Aurora Bernal,
Vincent Cuminetti,
Marc Serulla,
Adrian Florit,
Joanna Konieczny,
Golnaz Golnarnik
Bone marrow sympathetic neuropathy is a hallmark of hematopoietic malignancies and it involves severe ultrastructural damage
Experimental Hematology & Oncology 05. mars 2025
Gustav Godtliebsen,
Kenneth Bowitz Larsen,
Zambarlal Babanrao Bhujabal,
Ida Sundvor Opstad,
Mireia Nager Grifo,
Abhinanda Ranjit Punnakkal
High-resolution visualization and assessment of basal and OXPHOS-induced mitophagy in H9c2 cardiomyoblasts
Mustafa Ibrahim,
Khaled Meknas,
Sonja Eriksson Steigen,
Randi Olsen,
Ninni Sernert,
Lars ERik Ejerhed
No significant histological or ultrastructural tendinosis changes in the hamstring tendon in patients with mild to moderate osteoarthritis of the knee?
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2020
Jean-Claude Tinguely,
Steyer Anna Maria,
Cristina Ionica Øie,
Øystein Ivar Helle,
Firehun Tsige Dullo,
Randi Olsen
Photonic-chip assisted correlative light and electron microscopy
Jean-Claude Tinguely,
Steyer Anna Maria,
Cristina Ionica Øie,
Øystein Ivar Helle,
Firehun Tsige Dullo,
Randi Olsen
Photonic-chip assisted corelative light and electron microscopy 2019
Dimitar Borisov Iliev,
Guro Strandskog,
Arpita Nepal,
Augusta Hlin Aspar Sundbø,
Randi Olsen,
Jorunn B Jørgensen
Stimulation of exosome release by extracellular DNA is conserved across multiple cell types
The FEBS Journal 28. juni 2018
Mustafa Ibrahim,
Jüri-Toomas Kartus,
Sonja Eriksson Steigen,
Randi Olsen,
Khaled Meknas
More tendon degeneration in patients with shoulder osteoarthritis
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2018
Simin Jamaly,
Cathrine Ramberg,
Randi Olsen,
Nadezhda Latysheva,
Paul Webster,
Timofey Sovershaev
Impact of preanalytical conditions on plasma concentration and size distribution of extracellular vesicles using Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis
Simin Jamaly,
Manu Basavaraju,
Irina Starikova,
Randi Olsen,
Sigrid Kufaas Brækkan,
John-Bjarne Hansen
Elevated Plasma Levels of P‐Selectin Glycoprotein Ligand‐1 Positive Microvesicles in Patients with Unprovoked Venous Thromboembolism
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2018
Aelita Gloria Virginia Konstantinell,
Jack-Ansgar Bruun,
randi Olsen,
Augusta Hlin Aspar,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet,
Baldur Sveinbjørnsson
Secretomic analysis of extracellular vesicles originating from polyomavirus-negative and polyomavirus-positive Merkel cell carcinoma cell lines
Randi Olsen,
John Bjarne Hansen,
Nadezhda Latysheva,
Vladimir Tichelaar,
Cathrine Ramberg
Impact of various anticoagulants and storage time onplasma concentration and size distribution of extracellular vesicles
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2015
Signy Bendiksen,
Inigo Zubiavrre Martinez,
Conny Tümmler,
Gunnar Knutsen,
Jan Elvenes,
Elisabeth Olsen
Human endogenous retrovirus W activity in cartilage of osteoarthritis patients
BioMed Research International 2014
Dimitri Borisov Iliev,
Hanna Leena Thim,
Leidy Lagos,
randi Olsen,
Jorunn B Jørgensen
Homing of Antigen-Presenting Cells in Head Kidney and Spleen – Salmon Head Kidney Hosts Diverse APC Types
Frontiers in Immunology 2013
A. Rekecki,
Einar Ringø,
Reidar Myklebust,
randi Olsen,
K. Dierckens,
Øivind Bergh
Luminal uptake of Vibrio (Listonella) anguillarum by shed enterocytes – a novel early defence strategy in larval fish
Journal of Fish Diseases 2013
Khaled Meknas,
oddmund Johansen,
sonja eriksson Steigen,
randi Olsen,
Leif Jørgensen,
Juri Kartus
Could tendinosis be involved in osteoarthritis?
