Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference 2025

Illustrasjons-/bannerbilde for Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference 2025
Petter Bjørklund

The Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference is the northernmost annual science conference within artificial intelligence and deep learning. The conference gathers researchers from across the globe to exchange ideas, encourage collaborations and present cutting-edge research in the cool arctic environment of Tromsø, Norway from January 7th to 9th 2025.

The Northern Lights Deep Learning (NLDL) conference returns from January 7th-9th 2025. The conference also includes the NLDL Winter School from January 6th-10th 2025.

NLDL includes a full-fledged program of recent and relevant topics within deep learning, high quality scientific contributions, and side events on diversity and industry. NLDL also hosts high profile international researchers as invited keynote speakers and around 250 researchers each year.

Industry and AI will address important subjects such as why artificial intelligence is important for industry, how AI can provide additional value to industry, the problems that AI can potentially solve and how academia and industry should collaborate on facilitating the safe and sustainable use of AI. The event will consist of four short keynotes given by experts in the field, and will end with a panel discussion. 

Diversity in AI brings together representatives from industry, public administration and research to address the disparities in AI today (related to gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, nationality and much more), and discuss initiatives to ensure inclusivity and diversity in AI and in general for the future.

The NLDL Winter School is a five-day course consisting of various tutorials by experts in the AI field. UiT The Arctic University of Norway awards 5 ECTS for the Winter School for students who register formally for the course at UiT before the November 1st (for credits, there is a limit of 40 students). To obtain credits, participants will be required to present an ongoing research project (poster presentation) as part of the winter school and complete a home exam afterward.


The NLDL program can be viewed here.

Starter: 07.01.25 kl 00.00
Slutter: 09.01.25 kl 23.59
Hvor: UiT, Campus Breivika
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Gjester / eksterne
Kontakt: Petter Bjørklund
Telefon: 90218792
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