Anteneh Fikrie,
Terefu Yambo,
Alo Edin,
Miesa Gelchu,
Dejene Hailu,
Marcus Spigt
How long does it take to start minimal enteral feeding in preterm Neonates admitted to NICUs in Southern Oromia, Ethiopia?
Italian Journal of Pediatrics 2025
Tegene Legese Dadi,
Anja M. C. Wiemers,
Yadessa Tegene,
Girmay Medhin,
Marcus Spigt
Experiences of people living with HIV in low- and middle-income countries and their perspectives in self-management: a meta-synthesis
AIDS research and therapy 2024
Tegene Legese Dadi,
Yadessa Tegene,
Nienke Vollebregt,
Girmay Medhin,
Marcus Spigt
The importance of self-management for better treatment outcomes for HIV patients in a low-income setting: perspectives of HIV experts and service providers
AIDS research and therapy 2024
Anteneh Fikrie,
Berhanu Adula,
Jitu Beka,
Dejene Hailu,
Cheru Atsmegiorgis Kitabo,
Marcus Spigt
Analysis of Determinants of Stunting and Identifications of Stunting Risk Profiles Among Under 2-Year-Old Children in Ethiopia. A Latent Class Analysis
Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology 2024
Yirgalem Shibiru Baruda,
Marcus Spigt,
Andrea Gabrio,
Lelisa Fekadu Assebe
Predictors of neonatal mortality in Ethiopia: Cross sectional study using 2005, 2010 and 2016 Ethiopian demographic health survey datasets
PLOS Global Public Health 2024
Sileshi Demelash Sasie,
Pien Van Zuylen,
Getinet Ayano,
Fantu Mamo Aragaw,
Marcus Spigt
Information sharing across institutions: Practices and barriers during public health emergencies in Ethiopia
International Journal of Medical Informatics 2024
Tadele Dana Darebo,
Zewudu Birhanu,
Mihretu Alemayehu,
Behailu Balcha,
Adisu Worku,
Desalegn Dawit Assele
Utilization of sexual and reproductive health services among construction worker women in southern Ethiopia
S.D. Sasie,
G. Ayano,
F. Mamo,
M. Azage,
Marcus Spigt
Assessing the performance of the integrated disease surveillance and response systems: a systematic review of global evidence
Laura E. Bijkerk,
Marcus Spigt,
Anke Oenema,
Nicole Geschwind
Engagement with mental health and health behavior change interventions: An integrative review of key concepts
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 2024
Tadele Dana Darebo,
Marcus Spigt,
Berhanetsehay Teklewold,
Abebe Sorsa Badacho,
Niklas Mayer,
Meba Teklewold
The sexual and reproductive healthcare challenges when dealing with female migrants and refugees in low and middle-income countries (a qualitative evidence synthesis)
Tegene Legese Dadi,
Girmay Medhin,
Marcus Spigt
Factor structure of the HIV-SM LMIC self-management questionnaire for people living with HIV in low- and middle-income countries
AIDS research and therapy 2024
Julia Maria van Koeveringe,
Elizabeth Liaño Callahan,
Mala George,
Teklu Teshome Russo,
Biruk Seifu,
Marcus Spigt
The challenge of dealing with non-AIDS comorbidities for people living with HIV: Perspectives and experiences of patients and healthcare providers
Yadessa Tegene,
Selamawit Mengesha,
Alemayehu Toma,
Dereje Geleta,
Marcus Spigt
A qualitative study exploring perceptions of people living with HIV using antiretroviral therapy on self-management of healthy nutrition and the related healthcare service in Ethiopia
Yadessa Tegene,
Selamawit Mengesha,
Erin Putman,
Alemayehu Toma,
Marcus Spigt
Development of Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus, and Associated Factors, Among Adult HIV Patients in Ethiopia
Nana Chea,
Yadessa Tegene,
Ayalew Astatkie,
Marcus Spigt
Prevalence of undernutrition among pregnant women and its differences across relevant subgroups in rural Ethiopia: a community-based cross-sectional study
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 2023
