Borghild Løyland,
Ida Hellum Sandbekken,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Inger Utne
Causes and Risk Factors of Breast Cancer, What Do We Know for Sure? An Evidence Synthesis of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
Ida Hellum Sandbekken,
Åsmund Hermansen,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Inger Utne,
Borghild Løyland
Infeksjonsovervåkning på sykehjem gjennom 18 måneder under og etter covid-19-pandemien
Sandra Jahr Svendsen,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Katrine Staats
Patients’ experiences with shared decision-making in home-based palliative care – navigation through major life decisions
BMC Palliative Care 2024
Siv Camilla Marriott,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Marianne Thorsen Gonzalez
Learning and achieving basic mental health competence in placement studies with the support of a tool: A qualitative study of student nurses’ experiences
International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances (IJNS Advances) 2024
Ana Carla Soares Portugal Schippert,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Tone Dahl-Michelsen,
Juha Tapio Silvola,
Bente Sparboe-Nilsen,
Stein Ove Danielsen
Preventing retraumatisation in torture survivors during surgical care: results of a guideline-development project and qualitative study exploring healthcare providers' experiences
Johnny Joginder Singh,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Martin Turzer,
Andreas Stensvold
Hospitalizations and re-hospitalizations at the end-of-life among cancer patients; a retrospective register data study.
BMC Palliative Care 2024
Johnny Joginder Singh,
Andreas Stensvold,
Martin Turzer,
Ellen Karine Grov
Anticancer therapy at end-of-life: A retrospective cohort study
Ida Hellum Sandbekken,
Åsmund Hermansen,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Inger Utne,
Borghild Løyland
Surveillance of Infections and Antibiotic Use in 21 Nursing Home Wards during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Assessment
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2024
Ritva Jacobsen,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Tiril Østefjells,
Rolf Sundet,
Bengt Eirik Karlsson
Åpen dialog i nettverksmøter - nettverksmøtelederes og deltakeres erfaringer med nettverksmøter.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid 2024
Maren Meinseth Hanstad,
Signe Nygaard Haugen,
Inger Utne,
Borghild Løyland,
Astrid Torbjørnsen,
Ellen Karine Grov
Helserelatert livskvalitet hos personer som har eller har hatt blærekreft
Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning 2024
Heidi Holmen,
Tone Nygaard Flølo,
Christine Tørris,
Borghild Løyland,
Kari Almendingen,
Ann Kristin Bjørnnes
Unpacking the Public Health Triad of Social Inequality in Health, Health Literacy, and Quality of Life—A Scoping Review of Research Characteristics
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2023
Andreas Charalambous,
Pascale Dielenseger,
Theologia Tsitsi,
Mark Foulkes,
Nikolina Dodlek,
Paz Fernandez-Ortega
A review of growth and development of oncology nursing in six European countries
Annals of Palliative Medicine 2023
Ida Hellum Sandbekken,
Inger Utne,
Åsmund Hermansen,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Borghild Løyland
Impact of multimodal interventions targeting behavior change on hand hygiene adherence in nursing homes: An 18-month quasi-experimental study
American Journal of Infection Control 2023
Marlen Sunde Johannessen,
Christine Miaskowski,
Anne Grethe Kleven,
Christine Seel Ritchie,
Steven M. Paul,
Ellen Karine Grov
Age-related differences in the occurrence, severity, and distress of symptoms in older patients at the initiation of chemotherapy
Ana Carla Soares Portugal Schippert,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Tone Dahl-Michelsen,
Juha Tapio Silvola,
Bente Sparboe-Nilsen,
Stein Ove Danielsen
Re-traumatization of torture survivors during treatment in somatic healthcare services: A mapping review and appraisal of literature presenting clinical guidelines and recommendations to prevent re-traumatization
Social Science and Medicine 2023
Siv Camilla Marriott,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Marianne Thorsen Gonzalez
Nurse Educators’ Pedagogical Approaches Addressing Student Nurses’ Mental Health Care Competence: A Qualitative Study
Issues in Mental Health Nursing 2023
Ana Carla Soares Portugal Schippert,
Tone Dahl-Michelsen,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Bente Sparboe-Nilsen,
Juha Tapio Silvola,
Ann Kristin Bjørnnes
Torture survivors' experiences of receiving surgical treatment indicating retraumatization
Ida Hellum Sandbekken,
Åsmund Hermansen,
Inger Utne,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Borghild Løyland
Students’ observations of hand hygiene
adherence in 20 nursing home wards,
during the COVID-19 pandemic
BMC Infectious Diseases 2022
Siren Eriksen,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Tanja Louise Ibsen,
Anne Marie Mork Rokstad,
Elisabeth Wiken Telenius
The experience of lived body as expressed by people with dementia : a systematic meta-synthesis
Agnete Nygaard,
Liv Torill Halvorsrud,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Astrid Bergland
‘What matters to you?'—a qualitative study on the views of nursing home residents with dementia regarding the health care they receive
Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN) 2022
Mats Nylén-Eriksen,
Mariela Loreto Lara Cabrera,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Hanne Skarsvaag,
Irene Lie,
Tone Dahl-Michelsen
Fighting the waves; Covid-19 family life interference in a neurodevelopmental disorder-caregiver population
BMC Health Services Research 2022
Siren Eriksen,
Knut Engedal,
Ellen Karine Grov
Lifeworld perspectives of people with dementia: a meta-aggregation of qualitative studies
Katrine Staats,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Oscar Tranvåg
