Bilde av Eliassen, Liv Tone
Bilde av Eliassen, Liv Tone
Chief engineer Institutt for medisinsk biologi +4777645257 Tromsø Her finner du meg

Liv Tone Eliassen

  • Bengt Erik Haug, Ketil Andre Camilio, liv tone Eliassen, Wenche Stensen, John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen, Kristel Berg m.fl.:
    Discovery of a 9-mer cationic peptide (LTX-315) as a potential first in class oncolytic peptide
    Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2016 DOI
  • Gerd Berge, Liv Tone Eliassen, Ketil Andre Camilio, Kristian Bartnes, Baldur Sveinbjørnsson, Øystein Rekdal :
    Therapeutic vaccination against a murine lymphoma by intratumoral injection of a cationic anticancer peptide
    Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy 2010 DOI
  • Liv Tone Eliassen, Gerd Berge, Arild Leknessund, Mari Wikman, inger Lindin, Cecilie Løkke m.fl.:
    The antimicrobial peptide, Lactoferricin B, is cytotoxic to neuroblastoma cells in vitro and inhibits xenograft growth in vivo
    International Journal of Cancer 2006
  • liv tone Eliassen, Bengt Erik Haug, Gerd Berge, Øystein Rekdal :
    Enhanced antitumor activity of 15-residue bovine lactoferricin derivatives containing bulky aromatic amino acids and lipophilic N-terminal modifications
    Journal of Peptide Science 2003
  • liv tone Eliassen, gerd Berge, Baldur Sveinbjørnsson, John Sigurd Svendsen, Lars H. Vorland, Øystein Rekdal :
    Evidence for a direct antitumor mechanism of action of bovine lactoferricin
    Anticancer Research 2002
  • L. T. Eliassen, Øystein Rekdal, John Sigurd Svendsen, Bjarne Østerud :
    TNF 41-62 and TNF 78-96 have distinct effects on LPS-induced tissue factor activity and the production of cytokines in human blood cells
    Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2000
  • Ernesto Gargiulo, Alicia Villatoro, Liv Tone Eliassen, Lorena Arranz :
    Succinate regulation of haematopoietic stem cells in health and malignancy
  • Ketil Andre Camilio, liv tone Eliassen, L Drummond, O Rekdal, JA Eriksen :
    Induction of an anti-cancer immune response following vaccination of mice with LTX-315 lysed tumour cells
    European Journal of Cancer 2009
  • liv tone Eliassen, Ketil Andre Camilio, L Drummond, JA Eriksen, O Rekdal :
    LTX-315 confers long term protection in mice re-challenged with murine A20 B-cell lymphoma or murine CT26WT colon carcinoma cells after complete tumour regression following initial treatment
    European Journal of Cancer 2009
  • cecilie LØkke, liv tone Eliassen, John Inge Johnsen, Baldur Sveinbjørnsson, Per Kogner, Trond Flaegstad m.fl.:
    The Antimicrobial Peptide LfcinB Is Cytotoxic to Neuroblastoma Cell Lines In Vitro and In Vivo

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    Dr. Scient., Biokjemisk Avdeling, IMB, UiT 2004
    Cand. Scient., Biokjemisk Avdeling, IMB, UiT 1995
    Cand Mag., UiT 1993.


    Overingeniør, Stem Cell Aging and Cancer Reseach Group, 2016-
    Post doktor, Tumorbiologisk Forskningsgruppe, 2012-2015
    Forsker Lytix Biopharma AS, 2004-2012
    Doktorgradsstudent, Biokjemisk Avdeling, 1999-2004
    Vitenskapelig assistent, Biokjemisk Avdeling, UiT, 1997-1998
    Vitenskapelig assistent, Avdeling for Mikrobiologi, UNN 1996-1997.