Bilde av Olsen, Randi
Foto: Bjørn-Kåre Iversen
Bilde av Olsen, Randi
Senioringeniør Institutt for medisinsk biologi +4777645315 40602619 Tromsø

Randi Olsen


Jeg jobber i hovedsak med Elektronmikroskopi, teknikker, applikasjoner, preparering.   Opplæring og undervisning

TEM, SEM,CLEM, Immun EM,og andre  spesialiserte metoder, som HPF, Frysesubstitusjon. Har brukt stereologiske metoder i mange prosjekt.

Lysmikroskopi, histologi, frysesnitt.

Deltar i prosjektplanlegging, gjennomføring og evaluering.


  • Aurora Bernal, Vincent Cuminetti, Marc Serulla, Adrian Florit, Joanna Konieczny, Golnaz Golnarnik m.fl.:
    Bone marrow sympathetic neuropathy is a hallmark of hematopoietic malignancies and it involves severe ultrastructural damage
    Experimental Hematology & Oncology 05. mars 2025 DOI
  • Gustav Godtliebsen, Kenneth Bowitz Larsen, Zambarlal Babanrao Bhujabal, Ida Sundvor Opstad, Mireia Nager Grifo, Abhinanda Ranjit Punnakkal m.fl.:
    High-resolution visualization and assessment of basal and OXPHOS-induced mitophagy in H9c2 cardiomyoblasts
    Autophagy 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mustafa Ibrahim, Khaled Meknas, Sonja Eriksson Steigen, Randi Olsen, Ninni Sernert, Lars ERik Ejerhed m.fl.:
    No significant histological or ultrastructural tendinosis changes in the hamstring tendon in patients with mild to moderate osteoarthritis of the knee?
    Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jean-Claude Tinguely, Steyer Anna Maria, Cristina Ionica Øie, Øystein Ivar Helle, Firehun Tsige Dullo, Randi Olsen m.fl.:
    Photonic-chip assisted correlative light and electron microscopy
    Communications Biology 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jean-Claude Tinguely, Steyer Anna Maria, Cristina Ionica Øie, Øystein Ivar Helle, Firehun Tsige Dullo, Randi Olsen m.fl.:
    Photonic-chip assisted corelative light and electron microscopy 2019
  • Dimitar Borisov Iliev, Guro Strandskog, Arpita Nepal, Augusta Hlin Aspar Sundbø, Randi Olsen, Jorunn B Jørgensen m.fl.:
    Stimulation of exosome release by extracellular DNA is conserved across multiple cell types
    The FEBS Journal 28. juni 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mustafa Ibrahim, Jüri-Toomas Kartus, Sonja Eriksson Steigen, Randi Olsen, Khaled Meknas :
    More tendon degeneration in patients with shoulder osteoarthritis
    Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2018 DOI
  • Simin Jamaly, Cathrine Ramberg, Randi Olsen, Nadezhda Latysheva, Paul Webster, Timofey Sovershaev m.fl.:
    Impact of preanalytical conditions on plasma concentration and size distribution of extracellular vesicles using Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis
    Scientific Reports 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Simin Jamaly, Manu Basavaraju, Irina Starikova, Randi Olsen, Sigrid Kufaas Brækkan, John-Bjarne Hansen :
    Elevated Plasma Levels of P‐Selectin Glycoprotein Ligand‐1 Positive Microvesicles in Patients with Unprovoked Venous Thromboembolism
    Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Aelita Gloria Virginia Konstantinell, Jack-Ansgar Bruun, randi Olsen, Augusta Hlin Aspar, Natasa Skalko-Basnet, Baldur Sveinbjørnsson m.fl.:
    Secretomic analysis of extracellular vesicles originating from polyomavirus-negative and polyomavirus-positive Merkel cell carcinoma cell lines
    Proteomics 2016 DOI
  • Randi Olsen, John Bjarne Hansen, Nadezhda Latysheva, Vladimir Tichelaar, Cathrine Ramberg :
    Impact of various anticoagulants and storage time onplasma concentration and size distribution of extracellular vesicles
    Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2015
  • Signy Bendiksen, Inigo Zubiavrre Martinez, Conny Tümmler, Gunnar Knutsen, Jan Elvenes, Elisabeth Olsen m.fl.:
    Human endogenous retrovirus W activity in cartilage of osteoarthritis patients
    BioMed Research International 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Dimitri Borisov Iliev, Hanna Leena Thim, Leidy Lagos, randi Olsen, Jorunn B Jørgensen :
    Homing of Antigen-Presenting Cells in Head Kidney and Spleen – Salmon Head Kidney Hosts Diverse APC Types
    Frontiers in Immunology 2013 ARKIV / DOI
