2017
Gro Thomassen,
Merethe Selnes Hansen,
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Antitrombotisk behandling av atrieflimmer i sykehus
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2001