Nora Hersoug Nedberg,
Mona Nystad,
Maria Therese Ahlen,
eirin listau Bertelsen,
Katarzyna Guz,
Małgorzata Uhrynowska
Placenta-associated biomarkers and pregnancy outcome in HPA-1a alloimmunization: A prospective cohort study
Tina Coucheron,
Malgorzata Uhrynowska,
Katarzyna Guz,
Agnieszka Orzińska,
Marzena Debska,
Agnieszka Gierszon
What's with the boys? Lower birth weight in boys from HPA-1a alloimmunized pregnancies – New insights from a large prospective screening study in Poland
Journal of Reproductive Immunology 2023
Nora Hersoug Nedberg,
Gitta Erika Turowski,
Katarzyna Guz,
Ewa Przytuła,
Małgorzata Uhrynowska,
Borghild Roald
Platelet alloimmunization is associated with low grade chronic histiocytic intervillositis - A new link to a rare placental lesion?
Jesper Dahl,
Bjørn Skogen,
Mette Kjær,
Anne Husebekk,
Jens Kjeldsen-Kragh,
Heidi Tiller
A combined effect of anti-HPA-1a and anti-HLA Class I in pregnancy?
Maria Therese Ahlen,
Gøril Heide,
Anne Husebekk,
Bjørn Skogen,
Jens Kjeldsen-Kragh,
Tor Brynjar Stuge
The prevalence of HPA-1a alloimmunization and the potential risk of FNAIT depend on both the DRB3*01:01 allele and associated DR-DQ haplotypes
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 16. april 2020
Heidi Tiller,
Maria Therese Ahlen,
Cigdem Ahaein Akkøk,
Anne Husebekk
Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia - The Norwegian management model
Transfusion and Apheresis Science 2019
Agnieszka Orzińska,
Katarzyna Guz,
Małgorzata Uhrynowska,
Marzena Dȩbska,
Michal Mikula,
Jerzy Ostrowski
Noninvasive prenatal HPA-1 typing in HPA-1a negative pregnancies selected in the Polish PREVFNAIT screening program
Marzena Debska,
Małgorzata Uhrynowska,
Katarzyna Guz,
Izabella Kopec,
Elzbieta Lachert,
Agnieszka Orzinska
Identification and follow-up of pregnant women with platelet-type human platelet antigen (HPA)-1bb alloimmunized with fetal HPA-1a
Archives of Medical Science 2018
Jesper Dahl,
Erle Refsum,
Maria Therese Ahlen,
Torstein Egeland,
Tore Jensen,
Marte K Viken
Unraveling the role of maternal anti-HLA class I antibodies in fetal and neonatal thrombocytopenia?Antibody specificity analysis using epitope data
Journal of Reproductive Immunology 2017
Heidi Tiller,
Anne Husebekk,
Maria Therese Ahlen,
Tor Brynjar Stuge,
Bjørn Ragnar Skogen
Current perspectives on fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia - Increasing clinical concerns and new treatment opportunities
International Journal of Women's Health 2017
Mariana Eksteen,
Gøril Heide,
Heidi Tiller,
Yan Zhou,
Nora Hersoug Nedberg,
Inigo Zubiavrre Martinez
Anti-human platelet antigen (HPA)-1a antibodies may affect trophoblast functions crucial for placental development: A laboratory study using an in vitro model
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2017
Katarzyna Guz,
Małgorzata Uhrynowska,
Izabella Kopeć,
Marzena Dębska,
Anne Husebekk,
Eva Brojer
Recent advances in understanding the clinical relevance of antiplatelet alloantibodies
Polish Archives of Internal Medicine 2017
Mette Kjær,
Heidi Tiller,
Gøril Heide,
Jens Kjeldsen-Kragh,
Bjørn Ragnar Skogen,
Anne Husebekk
Fetal exposure to maternal human platelet antigen-1a does not induce tolerance. An analytical observational study
Maria Therese Ahlen,
Anne Husebekk,
