autumn 2025
LIN-3990 Master's Thesis in Linguistics - 60 ECTS
Course content
The Master's thesis is a piece of independent research on a limited topic within linguistics.
The topic of research will be decided upon in collaboration with a specialist teacher. The thesis could also be written as either, part of a broader research project, or may build on one of the courses taught. There is no other restriction on the subfield of linguistics that the thesis should deal with, but it is expected that the content be contextualized to reflect an understanding of the relevant issues from linguistic theory.
Objectives of the course
By completing this master's degree, students will gain experience in research and project work.
The student has:
- acquired a deeper understanding of a particular field of interest within the subject area
- developed the skills required to review a topic critically and with a satisfactory level of theory and methodology
The student is able to / can:
- organize and carry out of a substantial piece of research, learn to pose relevant questions and use appropriate methodology
- in project work and problem solving
- writing skills will also be significantly developed throughout the process
Teaching methods
New MA students will be assigned a contact person from within the specialist teachers. The contact person will advise on the master's degree requirements and suggest potential supervisors. A supervisor will be assigned once a thesis topic is selected. Supervision will be given individually and, in certain cases, in groups in the form of dissertation seminars and the like.Schedule
Examination: | Grade scale: |
Assignment | A–E, fail F |
Coursework requirements:To take an examination, the student must have passed the following coursework requirements: |
A project outline | Approved – not approved |
More info about the coursework requirements
In the first term, a project outline has to be submitted to the supervisor(s). This outline should include a brief explanation of the research question(s) to be investigated, the type of material the work will build on, what theories and methods will be used, how the project will be structured, and an overall project plan.
The project outline is usually submitted within the first semester of the master's degree study. Students taking 30 study points of courses in the first semester may deliver their project outline at the commencement of the second semester.
The project outline is to be approved by the assigned supervisor.
More info about the assignment
The thesis is normally a piece of scientific research of 70-100 pages in length (about 2000 characters per page). Illustrations, graphs and the like are not included as part of the overall page total. However, should the thesis include sound and photo media and so on, the text must total at least 40 pages in length.
It is usual that a Master's thesis is an individual piece of work; however, two or three students can collaborate on a thesis. In the event that this is the case, the overall size of the thesis will also increase proportionally by 50%-100% to include the contributions of all participants.
The master's degree thesis will be evaluated with a grade as a written examination once it has been submitted. In addition to a grade, a written comment from the censors will be given, outlining the positive and less positive aspects of the thesis.
In the case of collaborated work by a group of two or three students, all members of the group have responsibility for the thesis, and all contributors of the group will receive the same grade.
- About the course
- Campus: Tromsø |
- ECTS: 60
- Course code: LIN-3990
- Responsible unit
- Institutt for språk og kultur
- Tidligere år og semester for dette emnet