Elliot Sivel

MSc in Systematics, Evolution and Paleontology, and MSc in Ecological Modelling Elliot Sivel (AMB) will Friday 22 April 2022 at 12:15 defend his thesis for the PhD degree in Natural Science:

"Investigating the drivers of the Nordic Seas food-web dynamics using Chance and Necessity modelling"


Evaluation Committee

  • Dr Morgane Travers-Trolet, Ifremer, France (1 opponent)
  • Dr Saskia Otto, Univ. i Hamburg, Germany, (2 opponent)
  • Professor Markus Molis, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology (internal member and leader of the committee)


  • Professor Nigel Yoccoz, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology
  • Researcher Dr Benjamin Planque, Institute of Marine Research
  • Researcher Dr Ulf Lindstrøm, Institute of Marine Research

Streaming site

Both the defense and the trial lecture will be streamed and recorded from panopto: 


The thesis is available through Munin: Investigating the drivers of the Nordic Seas food-web dynamics using Chance and Necessity modelling (uit.no)


The disputation will be led by head of department Elina Halttunen.

Når: 22.04.22 kl 12.15–15.00
Hvor: Strømmes fra Store Auditorium (E-101), NFH-bygget
Sted: Digitalt, Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter, Gjester / eksterne, Inviterte
Kontakt: Ingjerd Gauslaa Nilsen
E-post: ingjerd.nilsen@uit.no
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