Britt Kramvig



Britt Kramvig, PhD, is a professor at the School of Business and Economics, The Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics (BFE). Her research centers around questions of decolonization, innovation within the creative (indigenous) industry, archive studies,  tourism, and storytelling. Kramvig's work is internationally acknowledged as it embodies a unique dynamic interplay between art and science, fostering collaboration across disciplinary fields within and beyond academia. Kramvig has engaged with the concept of landscape through storytelling throughout her academic career, including her work on Sámi art, land- and soundscape and (de)colonialism, as well as work on the Arctic sea- and soundscape, including collaboration with world-known sound artists and international academic networks in environmental humanities. Kramvigs educational responsability center around environmental questions and sustainability, storytelling, ethnography and co-production of knowledge. Kramvig is a member of UiT Indigenous Voices research group and the international research project: Surviving the Unthinkable (  


  • Britt Kramvig, Mathias Danbolt, Christina Hætta :
    Searvedoaibma: Art and Social Communities in Sápmi
  • Britt Kramvig, Mathias Danbolt :
    Rehearsing Reconciliation: Frictional Dramaturgies and Postcolonial Moments in Ferske Scener’s "Blodklubb”
  • Marianne Kaldager, Britt Kramvig, Katarina Pirak Sikku :
    Samiske spor i arkivet
    Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nina Doering, Stephan Dudeck, Shelly Elverum, Charleen Fisher, Jan-Erik Henriksen, Thora Martina Herrmann m.fl.:
    Improving the relationships between Indigenous rights holders and researchers in the Arctic: An invitation for change in funding and collaboration
    Environmental Research Letters 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mathias Danbolt, Britt Kramvig, Hanna Ellen Guttorm, Christina Hætta :
    Øvelser i sameksistens: Kunstneriske felleskaps(for)handlinger på kulturfestivaler i Sápmi
    Fagbokforlaget 2022 DOI
  • Britt Kramvig, Trine Kvidal-Røvik :
    Sámi Storytelling through Design
    Routledge 2022 DOI
  • Mathias Danbolt, Britt Kramvig, Christina Hætta :
    Searvedoaibma: Art and Social Communities in Sápmi
  • Britt Kramvig, Berit Kristoffersen, Phillip Steinberg, Daniel Chartier, Johannes Riquet, Hanna Ellen Guttorm :
    Decolonial cartographies: Counter-mapping in the Arctic
    Manchester University Press 2024
  • Britt Kramvig, Tamara Metze, Ângela Guimarães Pere :
    How can co-creation advance indigenous livelihoods, and environmental science and policymaking?
  • Britt Kramvig :
    Land and Care for sites of indigenous memories
  • Britt Kramvig, Jeremie McGowan :
    Nordic Colonialism And Sàmi Cultural Politics (Roundtable discussion)
  • Tarja Salmela, Britt Kramvig :
    When the land becomes the sea, and the sea becomes the land: disrupting processes of appropriation of Miärralándda
  • Britt Kramvig, Gunlög Fur, Brenda Child, Ms. Lindsay Elizabeth Doran :
    Indigenous Survivance: Rethinking Environmental Crisis and Global Colonialism focusing on Sámi Trails in the Archive
  • Britt Kramvig, Helge Alexander Vogt, Jorun Mikalsen :
    MOKTA 2024
  • Britt Kramvig, Tarja Tuulia Salmela :
    When the land becomes the sea, and the sea becomes the land: disrupting processes of appropriation of Miärralándda
  • Britt Kramvig, Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Rachel Andersen Gomez :
    «Framtiden er nå»
  • Britt Kramvig, Nina Smedseng :
    Presentasjon av utredning om samisk reiseliv og kreative næringer
  • Britt Kramvig, Tarja Salmela, Ellinor G Utsi :
    Hvordan lykkes med internasjonale gjester
  • Jan-Erik Henriksen, Britt Kramvig, Nina Hermansen, Eva Fjellgren, Aslak Holmberg :
    Ensuring Indigenous data sovereignity and governance in European research; a roadmap towards decolonial research
