Call for contributions: Express your Peace - Competition

Illustrasjons-/bannerbilde for Call for contributions: Express your Peace - Competition

As challenges unfold around the world, many of them require our attention, focus, and utmost strength to overcome. We believe in your ability to act and raise awareness of urgent issues.
As the Center for Peace Studies (CPS) celebrates its 20th anniversary, the student-driven Re:Peace magazine invites participants with diverse voices and perspectives on global challenges to participate in this competition and celebrate this milestone together. This competition is open to all, with prizes to be won, and the opportunity to express your peace to a remarkable audience.

Your submissions must be consistent with our thematic question which is “What does peace mean to you? Represent your answer in your submission.”

Deadline for submission is the 27th of January 2023.
We look forward to presenting the winner at our Express Your Peace Night at DRIV on February 1st. 

We are accepting four major formats of submission for this competition:

  1. VIDEO CATEGORY: We accept short films or free-form videos with a maximum of 5 minutes. Entries may be submitted in English or any other language, but subtitles for other languages must be provided.
  2. WRITTEN CATEGORY: Original poems (no more than 500 words) and articles highlighting the subject matter (no more than 1500 words) will be accepted.
  3. VISUAL CATEGORY: Original photos (1 submission per entrant) with commentary of no more than 100 words will be accepted for submission.
  4. AUDIO CATEGORY: We accept voice recordings and original compositions (maximum of 3 minutes).

For more information on the competition scan the QR code here: (7) rePEACE | Tromsø | Facebook – or go straight to the registration page:  Link to registration page

You can also follow our social media pages for more information:

FACEBOOK-  Re:Peace magazine
INSTAGRAM- Re:Peace magazine
TWITTER- Re:Peace magazine
ISSUU: Re:peace magazine

If you have any questions or inquiries, you can also reach us at 


Starter: 13.01.23 kl 00.00
Slutter: 27.01.23 kl 23.59
Hvor: UiT/everywhere
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Studenter
Lenke: Klikk her
Kontakt: Shukurah Laval
Telefon: 77644744
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