Yadessa Tegene,
Selamawit Mengesha,
Andargachew Kassa,
Alemayehu Toma,
Marcus Spigt
Physical activity and survival in chronic comorbidity among adult HIV patients in Ethiopia: a prospective cohort study
BMC Infectious Diseases 2023
Laura Esther Bijkerk,
Anke Oenema,
Nicole Geschwind,
Marcus Spigt
Measuring Engagement with Mental Health and Behavior Change Interventions: an Integrative Review of Methods and Instruments
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2022
Marcus Spigt,
Jeffrey F. Scherrer
Family Practice substance use disorder theme issue: commentary
Bilal Shikur Endris,
Esete Fenta,
Yalemwork Getnet,
Marcus Spigt,
Geert-Jan Dinant,
Seifu Hagos
Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of nutrition interventions at primary health care units of Ethiopia: A consolidated framework for implementation research
Maternal & Child Nutrition 2022
Yadessa Tegene,
Selamawit Mengesha,
Caroline van der Starre,
Stephanie Lako,
Alemayehu Toma,
Marcus Spigt
Physical activity level and associated factors among adult HIV patients in Ethiopia
BMC Infectious Diseases 2022
Stian Andersen,
Anne Herefoss Davidsen,
Henrik Schirmer,
Hasse Melbye,
Marcus Spigt,
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis
Interrater and intrarater agreement on heart murmurs
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2022
Eduard R. Wix,
Marcus Spigt
Unmet need for mental health care within the Dutch population: exploring the role of GP
Journal of Public Health (Berlin) 2022
Bilal Shikur Endris,
Geert-Jan Dinant,
Seifu Hagos,
Marcus Spigt
Risk factors of anemia among preschool children in Ethiopia: a Bayesian geo-statistical model
Bilal Shikur Endris,
Geert-Jan Dinant,
Seifu H. Gebreyesus,
Marcus Spigt
Geospatial inequality of anaemia among children in Ethiopia
Amal Taidouch,
Marie-José Crouwers,
Marcus Spigt
Complex wound care by a nurse practitioner in primary care: A quality improvement evaluation on healing rates, costs and patient satisfaction
British Journal of Community Nursing 2021
Gili Hrusa,
Marcus Spigt,
Tariku Dejene,
Solomon Shiferaw
Quality of family planning counseling in Ethiopia: Trends and determinants of information received by female modern contraceptive users, evidence from national survey data, (2014- 2018)
Debra L Verdonk,
Marcus Spigt,
Valéria Lima Passos,
Steffie EJM Klemann-Harings
Phenotyping the shoulder patient based on ultrasound-detected pathologies: a cross-sectional study in general practice
Helen Heinrichs,
Bilal Shikur Endris,
Tariku Dejene,
Geert-Jan Dinant,
Marcus Spigt
Anaemia and its determinants among young children aged 6–23 months in Ethiopia (2005–2016)
Maternal & Child Nutrition 2020
Mala George,
Geert-Jan Dinant,
Efrem Kentiba,
Teklu Teshome,
Abinet Teshome,
Behailu Tsegaye
Evaluation of the performance of clinical predictors in estimating the probability of pulmonary tuberculosis among smear-negative cases in Northern Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study
Lisa M. E. Dohmen,
Marcus Spigt,
Hasse Melbye
The effect of atmospheric pressure on oxygen saturation and dyspnea: the Tromsø study
International journal of biometeorology 2020
Kelemework Adane,
Marcus Spigt,
Bjorn Winkens,
Geert-Jan Dinant
Tuberculosis case detection by trained inmate peer educators in a resource-limited prison setting in Ethiopia: a cluster-randomised trial
The Lancet Global Health 2019
Solomon Shiferaw,
Andualem Workneh,
Robel Yirgu,
Geert-Jan Dinant,
Marcus Spigt
Designing mHealth for maternity services in primary health facilities in a low-income setting - Lessons from a partially successful implementation
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2018
Kelemework Adane,