  • Britt Kramvig :
    Landscape of colonial memories
  • Thora M. Hermann, Jan-Eirik Henriksen, Aslak Holmberg, Francesca Brunner, Anne Chahine, Nina Døring m.fl.:
    Comprehensive Policy- Brief to the EU Commission- Roadmap to decolonial Artic research
  • Thora Martina Hermann, Jan-Erik Henriksen, Britt Kramvig, Nina Hermansen, Francesca Brunner, Anne Chahine m.fl.:
    Comprehensive Policy-Brief to the EU Commission- Roadmap to decolonial Artic research
  • Britt Kramvig :
    Dormant reciprocity of Sámi landscape
  • Britt Kramvig :
    Facilitating for postcolonial moments in indigenous research
  • Britt Kramvig :
    Sámi trails in the archive (keynote)
  • Britt Kramvig :
    Sámi trails in the archive
  • Jan-Erik Henriksen, Britt Kramvig, Nina Hermansen, Eva Maria Bircher Fjellheim, Aslak Holmberg :
    Comprenhensive Policy Brief to the EU commision: Roadmap to decolonial arctic research
  • Britt Kramvig :
    Sámi Máilmmit/Samiske verdener/Sámi Worlds
  • Britt Kramvig :
    Knowledge For/From the Land
  • A Holmberg, E. Morin, A.S. Chahine, N.N. Doering, S. Dudeck, S Fisher m.fl.:
    Towards Arctic Research Upholding Indigenous Peoples’ Rights: Recommendations for ICARP IV, the International Conference on Arctic Research Planning
    2023 ARKIV
  • Sadie Elizabeth Hale, Britt Kramvig :
    Whales as anthropological subject in Arctic Norway - a conversation
  • Aslak Holmberg, Britt Kramvig, Nina Hermansen, Evie Morin, Anne Chahine, Nina Doering m.fl.:
    Towards decolonial research in the Arctic: Recommendations for ICARP IV, the International Conference on Arctic Research Planning
    2023 FULLTEKST
  • Maja Hammarén, Britt Kramvig, niilas helander :
    I oversettelsens lange nærvær Samtale Britt kramvig, Maja Hammarén, niilas helander (s.119 – 137) i boken Maja Hammarén (red). niilas helander Nomadtekst dikt essays oversettelse, Kunsthall Oslo.
    No Demands 2022
  • Britt Kramvig, Elin Margrethe Wersland :
    Den samiske mirakeldoktoren: – Hvorfor ble han glemt?
    03. oktober 2022 FULLTEKST / PROSJEKT
  • Sofie Retterstøl Olaisen, Britt Kramvig :
    Eit flytande hotell på Herøy
    15. november 2022
  • Britt Kramvig, Nina Smedseng :
    Veien videre for samisk reiseliv og kreative næringer
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022 ARKIV
  • Britt Kramvig :
    Co-creating Arctic research together with Indigenous rightsholders - experiences from natural sciences
  • Britt Kramvig :
    Landscape of remembrance
  • Britt Kramvig, Antonia Walford, Tania Pérez-Bustos, Atsuro Morita :
    Anti-Encyclopedia - reconfiguring knowledge in academic practice
  • Britt Kramvig, Morten Strøksnes :
    Bokbad Verden rundt i sporene til en glemt hvit oppdager, på leting etter alt som ble borte, og det som ble igjen
    2022 DATA
  • Gro Birgit Ween, Britt Kramvig, Hadi Strømmen Lile, Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Tor A Benjaminsen, Liisa-Ravna Finbog m.fl.:
    «Samenes historie» - perspektiver, representasjon og fokus 03. januar 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Britt Kramvig :
    Ethnography within two odd archives
  • Britt Kramvig, Susanne Winterling, Jana Winderen :
    A collaborative listening with the humpback, the currents and the biomass
  • Britt Kramvig :
    Dekolonialisering - teori og praksis
  • Britt Kramvig :
    Pluriversal stories of indigenous archives
  • Britt Kramvig, Gro Birgit Ween, Hadi Strømmen Lile, Kirsten Elisabeth Stien, Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Liisa-Ravna Finbog m.fl.:
    «Samenes historie» - perspektiver, representasjon og fokus 03. januar 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Britt Kramvig :
    Word of welcome and moderating the Co-Create workshop: A roadmap to decolonial Arctic research.
  • Britt Kramvig :
    Decolonisation and the (im)possibility of translation.
  • Britt Kramvig :
    Storytelling and the Art of Listening
  • Britt Kramvig :