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2012
Ruomei Li,
Ana Oteiza,
Karen Sørensen,
Peter Anthony Mccourt,
Randi Olsen,
Bård Smedsrød
Role of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells and stabilins in elimination of oxidized low-density lipoproteins
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 2011
Kathrine Ryvold Bakkemo,
Helene Mikkelsen,
Marianne Bordevik,
Jacob Torgersen,
Hanne Cecilie Winther-Larsen,
Christin Vanberg
Intracellular localisation and innate immune responses following Francisella noatunensis infection of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) macrophages
Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2011
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Janne erikke Mjelle,
Søren Jakobsen,
randi Olsen,
Ole Petter Rekvik
Renal expression of polyomavirus large T antigen is associated with nephritis in human systemic lupus erythematosus
Molecular Immunology 2008
Christina Ionica Øie,
randi Olsen,
Bård Smedsrød,
John-Bjarne Hansen
Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells are the principal site for elimination of unfractionated heparin from the circulation
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 2008
signy Bendiksen,
Elin Mortensen,
randi Olsen,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
manar Kalaaji,
Leif Jørgensen
Glomerular expression of large polyomavirus T antigen in binary tet-off regulated transgenic mice induces apoptosis, release of chromatin and initiates a lupus-like nephritis
Molecular Immunology 2008
manar Kalaaji,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Elin Mortensen,
randi Olsen,
G Sturfelt,
P Alm
Glomerular apoptotic nucleosomes are central target structures for nephritogenic antibodies in human SLE nephritis
Kidney International 2007
Manar Kalaaji,
Elin Mortensen,
Leif Jørgensen,
Randi Olsen,
Ole Petter Rekvik
Nephritogenic lupus antibodies recognize glomerular basement membrane-associated chromatin fragments released from apoptotic intraglomerular cells
American Journal of Pathology 2006
B Hansen,
P. Longati,
Kjetil Helge Elvevold,
Geir Ivar Nedredal,
K. Schledzewski,
Randi Olsen
Stabilin-1 and stabilin-2 are both directed into the early endocytic pathway in hepatic sinusoidal endothelium via interactions with clathrin/AP-2, independent of ligand binding
Experimental Cell Research 2005
Geir Ivar Nedredal,
kjetil helge Elvevold,
Lars Marius Ytrebø,
Randi Olsen,
Arthur Revhaug,
Bård Smedsrød
Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells represent an important blood clearance system in pigs
Comparative Hepatology 2004
Geir Ivar Nedredal,
Kjetil Helge Elvevold,
Lars Marius Ytrebø,
Randi Olsen,
Arthur Revhaug,
Bård Smedsrød
Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells represents an important blood clearance system in pigs
Comparative Hepatology 2003
Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund,
MK Killie,
Kristian Bartnes,
Randi Olsen,
Rolf Seljelid
Spontaneous hybridization of macrophages and Meth A sarcoma cells
International Journal of Cancer 2002
Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund,
MK Killie,
Kristian Bartnes,
Randi Olsen,
Rolf Seljelid
Spontaneous formed tumorigenic hybrids of Math A sarcoma and macrophages grow faster and are better vascularized than the parenteral tumor
International Journal of Cancer 2002
Berit Hansen,
Dmitri Svistounov,
Randi Olsen,
R Nagai,
Seikoh Horiuchi,
Bård Smedsrød
Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) lower the clearance function of hepatic scavenger endothelial cells (SEC)
B Hansen,
Dmitri Svistounov,
randi Olsen,
Ryoji Nagai,
Seikoh Horiuchi,
Bård Smedsrød
Advanced glycation end products impair the scavenger function of rat hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells
Diabetologia 2002
Svetlana Zykova,
Trond Geir Jenssen,
Margrete Berdal,
Randi Olsen,
R Myklebust,
Rolf Seljelid
Altered cytokine and nitric oxide secretion in vitro by macrophages from diabetic type II-like db/db mice
Diabetes 2000
Sigurd Lindal,
J Vaage,
Randi Olsen,
Bjørn Straume,
Lone Jørgensen,
Dag Glen Sørlie
Endothelial injury and trapping of blood cells in human myocardium following coronary bypass surgery
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 1999
Turid Hellevik,
Inigo Zubiavrre Martinez,
randi Olsen,
B.H. Toh,
Paul Webster,
Bård Smedsrød
Transport of residual endocytosed products into terminal lysosomes occurs slowly in rat liver endothelial cells
Hepatology 1998
Baldur Sveinbjørnsson,
Christian Rushfeldt,
randi Olsen,
Bård Smedsrød,
rolf Seljelid
Cytotoxic Effect of Cytokines on Murine Colon Carcinoma
Cells Involves TNF-Mediated Apoptosis
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications - BBRC 1997
Baldur Sveinbjørnsson,
randi Olsen,
S. Paulsen
Immunocytochemical localization of lysozyme in intestinal eosinophilic granule cells (EGCs) of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.
