Master of Science Sindre M. Fritzner will Friday May 15 at 12.15 publically defend his thesis for the PhD degree in Science.
Title of the thesis:
«On sea-ice forecasting»
Popular scientific abstract:
Recent global climate change has led to an increased focus on Arctic sea ice. For the prediction of future climate scenarios, accurate prediction models are important. In addition, accurate sea-ice predictions are important for safe operations in the Arctic and potentially also for weather forecast at high latitudes. In this thesis, we aim to improve numerical sea-ice predictions by utilising satellite observations. With satellites, a vast number of Arctic sea-ice observations are produced every day, and these observations can be combined with numerical models for improved prediction. By utilising observations of sea-ice extent, sea-ice thickness and snow thickness, we improve the sea-ice prediction accuracy. In addition, as an alternative to traditional physical-based prediction models, we investigate the use of statistical prediction models based on machine learning. With these models, a similar prediction accuracy as the dynamical model is found, proving that this can potentially be a simple prediction alternative.
Evaluation Committee:
Opposition ex auditorio:
If you have any questions for the candidate during the public defence, please send an e-mail to: He will announce them to the candidate.
Leader of the public defence:
Vice Dean of Innovation Professor Alfred Hanssen, Faculty of Science and Technology, UiT.
Trial lecture:
The trial lecture is held Friday May 15 at 10.15 and will be streamed. The title of the trial lecture:
«Observing sea ice from space: Signal versus Noise»