Ole Magnus Filseth,
Stig Eggen Hermansen,
Timofey Kondratyev,
Gary C. Sieck,
Torkjel Tveita
Cooling to hypothermic circulatory arrest by immersion vs. cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB): Worse outcome after rewarming in immersion cooled pigs
Frontiers in Physiology 31. mars 2022
Torstein Lindahl Schanche,
Ole Magnus Filseth,
Bjarne Østerud,
Timofey Kondratyev,
Gary C. Sieck,
Torkjel Tveita
Enhanced Blood Clotting After Rewarming From Experimental Hypothermia in an Intact Porcine Model
Frontiers in Physiology 2022
Ole Magnus Filseth,
Timofey Kondratyev,
Gary C. Sieck,
Torkjel Tveita
Functional recovery after accidental deep hypothermic cardiac arrest: Comparison of different cardiopulmonary bypass rewarming strategies
Frontiers in Physiology 2022
Renata Vesela,
Renate Elenjord,
Elin Lehnbom,
Eirik Hugaas Ofstad,
Tine Johnsgård,
Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad
Integrating the clinical pharmacist into the emergency department interdisciplinary team: A study protocol for a multicentre trial applying a non-randomised stepped-wedge study design
Ole Magnus Filseth,
Ole-Jakob How,
Timofey Kondratyev,
Tor Magne Gamst,
Georg Sager,
Torkjel Tveita
Changes in cardiovascular effects of dopamine in response to graded hypothermia in vivo
Critical Care Medicine 2012
Ole Magnus Filseth,
Ole-Jakob How,
Timofei Kondratiev,
Tor Magne Gamst,
Torkjel Tveita
Post-hypothermic cardiac left ventricular systolic dysfunction after rewarming in an intact pig model
Torvind Næsheim,
Ole Magnus Filseth,
Rolf Busund,
Anders Åvall,
Claus Klingenberg,
Nina Hesselberg
Økonomi trumfer helse for befolkningen i nord
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2017
Torvind Næsheim,
Ole Magnus Filseth,
Rolf Busund,
Anders Åvall,
Claus Klingenberg,
Nina Hesselberg
Svekket akuttmedisinsk tilbud i Nord-Norge
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2016
Ole Magnus Filseth
Hypothermia as a Positive Inotropic Drug
Critical Care Medicine 2016