Ida Løken Killie,
Bjørn Ragnar Skogen,
Tor Brynjar Stuge
T cell responses to human platelet antigen-1a involve a unique form of indirect allorecognition
Ying-Jan Weng,
Anne Husebekk,
Bjørn Ragnar Skogen,
Mette Kjær,
Liang-Tzung Lin,
Thierry Burnouf
Anti-human platelet antigen-1α immunoglobulin G preparation intended to prevent fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
Egil Støre Blix,
Anne Husebekk
Raiders of the lost mark – endothelial cells and their role in transplantation for hematologic malignancies
Leukemia and Lymphoma 2016
Kari Flo,
Egil Støre Blix,
Anne Husebekk,
Anders Thommassen,
Andreas Tendeland Uhre,
Tom Wilsgaard
A longitudinal study of maternal endothelial function, inflammatory response and uterine artery blood flow during the second half of pregnancy
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2016
J Dahl,
Anne Husebekk,
Ganesh Acharya,
Kari Flo,
Tor Brynjar Stuge,
Bjørn Ragnar Skogen
Maternal anti-HLA class I antibodies are associated with reduced birthweight in thrombocytopenic neonates
Journal of Reproductive Immunology 2016
Heidi Tiller,
Anne Husebekk,
Bjørn Ragnar Skogen,
Jens Kjeldsen-Kragh,
Mette Kjær Killie
True risk of fetal/neonatal alloimmune
thrombocytopenia in subsequent pregnancies:
a prospective observational follow-up study
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2016
Winnie Chong,
Ernest Turro,
Paul Metcalfe,
Rizwan Yusuf,
Yves Mérieux,
Dominique Rigal
A multicenter validation of recombinant β3 integrin-coupled beads to detect human platelet antigen-1 alloantibodies in 498 cases of fetomaternal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
Mariana Eksteen,
Heidi Tiller,
Maria Averina,
Gøril Heide,
Mette Kjær Killie,
Cedric Ghevaert
Characterization of a human platelet antigen-1a-specific monoclonal antibody derived from a B cell from a woman alloimmunized in pregnancy
Eva Brojer,
Anne Husebekk,
Marzena Debska,
Malgorozata Uhrynowska,
Katarzyna Guz,
Agnieszka Orzinska
Fetal/Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia: Pathogenesis, Diagnostics and Prevention
Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis 2015
Egil Støre Blix,
Anders Benjamin Kildal,
Eirin Listau Bertelsen,
Anders Waage,
June Myklebust,
Arne Kolstad
Content of endothelial progenitor cells in autologous stem cellgrafts predict survival after transplantation for multiplemyeloma
Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 2015
Anne Husebekk,
Espen Holst Hansen,
Gunilla Kristina Eriksen,
Magnar Pedersen
Et alternativ til elektrifisering av Melkøya finnes. Bærekraftig er det også.
Dagens næringsliv 2025
Heidi Tiller,
Nora Hersoug Nedberg,
Mona Nystad,
Maria Therese Ahlen,
eirin listau Bertelsen,
Anne Husebekk
New insights on maternal platelet alloimmunization and placenta function
Kristin Asdal,
Tone Huse,
Narve Fulsås,
Bente Sundsvold,
Anne Husebekk
Natur og økonomi i havets brytningstid - Bpkbad og panelsamtale
Gunbjørg Svineng,
Maja-Lisa Løchen,
Anne Husebekk
Legeutdanning for hele Nord-Norge
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 13. april 2023
Anne Husebekk,
Øystein Hov,
Camilla Brattland,
Alan C. Haynie,
Jackie Grebmeier,
Marianne Kroglund
From Observation to Adaptation
Heidi Tiller,
Anne Husebekk
Hvorfor er det viktig at gravide vaksinerer seg?
