Mathias Aagaard,
Jessica A Rogvi,
Frederikke Modin,
Dagny Nicolaisdóttir,
Volkert Siersma,
John Brodersen
Short term complications of conisation and long term effects on fertility related outcomes in Denmark: register based nationwide cohort study
Kieran Sweeney,
Kristine Bissenbakker,
Volkert Siersma,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
Eddie Donaghy,
David Henderson
The Multimorbidity Questionnaire (MMQ1): English translation and validation of a Danish patient reported outcome measure for quality of life in people with multiple long-term conditions in a cross-sectional survey
Quality of Life Research 2025
Christina Sadolin Damhus,
John Brodersen,
Gunnar Lauge Nielsen
Diagnostic flow for all patients referred with non-specific symptoms of cancer to a diagnostic centre in Denmark: A descriptive study
European Journal of General Practice 2024
Christina Sadolin Damhus,
Mette Bech Risør,
John Brodersen,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson
Reply: How do we avoid polarization of interdisciplinary research on cancer diagnosis?
Katharina Piontek,
Sophie Nestler,
Anne Holm,
John Brodersen,
Christian Apfelbacher
Content Validity and Psychometric Properties of the German Version of the Holm and Cordoba Urinary Tract Infection Score for Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections in Women: Protocol for a Validation Study
JMIR Research Protocols 2024
Hana Marmura,
Dianne M. Bryant,
Christian F. Hansen,
John Brodersen,
Michael Krogsgaard,
Saveen Dhanoya
English Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the Knee Numeric-Entity Evaluation Score (KNEES-ACL): A Condition-Specific Patient-Reported Outcome Measure for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2024
Christine Lindstrӧm,
Volkert Siersma,
Margit Kriegbaum,
Tora Grauers Willadsen,
Catrine Bakkedal,
John Brodersen
Time trends in mortality for people with severe mental illness in Denmark 2000–2018
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 2024
Anne Holm,
Anna Bernhardt Lyhnebeck,
Maarten Rozing,
Sussi Friis Buhl,
Tora Grauers Willadsen,
Anders Prior
Effectiveness of an adaptive, multifaceted intervention to enhance care for patients with complex multimorbidity in general practice: protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial (the MM600 trial)
Asha Bonney,
John Brodersen,
Volkert Siersma,
Katharine See,
Henry M. Marshall,
Daniel Steinfort
Validation of the psychosocial consequences of screening in lung cancer questionnaire in the international lung screen trial Australian cohort
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2024
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
John Brodersen,
Susanne Reventlow,
Christina Svanholm,
Anne Møller,
Marius Brostrøm Kousgaard
General practitioners’ experiences of providing somatic care for patients with severe mental illness: a qualitative study
Frederik Handberg Juul Martiny,
Anne Katrine Lykke Bie,
Christian Patrick Jauernik,
Or Joseph Rahbek,
Sigrid Brisson Nielsen,
Emma Grundtvig Gram
Deaths and cardiopulmonary events following colorectal cancer screening—A systematic review with meta-analyses
Christina Sadolin Damhus,
Mette Bech Risør,
John Brodersen,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson
Rethinking the logic of early diagnosis in cancer
James Bullen,
Brooke Nickel,
Kirsten McCaffery,
Timothy J. Wilt,
Jenna Smith,
Farzaneh Boroumand
Impact of the diagnostic label for a low-risk prostate lesion: protocol for two online factorial randomised experiments
Dina Melanie Sørensen,
Susanne Oksbjerg Dalton,
Cecilie Lindström Egholm,
Pernille Bidstrup,
John Brodersen,
Elizabeth Rosted
Barriers and facilitators to national guideline implementation for palliative cancer care in a Danish cross-sectoral healthcare setting: A qualitative study of healthcare professionals' experiences
Isabella Skaarup Kindt,
Frederik Handberg Juul Martiny,
Emma Grundtvig Gram,
Anne Katrine Lykke Bie,
Christian Patrick Jauernik,
Or Joseph Rahbek
The risk of bleeding and perforation from sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy in colorectal cancer screening: A systematic review and meta-analyses
Katrine Tranberg,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
Tina Due,
Volkert Siersma,
John Brodersen,
Kristine Bissenbakker
The SOFIA pilot study: assessing feasibility and fidelity of coordinated care to reduce excess mortality and increase quality of life in patients with severe mental illness in a general practice setting; a cluster-randomised pilot trial
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
John Brodersen
Klimaaftryk af overdiagnostik
Ugeskrift for Læger 2023
Christoffer Bjerre Haase,
Margaret Bearman,
John Brodersen,
Torsten Risør,
Klaus Hoeyer
