Disputas - Hao Chen
Master of science Hao Chen will on October 14th at 12.15 publically defend his PhD degree in science.
Title of the PhD thesis:
“Data-driven Arctic wind energy analysis by statistical and machine learning approaches”
Norway's Arctic region is rich in wind resources and developing wind energy in the region can promote a green transition and economic development. However, the region's unique topography with fjords and mountains and cold climate conditions makes wind resource assessment, generation analysis, and power forecasting particularly challenging.
The Ph.D. thesis is motivated by the challenges “Whether the accurate and efficient analysis of wind energy in the Arctic, with dramatically fluctuating wind, can be achieved by developing models based on data-driven advanced statistical and machine learning methods?” and guided by IEA TCP and a proposed wind energy theoretical equation from data science to answer three research questions of prior to, at present, and in future wind power generation (wind resource assessment, generation analysis, and power forecasting) with a series of published and finished papers for wind parks in northern Norway.
The thesis is published and available in Munin
• Professor Yngve Birkelund, IFT, UiT (main supervisor)
• Førsteamanuensis Reidar Staupe-Delgado, ITS, UiT (co-supervisor)
• Førsteamanuensis Stian Normann Anfinsen, IFT, UiT (co-supervisor)
• Førsteamanuensis Faqing Yuan, ITS, UiT (co-supervisor)
Evaluation committee
• Researcher Tuhfe Göçmen, DTU Wind and Energy Systems, DTU Technical University of Denmark, Risø Campus, Denmark (1. Opponent)
• Prof. Mohan Lal Kolhe, Smart Grid & Renewable Energy, Institutt for ingeniørvitenskap, Universitetet i Agder, Norge (2. Opponent)
• Associate Professor Masoud Naseri, Institutt for teknologi og sikkerhet, UiT (intern member and leader of the commitee)
Links to the trial lecture and defense will be possible to open when the live stream begins. If you haven`t clicked the link to the folder before it begins, refresh the web browser for them to become visible. If you have clicked the link to the trial lecture or defense before it has started, it will open automatically when the stream begins.
Link to folder which contains trial lecture and defense
The trial lecture starts at 10.15 October 14th
The defense starts at 12.15 October 14th