Arctic Sun Celebration 2025: Sustainability in the North

Geir Vie

All of a sudden, the Arctic Sun shines brightly all day and night. Life is revived in so many aspects. Please feel invited to learn more about sustainability in the North!

Rein på Kjøltindan


12:00-12:15 Arrival and small talk/ mingling


Pro rector for research at Uit Jan-Gunnar Winther: “Nature and Climate Crisis”


Director for COAT Rolf A. Ims: “Climate-ecological Observatory for Arctic Tundra (COAT)" 

COAT is a centre at UiT which aims to give robust documentation and predictions on climate change impacts on biodiversity, natural resources and ecosystem processes in the Norwegian terrestrial Arctic, as a basis for management interventions and adaptations.


Vera Helene Hausner presents Arctic Sustainability Lab, which is committed to tackling the interconnected crises of biodiversity loss and climate change by actively integrating ecological science, ethics, and community engagement. The research and teaching in the lab bridges the natural and social sciences through collaborative transdisciplinary approaches, with unique competence in combining ecology, spatial analyses, and big data with participatory research, knowledge co-production and citizen science. ASL also builds capacity for leading sustainability transformations across professional, business, and local communities.

13:45-14:45 Warm lunch served for all

Når: 24.04.25 kl 12.00–14.45
Hvor: Bazinga, Teorifagbygg 1, Campus Tromsø
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter
Kontakt: Mari Buck
Telefon: 77623191

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