Data driven or data informed? How general practitioners use data to evaluate their own and colleagues’ clinical work in clusters
Sociology of Health and Illness 2023
Christoffer Bjerre Haase,
Rola Ajjawi,
Margaret Bearman,
John Brodersen,
Torsten Risør,
Klaus Hoeyer
Data as symptom: Doctors’ responses to patient-provided data in general practice
Social Studies of Science 2023
Emma Grundtvig Gram,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
John Brodersen,
Christina Sadolin Damhus
Questioning ‘Informed Choice’ in Medical Screening: The Role of Neoliberal Rhetoric, Culture, and Social Context
Emma Grundtvig Gram,
Túlia Filipa Roberto Manso,
Bruno Heleno,
Volkert Siersma,
Jessica á Rogvi,
John Brodersen
The long-term psychosocial consequences of screen-detected ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive breast cancer
Emma G. Gram,
Sigrid W. Knudsen,
John Brodersen,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson
Women's experiences of age-related discontinuation from mammography screening: A qualitative interview study
Emma Grundtvig Gram,
John Brodersen,
Cæcilie Hansen,
Kristen Pickles,
Jenna Smith,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson
Fictitious cases as a methodology to discuss sensitive health topics in focus groups
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 2023
Mille Falk Bjørch,
Emma Grundtvig Gram,
John Brodersen
Overdiagnosis in malignant melanoma: a scoping review
BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine 2023
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
F.H.J. Martiny,
M.K. Søndergaard,
John Brodersen,
T.D. Due,
M.H. Nielsen
Introducing extended consultations for patients with severe mental illness in general practice: Results from the SOFIA feasibility study
Camilla Aakjær Andersen,
John Brodersen,
Ole Graumann,
Annette Sofie Davidsen,
Martin Bach Jensen
Factors affecting point-of-care ultrasound implementation in general practice: A survey in Danish primary care clinics
Søren K. Nielsen,
Frederikke G. Hansen,
Torsten B. Rasmussen,
Thomas Fischer,
Jens F. Lassen,
Trine Madsen
Patients With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and Normal Genetic Investigations Have Few Affected Relatives
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2023
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
Benedicte Møller Christensen,
John Brodersen
Informationens ironi: Patienters frie adgang til sundhedsdata
Tidsskrift for forskning i sygdom og samfund 2022
Camilla A. Andersen,
Timothy C. Guetterman,
Michael D. Fetters,
John Brodersen,
Annette Sofie Davidsen,
Ole Graumann
General Practitioners’ Perspectives on Appropriate Use of Ultrasonography in Primary Care in Denmark: A Multistage Mixed Methods Study
Annals of Family Medicine 2022
Ingrid C. Andersen,
Volkert Dirk Siersma,
Kristoffer Marsaa,
Nikolaj Preisel,
Asbjørn Høegholm,
John Brodersen
Is it okay to choose to receive bad news by telephone? An observational study on psychosocial consequences of diagnostic workup for lung cancer suspicion
Camilla A. Andersen,
Marie Espersen,
John Brodersen,
Janus Laust Thomsen,
Martin Bach Jensen,
Annette Sofie Davidsen
Learning strategies of general practitioners striving to achieve point-of-care ultrasound competence: a qualitative study
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2022
Olsi Kusta,
Charlotte Vestrup Rift,
Torsten Risør,
Eric Santoni-Rugiu,
John Brodersen
Lost in digitization – A systematic review about the diagnostic test accuracy of digital pathology solutions
Journal of Pathology Informatics 2022
Christoffer Bjerre Haase,
John Brodersen,
Jacob Bülow
Sarcopenia: early prevention or overdiagnosis?
Jessica Malmquist,
Volkert Dirk Siersma,
Mia S. Hestbech,
Christine W. Bang,
Dagný R. Nicolaisdóttir,
John Brodersen
Short and long-term psychosocial consequences of participating in a colorectal cancer screening programme: a matched longitudinal study
BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine 2022
Christina Sadolin Damhus,
Volkert Dirk Siersma,
Anna R. Birkmose,
Susanne Oksbjerg Dalton,
John Brodersen
Use and diagnostic outcomes of cancer patient pathways in Denmark – is the place of initial diagnostic work-up an important factor?
BMC Health Services Research 2022
Kristine Bissenbakker,
Anne Møller,
John Brodersen,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson
Conceptualisation of a measurement framework for Needs-based Quality of Life among patients with multimorbidity
Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes 2022
Christian Fugl Hansen,
Jonas Jensen,
Anders Odgaard,
Volkert Dirk Siersma,
Jonathan D. Comins,
John Brodersen
'Four of five frequently used orthopedic PROMs possess inadequate content validity: a COSMIN evaluation of the mHHS, HAGOS, IKDC-SKF, KOOS and KNEES-ACL
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2022