  • A. Rekecki, Einar Ringø, Reidar Myklebust, randi Olsen, K. Dierckens, Øivind Bergh m.fl.:
    Luminal uptake of Vibrio (Listonella) anguillarum by shed enterocytes – a novel early defence strategy in larval fish
    Journal of Fish Diseases 2013 DOI
  • Khaled Meknas, oddmund Johansen, sonja eriksson Steigen, randi Olsen, Leif Jørgensen, Juri Kartus :
    Could tendinosis be involved in osteoarthritis?
    Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2012 DOI
  • Ruomei Li, Ana Oteiza, Karen Sørensen, Peter Anthony Mccourt, Randi Olsen, Bård Smedsrød m.fl.:
    Role of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells and stabilins in elimination of oxidized low-density lipoproteins
    American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 2011 DOI
  • Kathrine Ryvold Bakkemo, Helene Mikkelsen, Marianne Bordevik, Jacob Torgersen, Hanne Cecilie Winther-Larsen, Christin Vanberg m.fl.:
    Intracellular localisation and innate immune responses following Francisella noatunensis infection of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) macrophages
    Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2011 DOI
  • Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Janne erikke Mjelle, Søren Jakobsen, randi Olsen, Ole Petter Rekvik :
    Renal expression of polyomavirus large T antigen is associated with nephritis in human systemic lupus erythematosus
    Molecular Immunology 2008 DOI
  • Christina Ionica Øie, randi Olsen, Bård Smedsrød, John-Bjarne Hansen :
    Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells are the principal site for elimination of unfractionated heparin from the circulation
    American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 2008 DOI
  • signy Bendiksen, Elin Mortensen, randi Olsen, Kristin Andreassen Fenton, manar Kalaaji, Leif Jørgensen m.fl.:
    Glomerular expression of large polyomavirus T antigen in binary tet-off regulated transgenic mice induces apoptosis, release of chromatin and initiates a lupus-like nephritis
    Molecular Immunology 2008 DOI
  • manar Kalaaji, Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Elin Mortensen, randi Olsen, G Sturfelt, P Alm m.fl.:
    Glomerular apoptotic nucleosomes are central target structures for nephritogenic antibodies in human SLE nephritis
    Kidney International 2007 DOI
  • Manar Kalaaji, Elin Mortensen, Leif Jørgensen, Randi Olsen, Ole Petter Rekvik :
    Nephritogenic lupus antibodies recognize glomerular basement membrane-associated chromatin fragments released from apoptotic intraglomerular cells
    American Journal of Pathology 2006
  • B Hansen, P. Longati, Kjetil Helge Elvevold, Geir Ivar Nedredal, K. Schledzewski, Randi Olsen m.fl.:
    Stabilin-1 and stabilin-2 are both directed into the early endocytic pathway in hepatic sinusoidal endothelium via interactions with clathrin/AP-2, independent of ligand binding
    Experimental Cell Research 2005
  • Geir Ivar Nedredal, kjetil helge Elvevold, Lars Marius Ytrebø, Randi Olsen, Arthur Revhaug, Bård Smedsrød :
    Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells represent an important blood clearance system in pigs
    Comparative Hepatology 2004
  • Geir Ivar Nedredal, Kjetil Helge Elvevold, Lars Marius Ytrebø, Randi Olsen, Arthur Revhaug, Bård Smedsrød :
    Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells represents an important blood clearance system in pigs
    Comparative Hepatology 2003
  • Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund, MK Killie, Kristian Bartnes, Randi Olsen, Rolf Seljelid :
    Spontaneous hybridization of macrophages and Meth A sarcoma cells
    International Journal of Cancer 2002
  • Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund, MK Killie, Kristian Bartnes, Randi Olsen, Rolf Seljelid :
    Spontaneous formed tumorigenic hybrids of Math A sarcoma and macrophages grow faster and are better vascularized than the parenteral tumor
    International Journal of Cancer 2002
  • Berit Hansen, Dmitri Svistounov, Randi Olsen, R Nagai, Seikoh Horiuchi, Bård Smedsrød :
    Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) lower the clearance function of hepatic scavenger endothelial cells (SEC)