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →

    Publikasjoner utenom Cristin





    Jeg forsker på landskap og fortellinger, samisk design, kreative næringer og festivaler som sosiale felleskap ved hjelp av begreper som ontologiske praksiser, friksjon og dekolonialisering.  Kolonialiseringskritikk og avkolonialisering er både et faglig og et personlig anliggende - som gir meg mer innsikt i, og erkjennelsen av min egen samiske arv. I mange prosjekter samarbeider og samskriver jeg med forskere fra andre fagområder og sammen med kunnskapsaktører fra andre praksisfelt. Jeg er interessert i det kunnskapsmessige potensialet slike samproduksjon av kunnskap har - for mer ansvarlig, relevant og bærekraftig forskning og samfunnendring.

    Jeg har i en årrekke arbeidet med prosjekter som søker å integrere forskning og kunst, og er interessert i de felleskap som skapes gjennom kunstnerisk virksomhet. Eksempler er Dark Ecology, BAT (Bridging Art and Text) og det pågående OKTA - samisk kunst og friksjonsfylte felleskap på festivaler. Jeg har tidligere arbeidet i sjøsamiske samfunn, og vært interessert i hvordan samiske kunnskapstradisjoner ivaretas når det samiske språket ikke lenger er i bruk. 




    PhD coordinator at the department of tourism and Northern studies

    Qualitative method 

    Nature and tourism in an era of climate change



    -          Member of the The Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar research

    -          Member of Social Science and humanity Committee IASC The International Arctic Science Comitee 


     Publication last years;


    2022 (with Mathias Danbolt, Hanna Guttorm) Frictional Encounters: Staging Reconciliation in the artistic performance Blodklubb in Special Issue Diedut

    2022 (with Henriksen, Doering, Nina; Dudeck, Stephan; Elverum, Shelly; Fisher, Charleen; Herrmann, Thora Martina; Laptander, Rosa; Milton, Justin; Omma, Elle Merete; Saxinger, Gertrude; Scheepstra, Annette J. M.; Wilson, Katherine. Improving the relationships between Indigenous rights holders and researchers in the Arctic: an invitation for change in funding and collaboration. Environmental Research Letters 2022; Volum 17 (6). ISSN 1748-9326.s doi:

    2022 (with Danbolt, M., Guttorm, H. & Hætta, C.). Øvelser i sameksistens: Kunstneriske fellesskaps(for)handlinger på kulturfestivaler i Sápmi. I M. Fieldseth, H.H. Stien & J. Veiteberg (red.). Kunstskapte fellesskap (s. 263–302). Fagbokforlaget. DOI:

    2022 (with Trine Kvidahl-Rørvik) Sámi storytelling through design. (520-535) I Valkonen, S., Aikio, Á., Alakorva, S., & Magga, S.-M. (Eds.). (2022). The Sámi World (1st ed.). Routledge.

