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Frank Siebler
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Publikasjoner utenom Cristin
- Robertsen, Ø., Hegseth, M. N., Føreland, S., Siebler, F., Eisemann, M., & Vangberg, H. C. B. (2020). The effect of a knowledge-based intervention on the use of respirators in the Norwegian smelter industry. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1-11. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00270
- Robstad, N., Westergren, T., Siebler, F., Søderhamn, U., & Fegran, L. (2019). Intensive care nurses' implicit and explicit attitudes and their behavioural intentions toward obese intensive care patients. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75, 3631-3642. DOI: 10.1111/jan.14205
- Robertsen, Ø., Siebler, F., Eisemann, M., Hegseth, M. N., Føreland, S., & Vangberg, H. C. B. (2018). Predictors of respiratory protective equipment use in the Norwegian smelter industry: The role of the Theory of Planned Behavior, safety climate and work experience in understanding protective behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1-12. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01366
- Robstad, N., Siebler, F., Søderhamn, U., Westergren, T., & Fegran, L. (2018). Design and psychometric testing of instruments to measure qualified intensive care nurses’ attitudes towards obese intensive care patients. Research in Nursing & Health, 2018, 1-10. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21914
- Martinussen, L. M., Sømhovd, M. J., Møller, M., & Siebler, F. (2015). A Go/No-go approach to uncovering implicit attitudes towards safe and risky driving. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 30, 74-83. DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2015.02.005
- Siebler, F. (2014). Prejudice. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research (pp. 5034-5036). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
- Sirlopú, D., González, R., Bohner, G., Siebler, F., Millar, A., Ordóñez, G., Torres, D., & De Tezanos-Pinto, P. (2012). Actitudes implícitas y explícitas hacia personas con síndrome de Down: un estudio en colegios con y sin programas de integración de Chile. [Implicit and explicit attitudes toward people with Down syndrome: A study in schools with and without integration programmes in Chile.]. Revista de Psicología Social, 27, 199-210.
- Nordahl, D., Ilstad, L. K. K., & Siebler, F. (2011). Bedrer ubevisst tenkning kvaliteten på komplekse beslutninger? En pågående debatt innenfor forskning på sosial kognisjon [Does unconscious thought improve the quality of complex decisions? An ongoing debate in social cognition research]. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 48, 626-631. [Article] Debate (scroll down to the last 2-3 pages in the PDF files): [Comment] [Author response] [Follow-up comment]
- Siebler, F. & Nordtug, H. (2011). Holdningsendring [Attitude change]. In F. Svartdal (Ed.), Psykologi i praksis (pp. 319-322). Oslo: Gyldendal.
- Siebler, F. & Nordtug, H. (2011). Redusere fordommer mellom grupper [Reducing prejudice between groups]. In F. Svartdal (Ed.), Psykologi i praksis (pp. 323-325). Oslo: Gyldendal.
- Bohner, G., Pina, A., Viki, G. T., & Siebler, F. (2010). Using social norms to reduce men's rape proclivity: Perceived rape myth acceptance of out-groups may be more influential than that of in-groups. Psychology, Crime and Law, 16, 671-693.
- Haye, A., González, R., Ordóñez, G., Bohner, G., Siebler, F., Sirlopú, D., Millar, A., De Tezanos-Pinto, P., & Torres, D. (2010). System-perpetuating asymmetries between explicit and implicit intergroup attitudes among indigenous and non-indigenous Chileans. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 13, 163-172.
- Siebler, F., González, R., Ordóñez, G., Bohner, G., Haye, A., Sirlopú, D., Millar, A., De Tezanos-Pinto, P., & Torres, D. (2010). The Category-Focus Implicit Association Test. Social Psychology, 41, 105-110.
- Vanselow, N., Bohner, G., Becher, M., & Siebler, F. (2010). Die NSB-Skala: Vorstellung und Validierung eines deutschsprachigen Instruments zur Erfassung der Neigung zu sexueller Belästigung [The NSB scale: Presentation and validation of a German-language instrument for assessing the likelihood to sexually harass]. Diagnostica, 56, 158-177.
- Bohner, G., Eyssel, F., Pina, A., Siebler, F., & Viki, G. T. (2009). Rape myth acceptance: Cognitive, affective, and behavioural effects of beliefs that blame the victim and exonerate the perpetrator. In M. A. H. Horvath & J. M. Brown (Eds.), Rape: Challenging contemporary thinking (pp. 17-45). Cullompton: Willan Publishing.
- Bohner, G., Erb, H.-P., & Siebler, F. (2008). Information processing approaches to persuasion: Integrating assumptions from the dual- and single-processing perspectives. In W. B. Crano & R. Prislin (Eds.), Attitudes and attitude change (pp. 161-188). New York: Psychology Press.
- Bohner, G., Siebler, F., González, R., Haye, A., & Schmidt, E. A. (2008). Situational flexibility of in-group-related attitudes: A single category IAT study of people with dual national identity. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 11, 301-317.
- Siebler, F. (2008). Emergent attributes in person perception: A comparative test of response time predictions. Social Psychology, 39, 83-89.
- Siebler, F., Sabelus, S., & Bohner, G. (2008). A refined computer harassment paradigm: Validation, and test of hypotheses about target characteristics. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 32, 22-35.
- Sirlopú, D., González, R., Bohner, G., Siebler, F., Ordóñez, G., Millar, A., Torres, D., & de Tezanos-Pinto, P. (2008). Promoting positive attitudes toward people with Down syndrome: The benefit of school inclusion programs. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38, 2710-2736.
