Chewing on Sustainability

Knut Troim

Welcome to the open lunch seminars organized by The Arctic Sustainability Lab!

Topic for discussion:

Exploration vs Exploitation of Natural Resources

What is the relationship between exploration and exploitation of natural resources?

Exploration can lead to exploitation and an interest in exploitation often funds exploration, so what role can and should scientific research play in navigating the boundary ?

About the seminars: Informal facilitated conversations over lunch with people from across campus that care about sustainability :)

Mingling/networking: 12-12.15


Open to everyone!

Når: 20.03.24 kl 12.00–13.00
Hvor: Árdna – the Sami cultural house of UiT
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter, Gjester / eksterne, Inviterte
Kontakt: Zina Kebir
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