Journal of Fish Diseases 1996
Baldur Sveinbjørnsson,
randi Olsen,
Ole Morten Seternes,
rolf Seljelid
Macrophage Cytotoxicity against Murine Meth A Sarcoma Involves Nitric Oxide-Mediated Apoptosis
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications - BBRC 1996
Bård Smedsrød,
randi Olsen,
Baldur Sveinbjørnsson
Circulating collagen is catabolized by endocytosis mainly
by endothelial cells of endocardium in cod (Gadus morhua)
Cell and Tissue Research 1995
Mustafa Ibrahim,
Jüri-Tomas Kartus,
Sonja Eriksson Steigen,
Randi Olsen,
Khaled Meknas
Correction to: More tendon degeneration in patients with shoulder osteoarthritis
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2019
Aelita Gloria Virginia Konstantinell,
randi Olsen,
Augusta Hlin Aspar,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet,
Dimitar Borisov Iliev,
Gianina Dumitriu
Characterization and proteome profiling of exosome originating from polyomavirus-negative and polyomavirus-positive Merkel cell carcinoma cell lines
Geir Ivar Nedredal,
kjetil helge Elvevold,
randi Olsen,
Bård Smedsrød,
Arthur Revhaug
Uptake of Soluble Macromolecules by Pulmonary Capillary Endothelial Cells - Implications for Lung Complications in Liver Disease
Liver transplantation 2012
Khaled Meknas,
randi Olsen,
sonja eriksson Steigen,
oddmund Johansen,
Juri Kartus
A comparison of the histological and ultra-structural characteristics of the internal obturator tendon in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip and patients with fracture of the collum femoris
Ruomei Li,
Ana Oteiza,
Karen Sørensen,
Peter Anthony McCourt,
Randi Olsen,
Bård Smedsrød
Role of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells and stabilins in elimination of oxidized low-density lipoproteins
Khaled Meknas,
oddmund Johansen,
sonja eriksson Steigen,
randi Olsen,
Leif Jørgensen,
Juri Kartus
Comparison of histological and ultr-structural characteristics of the internal obturator tendon in patients with osteoarthritis and patients with fractura collum femoris
Berit Hansen,
Paola Longati,
Kjetil H. Elvevold,
Geir Ivar Nedredal,
Kai Schledzewski,
Randi Olsen
Stabilin-1 and stabilin-2 are both directed into the early endocytic pathway in hepatic sinusoidal endothelium via interactions with clathrin/AP-2 independent of ligand binding
Baldur Sveinbjørnsson,
Randi Olsen
Immunocytochemical localization of lysozyme in intestinal eosinophilic granule cells (EGCs) of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L
Journal of Fish Diseases 1996
Turid Hellevik,
randi Olsen,
Bård Smedsrød
Co-localization of rab5 and rab7 on the endocytic pathway of rat liver endothelial cells.