C-LaBL Lunch seminar: Federico Gallo

The origin of bilingualism-induced cognitive reserve

Federico Gallo from C-LaBL will present findings from a study which investigated the origin of bilingualism-induced cognitive reserve in young bilingual adults. The talk will cover a paper currently submitted to Brain and Cognition, which examines the behavioral outcomes of a broader investigation also incorporating EEG data.


This study partially overlaps with his MSCA project, which will expand the current scope to include a sample spanning across the entire adult lifespan. By manipulating working memory load in an n-back task (0- to 3-back), Federico and collaborators examined how bilingual experience affects (neuro)cognitive efficiency, indexed by accuracy and reaction times, and the deployment of alternative, more automatic cognitive strategies under demanding conditions, as reflected by the speed/accuracy tradeoff. While awaiting the completion of EEG data analysis, Federico will situate these behavioral findings within a broader theoretical context, drawing on convergent evidence from his prior neuroimaging research. These earlier findings illustrate the neuroplastic adaptations associated with bilingualism that are hypothesized to underpin the behavioral patterns observed in this study.

Når: 28.11.24 kl 12.15–13.30
Hvor: SVHUM B1004
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Gjester / eksterne, Inviterte
E-post: sara.kosutar@uit.no
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