Bilde av Miland, Åshild Odden
Bilde av Miland, Åshild Odden
Underviser i anatomi og fysiologi ved IHO og IMB Institutt for medisinsk biologi +47 99506233 Tromsø Her finner du meg

Åshild Odden Miland

  • Khaled Meknas, Thabit Numan Al-Hassoni, Åshild Odden Miland, Miguel Castillejo, Jüri Kartus :
    Medium-Term Results After Treatment of Recalcitrant Lateral Epicondylitis A Prospective, Randomized Study Comparing Open Release and Radiofrequency Microtenotomy
    American Journal of Sports Medicine 2013 ARKIV / DOI
  • L de Weerd, Åshild Odden Miland, James Mercer :
    Perfusion Dynamics of Free DIEP and SIEA Flaps During the First Postoperative Week Monitored With Dynamic Infrared Thermography
    Annals of Plastic Surgery 2009 DOI
  • Åshild Odden Miland, Louis de Weerd, Sven Weum, James Mercer :
    Visualising vascular perfusion in isolated human abdominal flaps using dynamic infrared thermography (DIRT) and indocyanine green fluorescence video angiography (ICG-FA)
    European journal of plastic surgery 2009 ARKIV
  • Khaled Meknas, Åshild Odden Miland, James Mercer, Miguel Castillejo, oddmund Johansen :
    Radiofrequency microtenotomy - A promising method for treatment of recalcitrant lateral epicondylitis
    American Journal of Sports Medicine 2008 DATA / DOI
  • Åshild Odden Miland, Louis De Weerd, James Mercer :
    Visualising skin perfusion in isolated human abdominal skin flaps using dynamic infrared thermography and indocyanine green fluorescence video angiography
    European journal of plastic surgery 2008 DOI
  • Åshild Odden Miland, Louis De Weerd, James Mercer :
    Intraoperative use of dynamic infrared thermography and indocyanine green fluorescence video angiography to predict partial skin flap loss
    European journal of plastic surgery 2008 DOI
  • Åshild Odden Miland, James Mercer :
    Effect of a short period of abstinence from smoking on rewarming patterns of the hands following local cooling
    European Journal of Applied Physiology 2006
  • Magnus Ingebrigtsen, Åshild Odden Miland, Rannveig Grøm Sæle :
    Digitale flashcards fra undervisere ga mindre stryk og bedre karakterer for sykepleiestudenter.
  • Magnus Ingebrigtsen, Åshild Odden Miland :
    Øvingskort for Anki til Nasjonal deleksamen i anatomi, fysiologi og biokjemi
    2023 DATA
  • James Mercer, Louis de Weerd, Åshild Odden Miland, Sven Weum :
    Pre-, intra- and postoperative use of dynamic infrared thermography (DIRT) provides valuable information on skin perfusion in perforator flaps used in reconstructive surgery
  • Åshild Odden Miland, J Frantzen, Rica Mortensen, Yngve Bremnes, Petter Eldevik, E Traasdahl m.fl.:
    Dynamic infrared thermography and early detection of breast cancer - a double-blind investigation
    Thermology International 2009
  • James Mercer, Louis De Weerd, Åshild Odden Miland, Sven Weum :
    Dynamic infrared thermography of perforator flaps provides valuable information on skin perfusion for both reconstructive surgeons and physiologists
    Thermology International 2009
  • Åshild Odden Miland, J Frantzen, Rica Mortensen, Y Bremnes, Petter Eldevik, E Traasdahl m.fl.:
    Dynamic infrared thermography and early detection of breast cancer - a double-blind investigation
  • James Mercer, Louis De Weerd, Åshild Odden Miland, Sven Weum :
    Dynamic infrared thermography of perforator flaps provides valuable information on skin perfusion for both reconstructive surgeons and physiologists
  • Åshild Odden Miland, James Mercer :
    Dynamic Infrared Thermography in the assessment of skin perfusion - a clinical and experimental study
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2008
  • Sven Magne Weum, Louis De Weerd, Åshild Odden Miland, James Mercer :
    Kartlegging av vaskulær anatomi med 3D CT, dynamisk infrarød termografi og indocyaningrønn fluorescens videoangiografi i en perforatorlapp. Preliminær presentasjon av en komparativ studie
  • Åshild Odden Miland, James Mercer, Louis De Weerd, Sven Magne Weum :
    A preliminary report on mapping of vascular perfusion patterns in isolated human lower transverse abdominal flaps using dynamic infrared thermography (DIRT), indocynanine green (ICG) fluorescence video angiography and 3-dimensional CT scanning
    Thermology International 2006
  • Åshild Odden Miland, James Mercer, Louis De Weerd, Sven Magne Weum :
    A preliminary report on mapping of vascular perfusion patterns in isolated human lower transverse abdominal flaps using dynamic infrared thermography (DIRT), indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence video angiography and 3-dimensional CT scanning
  • James Mercer, Louis De Weerd, Åshild Odden Miland, Sven Magne Weum :
    Kartlegging av vaskulare perfusjonsmonstre i isolerte humane transversale lapper fra nedre del av abdomen med dynamisk infrarod termografi (DIRT), indocyaningronn (ICG) fluorescens videoangiografi og tredimensjonal computertomografi (3D CT). En preliminar presentasjon
  • Khaled Meknas, Miguel Castillejo, Åshild Odden Miland, James Mercer :
    Mikrotenotomi - er den effektiv ved lateral epikondylit?
  • Khaled Meknas, Åshild Odden Miland, James Mercer :
    Mikrotenotomi - er den effektiv ved lateral epikondylit?
  • Åshild Odden Miland, James Mercer, Louis De Weerd, Sven Magne Weum :
    Kartlegging av perfusjonsmønstre til enkle perforatorer i DIEP-lapp med dynamisk infrarød termografi, indocyaningrønn videoangiografi og 3D CT. Preliminære resultater fra en komparativ studie
  • Sven Magne Weum, Louis De Weerd, Åshild Odden Miland, James Mercer :
    Kartlegging av vaskulær anatomi med 3D CT, dynamisk infrarød termografi og indocyaningrønn fluorescens videoangiografi i en perforatorlapp
  • Åshild Odden Miland, James Mercer :
    Effect of a short period of abstinence from smoking in young and old habitual smokers on skin rewarming patterns of the hands following local cooling
    Thermology International 2005
  • Åshild Odden Miland, James Mercer :
    Effect of a short period og abstinence from smoking in young and old habitual smokers on skin rewarming patterns of the hands following local cooling

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →


    Underviser på følgende utdanninger og i følgende emner:

    • Bachelor i fysioterapi: FYT-1110 - Fysiologi
    • Bachelor i sykepleie: SYP-1110 - Anatomi, fysiologi og biokjemi
    • Bachelor i paramedisin: MED-1701 - Anatomi, fysiologi og biokjemi
    • Medisin 2. år: MED-2510 - Delemne 2.6 Sanser og nervesystem 1
    • Odontologi 2. år:  ODO-2006 - Biomedisin 2