Experience the museum at night one Wednesday every month

Illustrasjons-/bannerbilde for Experience the museum at night one Wednesday every month

Enjoy an evening of culture, science, and social enrichment when the Arctic University Museum of Norway is open until 9 PM on one Wednesday every month!

The exhibitions are open, there will be different events, and the café offers tempting deals for everyone, with extra discounts for students.

Save the dates: January 22, Febuary 5, March 12, April 2, May 7 and June 11. Stay tuned to our website or Facebook page for updated information on each specific date. 

PLACE The Arctic University Museum of Norway, Lars Thøringsveg 10
ENTRANCE Adults NOK 120,- / senior citizens and students NOK 100,-
FREE ENTRANCE UiT-students, under 18 years and annual pass at the museum
Starter: 22.01.25 kl 16.30
Slutter: 11.06.25 kl 21.00
Hvor: Norges arktiske universitetsmuseum
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter, Gjester / eksterne, Inviterte, Enhet
Kontakt: Siri Asphaug Holmøy
E-post: siri.a.holmoy@uit.no
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