spring 2024
GEO-3138 Integrated Geological and Geophysical Interpretation - 10 ECTS
Admission requirements
Bachelor's degree in geology, or a similar degree following a programme of study of at least three years, or similar education approved in accordance with the Norwegian Universities Act section 3-4. In addition, specialization in geology worth the equivalent of at least 80 ECTS credits is required. Normally, an average mark of C or better is required at the bachelor's degree level or other program for basis of admission. Basic knowledge of sedimentology, structural geology and geophysics is assumed. GEO-3137 Seismology is recommended prerequisites.
Application code: 9371.
Course overlap
If you pass the examination in this course, you will get an reduction in credits (as stated below), if you previously have passed the following courses:
GEO-8138 Integrated Geological and Geophysical Interpretation 10 ectsGEO-3123 Marine Geophysics 5 ects
GEO-3127 3-D Seismic Interpretation 5 ects
GEO-8127 Threedimensional seismic interpretation 5 ects
GEO-8123 Marine Geophysics 5 ects
Course content
This course gives a thorough treatment of the interpretation of geological and geophysical data through integrated approaches. It teaches students to integrate diverse geophysical data (seismic, multibeam bathymetry, hydroacoustic, controlled soured electromagnetics (CSEM), sediment logs among others) weighing the strengths and limitations of the various methods in order to develop geological models. Particular attention is paid to extracting the maximum amount of geological information from the data, recognizing noise-related artifacts in interpretation products and how to deal with the ambiguity when interpreting geophysical datasets. The course provides an in-depth overview of quantitative and qualitative interpretation techniques for evaluating structural and sedimentological (stratigraphical) processes with applications within resource exploration, geohazards, seismology, seabed ecology and global climate research.Objectives of the course
The student:
- Will gain practical and theoretical knowledge of seismic and other geophysical methods and 2D/3D seismic interpretation techniques.
- Is familiar with the principles of the integration of seismic and well data and the ability to perform depth-conversion.
- Will have an overview of quantitative interpretation techniques such as AVO, inversion, rock physics or 4D (time-lapse) seismic analysis.
- Will have an overview of the most commonly integrated geophysical and geological methods in research and industry for understanding Earth system interactions.
The student can
- Prepare/condition geophysical data and integrate various data sets in specific geological interpretation contexts
- Perform a stratigraphic and structural interpretation using various geophysical data sets (e.g.,seismic, bathymetry, well logs) and employ interpretation techniques such as sequence stratigraphy, seismic facies analysis, seismic interpretation of different structural styles or seismic geomorphology.
- Use 3D seismic and/or other geophysical data to develop, describe and present structural and sedimentological models.
- Describe how seismic processing methods can enhance seismic interpretation and recognize acquisition and/or processing artifacts in seismic data while avoiding the most common interpretation pitfalls.
- Understand the capabilities and limitations of the various geophysical data types.
- The capability to work on a case study performing an integrated interpretation of data with guidance.
General competences
The student
- Can be thoughtful, engaged, informed and articulate in professional and personal arenas regarding geological and geophysical data interpretation.
- Has the awareness of the importance of geophysical data for developing geological models.
- Has awareness of complex interactions between the geosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, cryosphere and the atmosphere.
- Has knowledge of current research and new methods in integrated geological and geophysical data interpretation.
- Has the ability to carry out the most important elements of geological/geophysical research projects: compiling relevant literature, interpreting and analyzing data, and communicating results and interpretation ideas effectively in written and oral form to fellow students/scientists.
Information to incoming exchange students
This course is open for inbound exchange student who meets the admission requirements, including prerequisites. Please see the Admission requirements" and the "Prerequisite" sections for more information.
Do you have questions about this module? Please check the following website to contact the course coordinator for exchange students at the faculty: INBOUND STUDENT MOBILITY: COURSE COORDINATORS AT THE FACULTIES | UiT
Recommended reading/syllabus
Pensumliste for GEO-3138 / GEO-8138 Integrated Geology and Geophysics (VÅR 2024)Examination
Examination: | Date: | Weighting: | Duration: | Grade scale: |
Assignment | 08.05.2024 09:00 (Hand out) 15.05.2024 14:00 (Hand in) |
1/2 | A–E, fail F | |
School exam | 06.06.2024 09:00 |
1/2 | 4 Hours | A–E, fail F |
Coursework requirements:To take an examination, the student must have passed the following coursework requirements: |
Case studies | Approved – not approved | |||
Presentations | Approved – not approved |
- About the course
- Campus: Tromsø |
- ECTS: 10
- Course code: GEO-3138
- Responsible unit
- Institutt for geovitenskap
- Tidligere år og semester for dette emnet