    2021 (with Guttorm, Hanna Ellen; Kantonen, Lea; Pyhälä, Aili). Decolonized Research-Storying Bringing Indigenous Ontologies and Care into the Practices of Research Writing. (p. 113 – 143) in in P.Virtanen, T. Olsen, P. Keskitalo Contemporary Saami Research and Indigenous Studies  in Saami and Nordic Contexts  Brill|Sense DOI:


    2021 (with Trine Kvidahl) Samisk design –som utprøving av nye kreative mellomrom; i Gran, A.B. Lokal, digital og kreativ næring – Perspektiver og eksempler på nærings- og samfunnsutvikling i Norge, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (in print)


    2021 (with Hanna Guttorm, Katerina Pirak Sikku & Margrethe Pettersen) Kraftfull slumrende gjensidighet - Forhandlinger i og om samiske landskap, I Pløger, Førde (red.) Improivisasjon – byliv mellom plan og planløshet; Oslo: Spartacus. (in print)

    2020 (with Anniken Førde) Stories of reconciliation enacted in the everyday lives of Sámi tourism entrepreneurs, Acta Borealia, 37:1-2, 27-42, DOI: 10.1080/08003831.2020.1752463

    2020 (with Carina Ren, Gunnar Thór Jóhannesson, Albina Pashkevich & Emily Höckert) 20 years of research on Arctic and Indigenous cultures in Nordic tourism: a review and future research agenda, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/15022250.2020.1830433

    2020 (with Niilas Helander) Brev I mørketid. I Provins Vilse, s. 48-54

    2020 Landskap som hjem; I Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, 31, nr. 1–2-2020, s. 88–102

    2019 (with Hanna Guttorm & Lea Kantonen) Pluriversal stories with Indigenous wor(l)ds creating paths behind the next mountain, in Dutkansearvi Journal. 3 (2) 149 - 172

    2019 (with Helen Verran) Stories, stones, and memories in the land of dormant reciprocity. Opening up Possibilities for Reconciliation with a politics that works tensions of dissensus and consensus with care; in Henriksen, Hydle & Kramvig (eds): Recognition, Reconciliation and Restoration: Applying a Postcolonial Understanding in Social Work and Healing, pp. 163-181, Oslo: Orkana forlag.

    2019 (with Henriksen, Hydle eds): Recognition, Reconciliation and Restoration: Applying a Postcolonial Understanding in Social Work and Healing, Oslo: Orkana forlag.

    2019 (with Henriksen, Hydle eds.) Applying a Decolonized Understanding in healing Processes pp. 9-29, in  Henriksen, Hydle & Kramvig (eds): Recognition, Reconciliation and Restoration: Applying a Postcolonial Understanding in Social Work and Healing, Oslo: Orkana forlag.

    2019 Foreword: towards a Nordic manifesto xix – xxiii, in Cecilia Cassinger, Andrea Lucarelli &  Szilvia Gyimóthy, The Nordic Wave in Place Branding Poetics, Practices, Politics, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

    2019 (with Rachel Andersen) From Dreamland to Homeland: A journey towards futures better than pasts, In Lilya Kaganovsky, Scott MacKenzie, and Anna Westerståhl Stenport (eds.) Arctic Cinemas and the Documentary Ethos, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 322-335.

    2019 (with Anne Britt Flemmen) "Turbulent indigenous objects – controversies around cultural appropriation and recognition of difference" Journal of Material Culture. Vol. 24: 1:64-82, DOI: 10.1177/1359183518782719

    2018 (with Hilde Methi) Stories of Hope: The Dark ecology journeys Co-creating Tourism Research. Towards Collaborative Ways of Knowing’, eds. Rene van der Dun, Carina Ren and Gunnar T. Johannesson, Routhledge (162-179)

    2018 (with Camilla Brattland and Helen Verran) "Doing Indigenous Methodologies: Towards a Practice of the 'Careful Partial Participant'." In ab-Original: Journal of Indigenous Studies and First Nations' and First Peoples' Cultures. Vol. 2 pp. 74-95.

    2018 Relevansen av det nære. Ottar 319(1):49-54

    2018 Reconciliation in the Everyday - When Dreams become Real: Speaking of a Different Reality. I: BAT: Bridging Art + Text. Copenhagen: hurricane 2017 ISBN 9788776691998. pp. 56-66

    2017 Orientalism or cultural encounters? Tourism assembling culture, capital, and identities in A.  Viken & D. Müller (eds.) Tourism and Indigeneity in the Arctic Bristol: Channel View Publications pp. 50-71.

