Career workshop for PhD candidates

Are you a PhD candidate at UiT?

You are hereby invited to join the “Career workshop”. This workshop aims at helping you think about future job opportunities and see the potential in your skills.

Where do you see yourself after your PhD?
What competences do you need to get there?
What competences do you already have?
How can you fill any skill gaps?
Develop your career plan together with us!

Date and Time: September 26, 0900-1300
Register here within September 23.

We’ll serve lunch for participants after the workshop.
Program for the day will be released soon!
Når: 26.09.24 kl 09.00–13.30
Hvor: Campus Tromsø
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter, Inviterte
Ansvarlig: Tor Håvard Solhaug

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