spring 2023
TEK-3901 Master's thesis in Technology and Safety - 30 ECTS

Type of course

The course can not be taken as a singular course.

Admission requirements

All course from the first three semesters of the programme have to be passed prior to commencing the thises. The course is mandatory in the Master's Degree Programme in Techonology and Safety in the High North.

Course content

The master's thesis is the final course of the study programme Technology and safety in the high north and the students will apply knowledge and skills they have acquired through the study to plan, carry out and present a comprehensive, independent work within the field of technology and safety.The master's thesis will be carried out as a independent scientific resarch project. The course is method and problem oriented and the project should have its basis in a problem relevant to the fields of study. The problem/task should be realistic, concrete and of a nature makind it possible to use the competance acquired through the study. Practical work with examinations and analyses should be included. The main project can be carred out in co-operation with a company, an institution, the authorities of the University.The project should be based on recognised resarch methods. The theses may be a practical, experimental and empirical study og a theoretical/literary study.The result of the project will be presented in a project report/thises.

Objectives of the course

The goal is to give the students in-depth knowledge an competance within a selected area of the techonology and safety applied on a problem relevant to the high north. The project will inprove the abibity to do independent engeneering and resarch work and provide training in planning of project, systematic processing and report writing. Competance in applying the theoretical knowledge to solve relevant and feasible problems within the field of technology an safety.

Language of instruction and examination

The thesis should be written in the English language.

Teaching methods

The master's theses is carried out individually as a research project. The departement will appoint one supervisor for each student and the student should carry out the research project in close contact with the supervisor. 15 hours supervision is granted, but it is the student's responsibillity to initiate any supervision while conducting the research project and writing the thesis. The student may also have other resource persons at their disposal


Examination: Date: Grade scale:
Assignment 26.04.2023 14:00 (Hand in) A–E, fail F
UiT Exams homepage

Re-sit examination

Only if the thesis is evaluated the grade F, a revised thesis may be handed in. New deadline will be 3 months. If thesis upon second evaluation is given the grade F, the candidate may apply for a new project.
  • About the course
  • Campus: Tromsø |
  • ECTS: 30
  • Course code: TEK-3901
  • Tidligere år og semester for dette emnet