Mastering Reproducible Data Analysis: A Beginner's Workshop to using R and Quarto

Mastering Reproducible Data Analysis: A Beginner's Workshop to using R and Quarto

(Anne-Kathrin Kleine, LMU Munich)

In this beginner-friendly workshop you will learn the basics of R programming and Quarto, along with practical tips on creating reproducible data analysis scripts. You will gain knowledge and skills for organizing your code and materials to ensure reproducibility and adherence to open science principles. I will guide you through the process of creating, documenting, and sharing your data analysis scripts. To participate in the workshop, you will need a laptop with R (> 4.4.2; RStudio (> 2024.04, Chocolate Cosmos; installed.

While basic knowledge of programming in R is beneficial, it is not a prerequisite for participation.

Når: 17.03.25 kl 10.15–12.00
Hvor: SVHUM C1003
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter, Enhet
Kontakt: Christina Lentz
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