Nikoline Lander Rasmussen

Rasmussen disputerer for ph.d.-graden i helsevitenskap og vil offentlig forsvare avhandlingen:  

“All roads lead to the lysosome: exploring the degradation of TNIP1 by selective autophagy”.


Avhandlingen er tilgjengelig her!
The doctoral thesis.

Prøveforelesning avholdes kl. 0915
over oppgitt emne: "Conjugation of ATG8 to single membranes – CASM”. 

Prøveforelseningen strømmes her! 
The trail lecture will be streamed here!

Disputasen starter kl. 1115,
og strømmes her!
The defense will be streamed here!

Auditoriene er åpent for publikum, men både prøveforelesning og disputas vil bli strømmet. Opptak av disputasen vil være tilgjengelig i et døgn.
The auditorium is open to the public. The trial lecture and defense will still be streamed (see links above). Recordings will be available for 24 hours.

Populærvitenskapelig sammendrag av avhandlingen:
Just like our societies depend on waste management to maintain a healthy living environment, the cells that make up our organs and tissues need to handle waste and unwanted material. A way to remove components inside cells is through a process called autophagy. But how does the cell recognize what to remove by autophagy, when, and how?
Compromised autophagy is Alinked to several diseases, so understanding these processes can help us find ways to manage and treat such diseases.
In this thesis we explore the different ways autophagy can select and remove material to maintain a healthy cell. Specifically, we show that autophagy helps protect against virus infection by allowing the full mounting of the cell’s defenses. We also explore what happens when different players in the waste handling line are put out of play, and how the cell can still maintain autophagy regardless. Knowing the details of how these processes work, can help us develop treatments that target autophagy in the future.


Professor Terje Johansen, Institutt for medisinsk biologi, UiT Norges arktiske universitet.

Professor Trond Lamark, Institutt for medisinsk biologi, UiT Norges arktiske universitet.
Førsteamanuensis Hallvard L. Olsvik, Institutt for medisinsk biologi, UiT Norges arktiske universitet. 

Professor Bjørn Stork, Institute of Molecular Medicine I, University Hospital Düsseldorf, Heinrich Heine Universität – 1. opponent.
Førsteamanuensis Helene Knævelsrud, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Department of Molecular Medicine, Division of Biochemistry, University of Oslo – 2. opponent.
Førsteamanuensis Maria Perander, Institutt for medisinsk biologi, UiT Norges arktiske universitet – leder av komité.

Disputasleder: Instituttleder Eva Sjøttem, Institutt for medisinsk biologi, UiT Norges arktiske universitet

Når: 21.04.23 kl 11.15–16.00
Hvor: Auditorium Cortex
Sted: Digitalt, Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter, Gjester / eksterne, Inviterte, Enhet
Kontakt: Guro Pedersen
Telefon: 77646405
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