spring 2025
MAT-3305 Advanced Cryptography - 10 ECTS

Type of course

The course is included in the study program Integrated master study in Computer science, study direction cyber security. It may also be taken independent of study program upon approval of the Department of mathematics and statistics.

Admission requirements

For those who have the course as a singular course: Bachelor of science degree in mathematics or equivalent, and MAT-1301 or equivalent.

Application code is 9371.

Course content

An introduction to advanced topics in cryptography. Topics like elliptic curve cryptography, code based and lattice based cryptography will be taught.

Challenges of the post-quantum era.

Recommended prerequisites

MAT-1001 Calculus 1, MAT-1004 Linear algebra, MAT-1005 Discrete Mathematics, MAT-2300 Algebra 1

Objectives of the course

Knowledge - The candidate

  • has knowledge about groups, rings and fields, and the use of these objects in cryptography and coding theory
  • have a broad knowledge about research challenges in cryptography
  • has advanced knowledge in the theory of elliptic curves and the use of elliptic curves in cryptography
  • is able to explain how lattice methods can be used in cryptanalyses
  • has knowledge about error correcting codes like linear codes, Goppa codes
  • has advanced knowledge about cryptosystems based on the difficulty of finding the nearest code word or the shortest vector in a lattice
  • has advanced knowledge of homomorphic encryption, and which established encryption methods it can be used to supplement

Skills - The candidate

  • can assess strengths and weaknesses with the various cryptosystems
  • is able to explain how elliptic curve cryptosystems works, and why they perform better
  • can apply code-based, lattice- and elliptic curve cryptosystems

in concrete cases

  • can perform homomorphic encryption
  • has enough background knowledge to be able to read and understand research articles in the field

General competence -The candidate

  • can give an interpretation of recent developments and provide an intuition of the open questions in the field
  • has general knowledge about the importance of cryptography and coding theory in modern communication.
  • understands the challenges of the post-quantum era in cryptography.
  • can communicate independent work and master the subject area´s terminology.

Language of instruction and examination


Teaching methods

Lectures, with problems solving included.

Information to incoming exchange students

This course is available for inbound exchange students.

This course is open for inbound exchange student who meets the admission requirements. Please see the Admission requirements.

Do you have questions about this module? Please check the following website to contact the course coordinator for exchange students at the faculty: INBOUND STUDENT MOBILITY: COURSE COORDINATORS AT THE FACULTIES | UiT



Examination: Duration: Grade scale:
Oral exam 45 Minutes A–E, fail F

Coursework requirements:

To take an examination, the student must have passed the following coursework requirements:

Mandatory assignment Approved – not approved
UiT Exams homepage

More info about the coursework requirements

Up to 3 mandatory assignments

Re-sit examination

A re-sit exam will not be held.
  • About the course
  • Campus: Tromsø |
  • ECTS: 10
  • Course code: MAT-3305
  • Tidligere år og semester for dette emnet