How to search and cite research data

Management of research data and their availability has received much focus in recent years, and it gradually becomes more and more common (and expected) that data are made openly available. This results in new possibilities to build upon existing research, but there may also be a challenge if you do not know how to search for data, or how to cite them properly.

Like performing a thorough literature search at different stages of a research project, you should also get familiar with already existing, relevant data. This way, you avoid collecting and processing similar data over again. At the same time, you may evaluate the potential need for new data, and whether there are norms and standards when it comes to structuring, labelling, documenting (metadata), and citing.

In this webinar, you learn how to search in different data repositories and search engines. You also learn how to cite data (your own and others’) when you use them in publications.

You may send in questions in advance (through a Padlet) that you want to discuss during the webinar. More information about this will be given well in advance.

The webinar is hosted by Helene N. Andreassen and Andreas Klein.


For more information about research data management at UiT, see the UiT Research Data Portal.

Illustration: Evita Lill Bergstad

Når: 19.04.23 kl 10.15–11.00
Hvor: Zoom
Sted: Digitalt, Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter
Kontakt: Helene N. Andreassen
Telefon: 77 64 57 35
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