- Gerger, H., Kley, H., Bohner, G., & Siebler, F. (2007). The Acceptance of Modern Myths about Sexual Aggression scale: Development and validation in German and English. Aggressive Behavior, 33, 422-440.
- Van Overwalle, F., & Siebler, F. (2007). A connectionist model of attitude formation and change. In F. Van Overwalle (Ed.), Social connectionism. A reader and handbook for simulations (pp. 345-413). Hove: Psychology Press. (Adapted and reprinted from Personality and Social Psychology Review, 2005, 9, 231-274.)
- Bohner, G., Siebler, F., & Schmelcher, J. (2006). Social norms and the likelihood of raping: Perceived rape myth acceptance of others affects men's rape proclivity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32, 286-297.
- Echterhoff, G., Bohner, G., & Siebler, F. (2006). "Social Robotics": Soziale und emotionale Aspekte in der Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion ["Social robotics": Social and emotional aspects of human/roboter interaction]. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 37, 219-231.
- Eyssel, F., Bohner, G., & Siebler, F. (2006). Perceived rape myth acceptance of others predicts rape proclivity: Social norm or judgmental anchoring? Swiss Journal of Psychology, 65, 93-99.
- Bohner, G., Jarvis, C. I., Eyssel, F., & Siebler, F. (2005). The causal impact of rape myth acceptance on men's rape proclivity: Comparing sexually coercive and noncoercive men. European Journal of Social Psychology, 35, 819-828.
- Siebler, F., & Bohner, G. (2005). Persuasion. In G. Davey (Ed.), Encyclopaedic dictionary of psychology (pp. 265-266). London: Hodder Arnold.
- Van Overwalle, F., & Siebler, F. (2005). A connectionist model of attitude formation and change. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 9, 231-274.
- Bohner, G., Einwiller, S., Erb, H.-P., & Siebler, F. (2003). When small means comfortable: Relations between product attributes in two-sided advertising. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13, 454-463.
- Bohner, G., Danner, U.N., Siebler, F., & Samson, G.B. (2002). Rape myth acceptance and judgments of vulnerability to sexual assault: An Internet experiment. Experimental Psychology, 49, 257-269.
- Siebler, F. (2002). Connectionist modelling of social judgement processes. Doctoral dissertation, Canterbury, UK: University of Kent. [PDF]
- Betsch, T., Siebler, F., Marz, P., Hormuth, S., & Dickenberger, D. (1999). The moderating role of category salience and category focus in judgments of set size and frequency of occurrence. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25, 463-481.
- Bohner, G. & Siebler, F. (1999). Paradigms, processes, parsimony, and predictive power: Arguments for a generic dual-process model. Psychological Inquiry, 10, 113-118.
- Bohner, G., Siebler, F., & Raaijmakers, Y. (1999). Salience of rape affects self-esteem: Individual versus collective self-aspects. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 2, 191-199.
- Bohner, G., Siebler, F., Sturm, S., Effler, D., Litters, M., Reinhard, M.-A., & Rutz, S. (1998). Rape myth acceptance and accessibility of the gender category. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 1, 67-79.
- Marz, P., Dickenberger, D., Betsch, T., & Siebler, F. (1996). Selbstkonzept und Internalität - Faktorielle Validität des Fragebogens zu Kompetenz- und Kontrollüberzeugungen (FKK) bei einer ostdeutschen Stichprobe [Self-concept and internality: Factorial validity of the FKK in an East German sample population]. Diagnostica, 42, 377-385.
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Fagområde utdanning: Sosialpsykologi. Undervisning 2015:
- Emneansvarlig PSY-3005 Attitudes (masterprogram)
- Emneansvarlig PSY-2585 Sosial- og samfunnspsykologi (profesjonsstudium)
- Veileder PSY-3500 Tilleggsemne i psykologi (profesjonsstudium)
- Veileder PSY-3023 Forskningspraksis i psykologi (masterprogram)
- Bedømmelseskomité (leder), PSY-8900 Ph.d.-avhandling i psykologi
- Veileder (bacheloroppgaver, hovedoppgaver, doktorgradsavhandlinger)
- Sensor for egne og andres kurs (ad hoc)
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- Siebler_2002 (pdf)
- Igor_Jakobsen_JobStudy (zip)
- Kai_Erik_Brandt (zip)
- Maja_Kjelstrup (zip)
- Petter_BA_V2014 (zip)
- PSY-2020-Attitudes-Autumn-2014-Course-evaluation (pdf)
- PSY-2585-V2015-Course-evaluation (pdf)
- PSY-3005-exam-V2015-Summary-of-grading-and-results (pdf)
- Juan-for-review (zip)
- Knut-Sondre-V2016 (zip)
- PSY-2585-V2016-Course-evaluation (pdf)
- Ingrid-Røli-H2016 (pdf)
- PSY-2020-exam-Autumn-2016-Summary-of-results (pdf)
- PSY-3005 H2017 Grading and results (pdf)
- PSY-2020 exam Autumn 2018, Summary of results (pdf)
- PSY-1705-V2019-Course-evaluation-corrected (pdf)
- PSY-3005 exam H2019, Summary of results (pdf)
- PSY-2020 Autumn 2021 Course evaluation with Appendix (pdf)
- PSY-3005 exam H2022, Summary of results (pdf)
- PSY-1705 V2023 Course evaluation (pdf)
- PSY-2020 H2023 Course evaluation (pdf)