    2017 (With Anniken Førde) Creative Industries as a Base for Local Development: The Challenges of Planning for the Un-known in (eds.) Abdelillah Hamdouch, Torill Nyseth, Christophe Demaziere, Anniken Førde, Jose Serrano, Nils Aarsaether; Creative approaches to planning and local development Insight from small and medium size towns, London: Routhledge; pp.81-97

    2016 (With Helen Verran) Gender and Indigeneity as Generative Differentiations - Reflections on Reconciliation, Violence and Storytelling in Sápmi, Tidskrift for kjønnsforskning 3-4/2016 pp: 55-66 DOI: 10.18261/issn.1891-1781-2016-03-04-05

    2016 (With Margrethe Pettersen) Living land – Below as Above, in Living Earth, Fieldnotes from the Dark Ecology Project, Amsterdam: Sonic Act Press pp.131-141

    2016 (With Berit Kristoffersen & Anniken Førde) Responsible cohabitation in Arctic Waters. The Promise of a Spectacle touristic, in Abram, S. & K. A. Lund (eds.) Green Ice, Palgrave

     2016 (With Anne Britt Flemmen) ‘What alters when the Sami traditional costume travels?’ Affective investments in the Sápmi, in Jonas Frykman and Maja Povrzanović Frykman, (eds.) Sensitive Objects: Affects and Material Culture, Lund:  Nordic Academic Press. pp.179-199

    2015  Gifts of Dreams, Connecting to Sami Epistemic Practice in B. Miller (eds.) Traditional Sami health and healing Practices, Edmonton: Polynya Press/University of Alberta Press pp. 183-209

    2015 (With Berit Kristofferson & Roger Norum) An Anthropocene Ethics for Arctic Tourism? In Tourism and the Anthropocene, edited by Martin Gren and Edward Huijbens. London: Routledge pp.94-110

    2015 Sted, stier, konflikt og forsoning. I Hanne Hammer Stien (red.) Vit at jeg elsker deg, Orkana forlag. P. 132-144.

    2015 (With Kirsten Stien & Rebekka Brox Liabø) To be or not to be: Når det å skrive er å skrive seg inn i fellesskap. I A. Otterstad & A. Reinertsen (red.): Metodefestival og øyeblikksrealisme – eksperimenterende kvalitative forskningspassasjer, Oslo: Fagbokforlaget pp. 294-310.  

    2013 (With Berit Brandt & Marit Haugan) Taming the Village Beast: Rural Entrepreneurship as the art of balance between economic growth and social sustainability” in E. Figueiredo & A. Raschi “Fertile Links? Connections between tourism activities, socioeconomic context and local development in European rural area” Firence University Press.

    2013 (With Førde, Anniken; Dale, Britt Engan; Berg, Nina Gunnerud) Å finne sted. Metodologiske perspektiver i stedsanalyser. Akademika forlag 2013 (ISBN 9788232100965) 239 s. NTNU UiT

    2013 (With A. Førde) Utforskning og improvisasjon – hvordan studere stedlig innovasjon i A. Førde, B. Kramvig, Gunnerud Berg, B. Dahle Om å finne sted, Tapir forlag.

    2013 (With Nina G. Berg, Britt Engen, Anniken Førde) Introduksjon; Metodologiske utfordringer i stedsanalyser i Å finne sted. Metodologiske perspektiver i stedsanalyser. Akademika forlag  s. 9-22

    2013 (With Torunn Ekeland) Negotiating Terrains: Stories from the Making of “Siida” Science and technology Studies Vol. 25. No.2 :52-72

    2012 Orientalisme eller kulturmøter? I Magnar Forbord, Gunn-Turid Kvam og Martin Rønningen Smak, kultur og opplevelser” – nye ideer om reiseliv i Norge, fagbokforlaget