Magnus Hjortdahl,
Kristin Häikiö,
Jo Kramer-Johansen
“They were sort of in the room with me”: a qualitative study about callers’ experience of video streaming during medical emergency calls.
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2025
Magnus Hjortdahl,
Kristin Häikiö,
Jo Kramer-Johansen
“They were sort of in the room with me”: a qualitative study about callers’ experience of video streaming during medical emergency calls
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2025
Siri Idland,
Magnus Hjortdahl,
Jo Kramer-Johansen,
Kristin Häikiö
“They were sort of in the room with me”: a qualitative study about callers’ experience of video streaming during medical emergency calls
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2025
Siri Idland,
Jo Kramer-Johansen,
Håkon Kvåle Bakke,
Milada Cvancarova Småstuen,
Kristin Tønsager,
Hans-Christian Stoud Platou
Can video streaming improve first aid for injured patients? A prospective observational study from Norway
Erik Westnes,
Magnus Hjortdahl
Firefighters and police search dog handlers’ experiences working closely with paramedics in urban search and rescue incidents: a qualitative focus group study from Oslo
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2024
Astrid Karina Harring,
Ola Græsli,
Kristin Häikiö,
Magnus Hjortdahl,
Trine Møgster Jørgensen
Frequent contacts to Emergency Medical Services (EMS): more than frequent callers
Siri Idland,
Jo Kramer-Johansen,
Håkon Kvåle Bakke,
Magnus Hjortdahl
Assessing bystander first aid: development
and validation of a First Aid Quality Assessment
(FAQA) tool
Siri Idland,
Emil Iversen,
Guttorm Brattebø,
Jo Kramer-Johansen,
Magnus Hjortdahl
From hearing to seeing: medical dispatchers' experience with use of video streaming in medical emergency calls - a qualitative study
Magnus Hjortdahl,
Dorte Gyrd-Hansen,
Peder Andreas Halvorsen
GP decisions to participate in emergencies: a randomised vignette study
British Journal of General Practice Open 2021
Magnus Hjortdahl,
Erik Zakariassen,
Peder Andreas Halvorsen
Self reported involvement in emergency medicine among GPs in Norway
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2018
Magnus Hjortdahl,
Peder Andreas Halvorsen,
Mette Bech Risør
Rural GPs’ attitudes toward participating in emergency medicine: a qualitative study
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2016
Magnus Hjortdahl,
Erik Zakariassen,
Torben Wisborg
The role of general practitioners in the pre hospital setting, as experienced by emergency medicine technicians: a qualitative study
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2014
Amund Hovengen Ringen,
Magnus Hjortdal,
Torben Wisborg
Norwegian trauma team leaders - training and experience : a national point prevalence study
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2011
Magnus Hjortdahl,
Amund Hovengen Ringen,
Anne Cathrine Braarud Næss,
Torben Wisborg
Leadership is the essential non-technical skill in the trauma team - results of a qualitative study
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2009
Astrid Karina Harring,
Magnus Hjortdahl,
Guttorm Brattebø,
Emil Iversen
Elektronisk dørlås: Nøkkelen til effektivisering av akuttmedisinske tjenester?
Dagens medisin 2024
Astrid Karina V. Harring,
Jesper Blinkenberg,
Guttorm Brattebø,
Magnus Hjortdahl,
Siri Idland,
Emil Iversen
The MeSH heading "Call Center" is due for an update: Why we recommend the more precise heading "Emergency Medical Communication Center"
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 16. november 2023
Astrid Karina V. Harring,
Christian Johansen,
Magnus Hjortdahl,
Anne Kristine Bergem
Kriseplan er kritisk informasjon
Anette Fosse,
Martin Bruusgaard Harbitz,
Magnus Hjortdahl,
Anders Svensson
Legevakt i distrikt – staten må på banen!
Dagens medisin 28. oktober 2020
Jesper Blinkenberg,
Ingrid H. Johansen,
Magnus Hjortdahl,
Torben Wisborg,
Terje Sundstrøm
Hode-, nakke- og ryggskader
Gyldendal Akademisk 2018