Framework for Patient and Informal Caregiver Participation in Research (PAICPAIR) Part 2
Advances in Nursing Science 2022
Ingerd Irgens Hynnekleiv,
Øystein Sørebø,
Ellen Karine Grov
Teknostress hos sykepleiere – ikke bare angst og fobi
Mats Nylén-Eriksen,
Ann Kristin Bjørnnes,
Hege Hafstad Johansen,
Irene Lie,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Mariela Loreto Lara Cabrera
Validating the five-item world health organization well-being index
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 13. september 2022
Ritva Jacobsen,
Bengt Eirik Karlsson,
Ellen Karine Grov
Clinicians and supervisors' experiences with developing practices of open dialogue in network meetings in public mental health services
Journal of Family Therapy 24. november 2022
Ellen Karine Grov,
Siri Ytrehus
Do You Feel Safe at Home? A Qualitative Study among Home-Dwelling Older Adults with Advanced Incurable Cancer
Kristin Valen,
Kari Toverud Jensen,
Anne Lise Holm,
Ellen Karine Grov
Palliative care in Norwegian nursing education: A document analysis of the integration of learning outcomes
he Nordic Journal of Nursing Research (NJNR) 2022
Inger Utne,
Kjersti Stokke,
Christine Seel Ritchie,
Borghild Løyland,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Hege Lund Rasmussen
Changes in Subjective Measures of Cognitive Function in Older Adults From the Initiation Through 12 Months After the Receipt of Chemotherapy
Ann Helen Torstveit,
Christine Miaskowski,
Borghild Løyland,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Christine Seel Ritchie,
Steven M Paul
Characteristics associated with decrements in objective
measures of physical function in older patients with cancer
during chemotherapy
Supportive Care in Cancer 03. november 2022
Ann Kristin Bjørnnes,
Astrid Torbjørnsen,
Berit Taraldsen Valeberg,
Bente Sparboe-Nilsen,
Ida Hellum Sandbekken,
Kari Almendingen
What is Known About Students and Sleep: Systematic Review and Evidence Map
Ann Helen Torstveit,
Christine Miaskowski,
Borghild Løyland,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Marianne Grønlie Guren,
Christine Seel Ritchie
Common and distinct characteristics associated with self-reported functional status in older patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy
European Journal of Oncology Nursing 06. september 2021
Henrik Gaudernack,
Martine Hareide,
Christine Miaskowski,
Christine Ritchie,
Borghild Løyland,
Ellen Karine Grov
Symptom experience of older oncology patients with low versus high levels of multimorbidity prior to chemotherapy
European Journal of Oncology Nursing 2021
Torgeir Sørensen,
Knut Hestad,
Ellen Karine Grov
Relationships of sources of meaning and resilience with meaningfulness and satisfaction with life: A population-based study of Norwegians in late adulthood
Ana Carla Soares Portugal Schippert,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Tone Dahl-Michelsen,
Juha Tapio Silvola,
Bente Sparboe-Nilsen,
Stein Ove Danielsen
Development and evaluation of guidelines for prevention of retraumatisation in torture survivors during surgical care: Protocol for a multistage qualitative study
Bakker Lars-Petter,
Jon Gerhard Reichelt,
Ellen Karine Grov
From a first person perspective: Soldiers' experiences three decades after an avalanche - A qualitative interview study
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 2021
Inger Utne,
Borghild Løyland,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Hege Lund Rasmussen,
Ann Helen Torstveit,
Steven M. Paul
Age-related differences in self-report and objective measures of cognitive function in older patients prior to chemotherapy
Sandra Jahr Svendsen,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Katrine Staats
Beslutningsprosesser i palliasjon - hjemmesykepleieres etiske kompass
Sandra Jahr Svendsen,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Katrine Staats
Pasientinvolvering utfordrer medisinske beslutninger i palliativ fase
Tidsskriftet sykepleien 2024
Ida Hellum Sandbekken,
Åsmund Hermansen,
Inger Utne,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Borghild Løyland
Hand Hygiene in Norwegian Nursing Homes During and After The Covid-19 Pandemic Outbreak
Ann Helen Torstveit,
Inger Utne,
Borghild Løyland,
Ellen Karine Grov
Physical function in older oncology patients at initiation of, during and following chemotherapy
Kristin Valen,
Anne Lise Holm,
Kari Toverud Jensen,
Ellen Karine Grov
Integration of Palliative Care Learning Outcomes into Norwegian Nursing Education, and Students’ Perspectives on Learning Palliative Care through Simulation and Transferring Learning Outcomes to Clinical Placement
Randi Elisabeth Martinsen,
Sigrid Ahlin Søvde,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Ann Gardulf
Self-reported Competence among Advanced Practice Nursing students in Norway, Finland and Denmark - A Cross-sectional study
Ellen Karine Grov
Geriatrisk sykepleie 2022
Inger Utne,
Kjersti Stokke,
Steven M Paul,
Christine Seel Ritchie,
Borghild Løyland,
Ellen Karine Grov
Risk factors associated with decline in cognitive function in elderly oncology patients receiving chemotherapy
Heidi Holmen,
Tone Nygaard Flølo,
Christine Tørris,
Borghild Løyland,
Kari Almendingen,
Ann Kristin Bjørnnes
Sammenhenger mellom sosial ulikhet i helse, livskvalitet og helsekompetanse – preliminære funn fra et scoping review
May Kristin Valen,
Kari Toverud Jensen,
Anne Lise Holm,
Ellen Karine Grov
Palliative care in Norwegian nursing education: A document analysis of the integration of learning outcomes
May Kristin Valen,
Kari Toverud Jensen,
Anne Lise Holm,
Ellen Karine Grov
Læringsutbytte i palliasjon for bachelorstudenter i sykepleie
Agnete Nygaard,
Liv Torill Halvorsrud,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Astrid Bergland
Correction to: What matters to you when the nursing home is your home: a qualitative study on the views of residents with dementia living in nursing homes (BMC Geriatrics, (2020), 20, 1, (227), 10.1186/s12877-020-01612-w)