Marcus Spigt,
Geert-Jan Dinant
Tuberculosis treatment outcome and predictors in northern Ethiopian prisons: A five-year retrospective analysis
Carolien van Rossem,
Marcus Spigt,
Wolfgang Viechtbauer,
Annelies E M Lucas,
Onno CP van Schayck,
Daniel Kotz
Effectiveness of intensive practice nurse counselling versus brief general practitioner advice, both combined with varenicline, for smoking cessation: a randomized pragmatic trial in primary care
Eva A.M. Van Eerd,
Mette Bech Risør,
Marcus Spigt,
Maciek Godycki-Ćwirko,
Elena Andreeva,
Nick Francis
Why do physicians lack engagement with smoking cessation treatment in their COPD patients? A multinational qualitative study
Npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine 2017
Araya Abrha Medhanyie,
Marcus Spigt,
Henock Yebyo,
Alex Little,
Kidane Tadesse,
Geert-Jan Dinant
Quality of routine health data collected by health workers using smartphone at primary health care in Ethiopia
International Journal of Medical Informatics 2017
Luc G Gidding,
Marcus Spigt,
Geert-Jan Dinant
Patients with psychological ICPC codes in primary care; a case-control study
investigating the decade before presenting with problems
European Journal of General Practice 2017
Ies Dijksman,
Geert-Jan Dinant,
Marcus Spigt
The Perception and Needs of Psychologists Toward Blended Car
Telemedicine journal and e-health 2017
Henock Yebyo,
Araya Abrha Medhanyie,
Marcus Spigt,
Rogier Hopstaken
C-reactive protein point-of-care testing and antibiotic prescribing for acute respiratory tract infections in rural primary health centres of North Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study
Npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine 2016
Ies Dijksman,
Geert Jan Dinant,
Marcus Spigt
The concurrent validity of a new eDiagnostic system for mental disorders in primary care
Solomon Shiferaw,
Marcus Spigt,
Michael Tekie,
Muna Abdullah,
Mesganaw Fantahun,
Geert-Jan Dinant
The effects of a locally developed mHealth intervention on delivery and postnatal care utilization; A prospective controlled evaluation among health centres in Ethiopia
Hasse Melbye,
Salwan Tariq Al-ani,
Marcus Spigt
Drop in lung function during asthma and COPD exacerbations – can it be assessed without spirometry?
The International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2016
George Mala,
Marcus Spigt,
Luc G Gidding,
Roman Blanco,
Geert-Jan Dinant
Quality of diagnosis and monitoring of tuberculosis in Northern Ethiopia: medical records-based retrospective study
Wolfgang Viechtbauer,
Luc Smits,
Daniel Kotz,
Luc Bude,
Marcus Spigt,
Jan Serroyen
A simple formula for the calculation of sample size in pilot studies
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2015
Salwan Tariq Al-ani,
Marcus Spigt,
Johanna Laue,
Hasse Melbye
Predictors of treatment with antibiotics and
systemic corticosteroids for acute exacerbations
of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease in primary care
Eva A.M. Van Eerd,
Carolien R. Van Rossem,
Marcus Spigt,
Geertjan Wesseling,
Onno C.P. Van Schayck,
Daniel Kotz
Do we need tailored smoking cessation interventions for smokers with COPD? A comparative study of smokers with and without COPD regarding factors associated with tobacco smoking
Rik Crutzen,
Wolfgang Viechtbauer,
Marcus Spigt,
Daniel Kotz
Differential attrition in health behaviour change trials: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Psychology and Health 2015
Araya Abrha Medhanyie,
Alex Little,
Henock Yebyo,
Marcus Spigt,
Kidane Tadesse,
Roman Blanco
Health workers' experiences, barriers, preferences and motivating factors in using mHealth forms in Ethiopia
Human Resources for Health 2015