Nordnorsk debatt - Nordlys 13. januar 2022
Anne Husebekk,
Camilla Brekke
Forskningsinfrastruktur: Sektorprinsippet gir sub-obtinalae løsninger
Heidi Tiller,
Nora Hersoug Nedberg,
Anne Husebekk,
Mona Nystad,
Vasilis Sitras,
Gitta Erika Turowski
When platelet alloimmunization meets chronic intervillositis: A prospective histopathology study suggests increased severity of clinical outcome
Gunnar Bovim,
Anne Husebekk,
Berit Rokne,
Terje Grøndahl,
Anders Johan Wickstrøm Andersen,
Heidi Kapstad
Ansatte og studenter skal innrulleres som reservepersonell
Anne Borg,
Johann Roppen,
Kathrine Skretting,
Lars-Petter Jelsness-Jørgensen,
Berit Rokne,
Hanne Elenora Solheim Hansen
Norge trenger flere grunnskolelærere som er faglig sterke 2020
Anne Husebekk,
Øystein Thøgersen,
Jens Petter Straumsheim,
Julia Loge
Disse vant kampen om studentene
Johann Roppen,
Guro Elisabeth Lind,
Elisabeth Maråk Støle,
Henrik Asheim,
Nina Skarpenes,
Henrik Urdal
«2021 er året da vi vet å verdsette det 2020 ikke ga oss» : toppene i kunnskapsnorge hilser det nye året med ønske om hedonistiske kjempefester, liv og energi på campus og en porsjon optimisme - etter hvert
Laila Susanne Vars,
Steinar Kristoffersen,
Petter Aasen,
Øystein Thøgersen,
Arne H. Krumsvik,
Anne Husebekk
Rektorene er stort sett samstemte: — Ja, vi skal vaksinere oss
Anne Husebekk,
Kenneth Ruud,
Sveinung Eikeland,
Geir Gotaas
Arctic Advanced Education and Research
Anne Husebekk,
Karin Andreassen
Arktisk klimakunnskap hjem i TV-stua
Heidi Tiller,
Nora Hersoug Nedberg,
Gitta Erika Turowski,
Vasilis Sitras,
Anne Husebekk,
Ewa Brojer
Chronic intervillositis linked to platelet alloimmunization - a new entry port to understanding a rare but important placental lesion
Anne Husebekk,
Ole Arve Misund,
Jan-Gunnar Winther
Nei Hilmarsen, Røkke truer ikke porten til ishavet.
iTromsø 01. mars 2019
Mette Kjær,
Jens Kjeldsen-Kragh,
Cathrine Fiskum,
Irene Leinan,
Bjørn Skogen,
Anne Husebekk
Screening for fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia ? lessons learned from a Norwegian screening program
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2018
Jan-Gunnar Winther,
Anne Husebekk
Framtidas arbeidsplasser er blå (Nordlys 16. mai, Troms Folkeblad 22. mai, Fremover 28. mai og Avisa Nordland 30. mai 2018)
Nordlys 16. mai 2018
Sveinung Eikeland,
Anne Husebekk
Gjennom Nord-Noreg til Arktis
Ottar 2018
Kari Byklum,
Anders Andersen,
Kolbjørn Engeseth,
Anne Husebekk
Etterlyser flere helseteknologer
Anne Husebekk,
Ole Arve Misund,
Geir Hønneland
Kina - stadig viktigere som samarbeidspartner i arktisk forskning.
Nordlys 22. mai 2018
Anne Husebekk,
Sissel Rogne,
Salve Dahle,
Øyvind Fylling-Jensen,
Jan-Gunnar Winther
Nytt kompetansesenter for hav og arktiske spørsmål i Tromsø?
Nordlys 02. mai 2017
Anne Husebekk,
Elin Kolsvik,
Victoria S. Paulsen,
Øyvind Fylling-Jensen
Et hav av muligheter
Elin Kolsvik,
Victoria Paulsen,
Anne Husebekk,
Øyvind Fylling-Jensen
Et hav av muligheter
Ida Løken Killie,
Maria Therese Ahlen,
Anne Husebekk,
Bjørn Ragnar Skogen,
Tor Brynjar Stuge
Induction and detection of in vivo immune responses to HPA-1a in a novel murine model of fetal/neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT)
Jesper Dahl,
Anne Husebekk,
Ganesh Acharya,
Kari Flo,
Tor Brynjar Stuge,
Bjørn Ragnar Skogen
Maternal anti-HLA class 1 antibodies are associated with reduced birth weight in thrombocytopenic neonates