Workshop: Data Management Plan - brand new tool launched

Are you writing a Data Management Plan (DMP) for your research project? Would you like to try the brand new DMP tool FAIR Wizard?

Join us in a short workshop on writing a DMP with the new tool FAIR Wizard. 

A data management plan (DMP) is a very useful tool in your research project; to help you organize and plan the collection, storage, analysis and archiving of your research data. A DMP is also a formal requirement from most funders and institutions. 

This spring, the DMP tool FAIR Wizard Norway will be introduced at the BOTT universities (UiB, UiO, NTNU and UiT). In this workshop you will first get a short introduction to FAIR Wizard. This is followed by the opportunity to work on your own DMP in breakout rooms for your institution. In the breakout rooms you can get advice from support staff and discuss with other participants.

Who can attend? 

The workshop is mainly targeted at researchers, PhDs, postdocs, and research support staff at the BOTT universities.

Please register by Monday February 10th.


This webinar is a collaboration between the BOTT Universities in Norway: University of Bergen, University of Oslo, Norwegian University of Science and Technology and UiT The Arctic University of Norway. 

Når: 13.02.25 kl 10.00–11.30
Hvor: Online
Sted: Digitalt
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter
Lenke: Klikk her
Kontakt: Leif Longva
Telefon: 7764 6255

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