  • B Hansen, Dmitri Svistounov, randi Olsen, Ryoji Nagai, Seikoh Horiuchi, Bård Smedsrød :
    Advanced glycation end products impair the scavenger function of rat hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells
    Diabetologia 2002
  • Svetlana Zykova, Trond Geir Jenssen, Margrete Berdal, Randi Olsen, R Myklebust, Rolf Seljelid :
    Altered cytokine and nitric oxide secretion in vitro by macrophages from diabetic type II-like db/db mice
    Diabetes 2000
  • Sigurd Lindal, J Vaage, Randi Olsen, Bjørn Straume, Lone Jørgensen, Dag Glen Sørlie :
    Endothelial injury and trapping of blood cells in human myocardium following coronary bypass surgery
    Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 1999
  • Turid Hellevik, Inigo Zubiavrre Martinez, randi Olsen, B.H. Toh, Paul Webster, Bård Smedsrød :
    Transport of residual endocytosed products into terminal lysosomes occurs slowly in rat liver endothelial cells
    Hepatology 1998
  • Baldur Sveinbjørnsson, Christian Rushfeldt, randi Olsen, Bård Smedsrød, rolf Seljelid :
    Cytotoxic Effect of Cytokines on Murine Colon Carcinoma Cells Involves TNF-Mediated Apoptosis
    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications - BBRC 1997
  • Baldur Sveinbjørnsson, randi Olsen, S. Paulsen :
    Immunocytochemical localization of lysozyme in intestinal eosinophilic granule cells (EGCs) of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.
    Journal of Fish Diseases 1996 DOI
  • Baldur Sveinbjørnsson, randi Olsen, Ole Morten Seternes, rolf Seljelid :
    Macrophage Cytotoxicity against Murine Meth A Sarcoma Involves Nitric Oxide-Mediated Apoptosis
    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications - BBRC 1996
  • Bård Smedsrød, randi Olsen, Baldur Sveinbjørnsson :
    Circulating collagen is catabolized by endocytosis mainly by endothelial cells of endocardium in cod (Gadus morhua)
    Cell and Tissue Research 1995
  • Mustafa Ibrahim, Jüri-Tomas Kartus, Sonja Eriksson Steigen, Randi Olsen, Khaled Meknas :
    Correction to: More tendon degeneration in patients with shoulder osteoarthritis
    Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2019 DOI
  • Aelita Gloria Virginia Konstantinell, randi Olsen, Augusta Hlin Aspar, Natasa Skalko-Basnet, Dimitar Borisov Iliev, Gianina Dumitriu m.fl.:
    Characterization and proteome profiling of exosome originating from polyomavirus-negative and polyomavirus-positive Merkel cell carcinoma cell lines
  • Geir Ivar Nedredal, kjetil helge Elvevold, randi Olsen, Bård Smedsrød, Arthur Revhaug :
    Uptake of Soluble Macromolecules by Pulmonary Capillary Endothelial Cells - Implications for Lung Complications in Liver Disease
    Liver transplantation 2012
  • Khaled Meknas, randi Olsen, sonja eriksson Steigen, oddmund Johansen, Juri Kartus :
    A comparison of the histological and ultra-structural characteristics of the internal obturator tendon in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip and patients with fracture of the collum femoris
  • Ruomei Li, Ana Oteiza, Karen Sørensen, Peter Anthony McCourt, Randi Olsen, Bård Smedsrød m.fl.:
    Role of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells and stabilins in elimination of oxidized low-density lipoproteins
  • Khaled Meknas, oddmund Johansen, sonja eriksson Steigen, randi Olsen, Leif Jørgensen, Juri Kartus :
    Comparison of histological and ultr-structural characteristics of the internal obturator tendon in patients with osteoarthritis and patients with fractura collum femoris
  • Berit Hansen, Paola Longati, Kjetil H. Elvevold, Geir Ivar Nedredal, Kai Schledzewski, Randi Olsen m.fl.:
    Stabilin-1 and stabilin-2 are both directed into the early endocytic pathway in hepatic sinusoidal endothelium via interactions with clathrin/AP-2 independent of ligand binding
  • Baldur Sveinbjørnsson, Randi Olsen :
    Immunocytochemical localization of lysozyme in intestinal eosinophilic granule cells (EGCs) of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L
    Journal of Fish Diseases 1996 DOI
  • Turid Hellevik, randi Olsen, Bård Smedsrød :
    Co-localization of rab5 and rab7 on the endocytic pathway of rat liver endothelial cells.

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